• 裁判员哨声响起,整场比赛结束了

    The whole game ended when the referee blew his whistle.


  • 比赛结束祝贺西班牙

    The competition has ended, congratulates Spain!


  • 大叫着,手头上挥舞比赛结束了,人们仍然迷惑不解

    "He shouted, waving it above his head, and the game ended in complete confusion."


  • 如果我们身上发生了这样的事情,半场比赛结束

    If that had happened to us I would have thought the game was over at half time.


  • 赛季第三周六午餐时间比赛结束曼联的对手是利物浦

    Manchester United participated in only their third Saturday lunchtime kick-off of the season against Liverpool at Old Trafford.


  • 一局比赛结束了。目前为止还不错第二更困难一些

    The 1st round game came to an end. So far so good. The 2nd round will be tougher.


  • 比赛结束老师公布获奖同学个个都获奖的同学祝贺,获奖的同学高兴啦!

    End of the game, and the teacher announced the award-winning students, all of them have to congratulate the students for the award, the award-winning students may be pleased !


  • 比赛结束了胜利的四三班在高声欢呼,而我们班的队员们一个个垂头丧气、闷闷不乐地走教室

    The competition was over. Class 43 enjoyed the victory and our players all walked back to the classroom with unhappy faces.


  • 也是如此文件必须之前进行的72小时一定时间如果错过了一个比赛结束了你的技能能力开始

    Also the case files must be done before a certain time in the 72 hour period your there, if you miss one it's game over, but you start with all you skills and abilities.


  • 比赛结束校领导宣布比赛结果我们取得了第三名的好成绩队员经过奋力拼搏得来的,我们应该感谢他们。 。

    Thee end of the game, school leaders announced the result of the game, our class made the third good grades, it is the players after a struggle, and we should thank them.


  • 比赛结束了他们每个男孩地毯起来溃败的失意中昂首阔步装出副获胜的样子,流露街头地痞一样的骄横蛮不讲理

    And as each of their boys got up from the mat, he swaggered around in his 11 tatters with false 12 bravado, a kind of street pride that couldn't acknowledge defeat.


  • 比赛虽然还有分钟实际上等于已经结束了

    There's still another ten minutes of the game to go, but for practical purposes it's already over.


  • 比赛结束了小时球员观众都感到意犹未尽

    The game ended a few hours too early, leaving players and spectators unsatisfied.


  • 欧文惊人之举结束了这个赛季比赛最后一分钟了球。

    The season ended with a flourish for Owen, when he scored in the final minute of the match.


  • 莱诺克斯·刘易斯第8回合击倒对方,结束预定12回合比赛

    Lennox Lewis ended the scheduled 12-round fight with a knockout in the eighth round.


  • 赛手们慢跑进入比赛场地结束闭幕式

    The competitors cantered into the arena to conclude the closing ceremony.


  • 体育馆第一比赛结束时候清场了

    The stadium emptied at the end of the first day of games.


  • 比赛结束还有1.2的时候,切夫朗·特曼制造了一个·戈登的争机会。

    Chevon Troutman forces a jump ball with Ben Gordon with 1.2 seconds left.


  • 比赛结束,萨拉亚训斥了布里塔尼。

    Saraya then scolded Britani after the match.


  • 重要的是现在这件事情已经结束了我们把注意力集中到下场比赛上。

    It is important that this matter is finished now as we need to focus on our next game.


  • 比赛结束球迷们陆续离开球场回家了。

    The fans began trickling home before the game ended.


  • 一切等待终于结束我们盼望已的这场关键性比赛终于要开始了。球员们已上场,裁判正要抛起准备开场。

    All the waiting is over--it's zero hour for the game we're all waiting for, the players are out on the court and the referee is ready to throw the ball up and start the game.


  • 自行车就要结束了,于是这位53岁的计算机程序员试着通过其他频道比赛

    The bicycle race was almost over, and the 53-year-old computer programmer clicked through other channels in an attempt to keep watching the race.


  • 中间排名结束比赛——189位选手中排名第89位——让我感到惊喜

    I finished the race in the middle of the packnumber 93 out of 189—and it felt amazing.


  • 事实上,直到2001年墨西哥结束他们这个球场世界杯比赛不败神话,他们1 - 2输给哥斯达黎加

    In fact, Mexico only saw their FIFA World Cup TM qualifying unbeaten streak in the stadium end in 2001 when they lost 2-1 to Costa Rica.


  • 受伤之前“治疗室生涯”看上去就要结束。在对阵阿森纳的比赛结束之后,他的表现也得到了英格兰国家队主帅卡佩罗的称赞。

    It looked as though his time in the treatment room was over until this latest set-back, which followed praise from England boss Fabio Capello for his performance against Arsenal.


  • 5 - 1的领先优势进入自己发球成功保发,只用小时一点就结束比赛

    He took a 5-1 lead on his next service game and closed the match in just over three hours.


  • 5 - 1的领先优势进入自己发球成功保发,只用小时一点就结束比赛

    He took a 5-1 lead on his next service game and closed the match in just over three hours.


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