• 去年谢尔维尔城市服务中心收集所有垃圾都焚化了

    Last year all refuse collected by Shelbyville city services was incinerated.


  • 为了将谢尔比维尔今年产生灰渣数量减少去年总量的一半该市已经修改了收集计划

    In order to reduce the amount of residue ash Shelbyville generates this year to half of last year's total, the city has revamped its collection program.


  • 法纳尔大厅山再哈佛大学从保罗·里维尔故居波士顿大屠杀的发生地,游客们可以下午的时间里找到大块国家遗产

    From Faneuil Hall to Beacon Hill to Harvard, Paul Revere's house or the site of the Boston Massacre, visitors can find a huge chunk of the nation's heritage in one afternoon.


  • 库纳霍洛维报告说那些使用免提电话之类他们平均反应时间使用免提电话的人212毫秒

    As Kunar and Horowitz report, those who were making the equivalent of a hands-free call had an average reaction time 212 milliseconds slower than those who were not.


  • 西尔维娅保罗·卡斯特森一对来自英国剑桥退休夫妇,最近纳米度假了16天,在那里进行了观之旅。

    Sylvia and Paul Custerson, a retired couple from Cambridge, England, recently took a 16-day vacation to Namibia, where they went on bird-watching excursions.


  • 埃尔维斯·亚伦·普雷斯利于1935年1月8日出密西南部图佩洛

    Elvis Aaron Presley was born in the southern town of Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8th, 1935.


  • 达维格农认为尔德堡曾经助欧元诞生一臂之力,也记得德尔堡在伊拉克问题上严重分歧一些与会者赞成2003年的入侵,一些人表示反对还有一些人则希望用另一种形式实现

    He recalls strong disagreement over Iraq: some participants favoured the invasion in 2003, some opposed it and some wanted it done differently.


  • 克尼维尔出生于美国大纳州特,生来就具有英雄的气概美国人特有的坚毅,在他出生地方男人生来就是勇士

    Heroism and American grit, born out of Butte, Montana, where men were men.


  • 然后电影导演(布努埃尔泽弗瑞里)和演员(劳伦斯·奥利维尔、梅尔·奥勃朗拉尔夫·费因斯、苏珊娜·约克、朱利叶·诺什)。

    Then there are the film directors (Buñuel and Zeffirelli) and the actors (Laurence Olivier, Merle Oberon, Raph Fiennes, Susannah York, Juliette Binoche).


  • 达维登科有伤在身所以希望古尔·第二淘汰掉。

    Davydenko's been injured so I actually like Gulbis to upset him in the second round.


  • 目前已经建造13个住宅德克萨斯州维尔住宅区适合用作艺术馆

    The 13 homes he has built so far would fit better in an art museum than the residential streets of Huntsville, Texas.


  • 房子庭院差别起来,这个德贝维尔化身同沿用德贝维尔名字的人苔丝所期望的相差更远了。

    This embodiment of a d'Urberville and a namesake differed even more from what Tess had expected than the house and grounds had differed.


  • 西尔维,马修弟弟

    And Sylvie, this is Matthew's brother, Toby.


  • 认为埃什维尔在竞争高度激烈的纽约艺术容易展示自己的才能。

    And she thinks it will be easier getting showings in Asheville than in the hypercompetitive New York art scene.


  • 世行正在进行的工作包括埃塞俄灌溉水务管理马拉维化肥使用塞内加尔小农户市场利用以及马里乌干达农作物多元化

    The Bank is working on irrigation and water management in Ethiopia, fertilizer use in Malawi, market access for smallholders in Senegal, and crop diversification in Mali and Uganda.


  • 罗里达的卡纳维尔纬度拜科努尔,只有28.8因此美国俄国想要发射到国际空间站是很容易的。

    Because Cape Canaveral is at a lower latitude than Baikonur at 28.8 degrees, it is possible for both the Americans and Russians to easily reach the ISS.


  • 驱车海滩碰到鲨鱼危险了。” 加尔维斯德克萨斯A&M大学海洋专家安德烈兰德里说到。

    The drive to the beach is far more dangerous than any shark encounter, says Texas A&M University at Galveston marine expert Andre Landry.


  • 夏安•维斯·谢尔(上图),欧洲当代艺术主管:“达米安拍卖成为全部作品一部分。”

    Cheyenne Westphal (pictured above, right), European chairman of Sotheby's contemporary art, says: "Damien's auctions will become part of his oeuvre."


  • 霍顿·考尔菲德特拉维斯·考可算得上是20世纪美国文化值得纪念反英雄人物。

    Holden Caulfield and Travis Bickle rank as two of the most memorable antiheroes of 20th century American culture.


  • 例如虽然英镑疲弱,但葡萄牙阿尔加维的度假价格骤降目前年前了3.5%。

    For example, prices have plummeted in Portugal's Algarve and are now 3.5 per cent less than a year ago, despite the weaker pound.


  • 过去几个月中,彼得•k、特拉维斯·艾尔以及布莱特•b等人亦步其后尘。

    Similar stories over the past few months for Peter K, Travis Irby, and Brett b.


  • 阿富汗中通卡尔扎伊沙特国王阿卜杜拉或许安吉拉·默克尔或西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼严肃地看待这次事件

    Afghanistan's President Karzai or King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia may take the issue much more seriously than Angela Merkel or Silvio Berlusconi.


  • 希拉里·克林顿肯塔基州路易斯维尔宣布这个的初选当中以二一的战胜巴拉克·奥巴马

    Hillary Clinton, speaking in Louisville, Kentucky, celebrated her two-to-one victory over Barack Obama in the state.


  • 萨默维尔博士:“婴儿认为食物应被公平分配,因此当他们看到其中个人一个得到更多饼干牛奶时,感到很惊讶。”

    Dr Sommerville said: 'The infants expected an equal and fair distribution of food and they were surprised to see one person given more crackers or milk than the other.'


  • 西装是几年伦敦维尔的,当时大约1200美元,套西装的价格可以这贵得

    When I last bought a suit on Savile Row in London some years back, it cost me about $1,200, but one could have spent a lot more.


  • 博茨瓦纳埃塞俄加纳几内亚肯尼亚马拉维莫桑纳米尼日利亚塞内加尔坦桑尼亚乌干达津巴布韦

    Participating countries included Botswana, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.


  • 托克维尔充满乐观句子写道,“美国伟大之处在于其他国家高明在于美国有纠错的能力”。

    De Tocqueville, in his optimistic phase, said that “the greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.”


  • 之后参与了攻打密西西维克斯堡的重大战役,他也加入了东部最后一役,攻占北卡罗莱纳州本顿维尔市。

    Later, he led a corps in one of its climactic campaigns, against Vicksburg, Mississippi, and he commanded a federal army in the last battle of the war in the East, at Bentonville, North Carolina.


  • 之后参与了攻打密西西维克斯堡的重大战役,他也加入了东部最后一役,攻占北卡罗莱纳州本顿维尔市。

    Later, he led a corps in one of its climactic campaigns, against Vicksburg, Mississippi, and he commanded a federal army in the last battle of the war in the East, at Bentonville, North Carolina.


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