• 知道这话听着坏不坏但是为啥亚洲演员穿礼服总是模特好看

    I dont know if this sounds bad but why do Asian actresses always look better in the dress than the models?


  • 研究显示青少年女生朋友同伴他们关于自己身体满意度的影响时尚模特的大,大多数被采访女孩对自己的身体还是满意的。

    Studies show that teen girls' friends and peers have much more influence over how they feel about their bodies than do fashion models, and the majority of girls report being happy with their bodies.


  • 拉夫·劳伦”的时装模特“菲利芭·哈密尔顿”确实迷人不过最近的一个广告里,头部还小在生理学上可能吗?

    Ralph Lauren model Filippa Hamilton is glamorous, but is it physiologically possible for her hips to be smaller than her head, as a recent AD showed?


  • 背景应该光强1如果当背后光强于主光是,应当让模特远离背景。

    The light at the background should be 1 stop brighter than the main, but the background light should drop off by a stop when it hits the models back.


  • 还有自然姿势僵硬要好不少,所以尽量模特感到自在

    Also, a natural pose is better than a stiff one so try to make your model feel comfortable and not nervous. Let them sit on a chair instead of just standing up in the studio.


  • 入党六十经历的清洗频率超级模特消化道甚,然而努力爬领导层

    He had been a party member for nearly 60 years, and had been purged more often than a top model's digestive tract, only to claw his way back to the leadership.


  • 世界卫生组织总干事李钟郁博士今天任命埃塞俄时装模特liyaKebede世卫组织孕产妇新生儿儿童健康亲善大使

    World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Dr LEE Jong-wook today appointed Ethiopian fashion model Liya Kebede as WHO's Goodwill Ambassador for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.


  • 回到20世纪80年代当时的超模现在顶级模特尺寸大几号,衣服大一点的身材设计的。

    Back in the 1980s, when supermodels were several sizes larger than top models today, the clothes worked on bigger bodies.


  • 意大利拉——11模特赤脚一个巨大蜘蛛舞台上的时候(这个蜘蛛舞台有意大利享誉盛名的艺术家MichelangeloPistoletto设计而成),就是每年一度的非同寻常的时尚时刻的到来。

    BIELLA, ITALYWhen 11 barefoot models began a slow dance under a giant spider installationcreated by the famed Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, it was an unusualfashion moment.


  • 多亏旅行约会这种方式,这名模特今年已经独自去过沙岛、伦敦坎昆纽约洛杉矶拉斯维加斯迪拜佛罗里达等地。

    The model has travelled to Ibiza, London, Cancun, New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Dubai and Florida this year alone - all thanks to her travel dates.


  • 之后时装模特变得越来越,她们体重普通美国女子平均的140了将近25%。

    Since then, fashion models have become increasingly thinner with body weights nearly 25% less than the average American woman who weighs 140 pounds.


  • 交情上,我会随时照顾,只要你认为那个自行车模特帅。

    But for the sake of old friendship, I will always here for you on the condition that you think I am hotter than a cyclist model.


  • 交情上,我会随时照顾,只要你认为那个自行车模特帅。

    But for the sake of old friendship, I will always here for you on the condition that you think I am hotter than a cyclist model.


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