• 一些事情反正要做比如吃饭,不如在吃饭完成社交活动。

    Just do it while you're doing something else you need to do anyway, like eating.


  • 参加旅行团意味着不用担心许多比如吃饭住宿还有地方

    To take a tour means you don't have to worry about a lot of things, for example eating, living and where to go.


  • 宝宝手语时间第1集让宝宝日常生活学习手语歌曲比如吃饭时,在家里时,宠物等等。

    Baby Signing Time Volume 1 sets your baby's day to music as you learn signs and songs for everyday events in baby's life-eating, family, pets and more.


  • 人体生物钟是由光线来调节的,它负责安排管理每个人新陈代谢比如吃饭睡觉这种人们可感知的事情

    Light regulates the body's biological clock-priming an individual's metabolism for predictable events such as meals and slumber.


  • 研究人员认为,导致肥胖主要原因是大量廉价食品的流行不良的进食习惯比如吃饭电视

    They cited as causes both the availability of cheap food in big portions and habits like watching television while eating.


  • 感到温暖那些小事,比如把手伸进碗里,让我杯子里咖啡或者我在吃饭坐在桌子

    It was the little things she gave me that let me feel warm, like letting me dip my fingers in the sugar bowl, letting me sip the coffee from her cup or allowing me to sit on the table as I had meals.


  • 我们知道经常快餐店比如麦当劳吃饭健康的。

    We all know that it's not healthy to have meals in fast-food restaurant like McDonald's frequently.


  • 比如睡觉吃饭必要的电视不必要的

    For example: sleeping and eating are necessary but watching TV is unnecessary.


  • 第一个试验中,研究人员要求一半受试者回忆曾让自己感觉受到支持照顾的场景;另一半想着一次有趣经历比如高档餐厅吃饭

    First, they asked half the group to recall a time when they felt supported and cared for; the other half were asked to think about a fun experience, such as eating at a really great restaurant.


  • 比如我们不再普通餐馆里花钱吃饭,而是坚持基本必需品。

    We stopped spending money on meals at mediocre restaurants, for example, and kept to the bare essentials.


  • 为了理解这些技巧威力只需注意一下某些顺应客户吃饭,注意他们精心制作的语言行动比如汽车销售员

    To understand the power of these techniques, just watch for them in the carefully choreographed words and movements of someone whose living depends on consumer compliance, like a car salesperson.


  • 承认尽管在家健康的,可一到聚餐的时候就不行了,比如家庭派对婚礼朋友聚会,烧烤,或者餐馆里吃饭等等。

    I have to admit that while I eat pretty healthy at home, my weakness is at social gatherings: family parties, weddings, gatherings with friends, barbecues, eating out at restaurants.


  • 这些原理可以应用其他活动中比如开车吃饭

    These principles can then be applied to everyday activities, such as driving your car, washing dishes, and eating.


  • 比如了一件事情我会请你吃饭以便表达你的谢意这当然是我付账

    For example you help me to do a thing, I will invite you to dinner in order to express thankfulness to you, certainly, I will pay the bill.


  • 瀚峰后悔没有借口比如到别地方朋友吃饭啦,看电影展览啦等等,但再改口已经太晚了。

    Hanfeng wished that he had made up an excuse-a lunch with a friend in another district; an exhibition or a film to see-but it was too late to correct himself now.


  • 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(Universityof North Carolina at Chapel Hill)的研究人员,两个人生活在一起就会一同行动,比如一块儿吃饭电视

    The researchers, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, say when people are living together they share behaviors, such as eating meals together and watching TV.


  • 有些地方比如北美吃饭建立关系庆祝合作手段

    In places such as North America, eating meals is a way of building a relationship or celebrating a partnership.


  • 因此,我总会选择比如,我会拿出两套衣服或两双鞋她二选吃饭也会这样。

    So start laying out two outfits and letting her choose one, give her two choices for breakfast, lunch, shoes, etc.


  • 比如一般都以为吃饭容易发胖西瓜不会,事实上结果刚好相反

    For example the average people thought eat and eat watermelon, fattening, in fact the results wouldn't be just the opposite.


  • 指出:“比如全世界的每天中午吃饭都有午餐话题不是热门话题。”

    "For example, the topic #lunch is talked about during lunchtime every day around the world, but will not be a trending topic, " it said.


  • 比如不能小摊东西、不能在没有卫生许可证餐厅吃饭不能过期变质三无食品、不能吃未熟的东西等等

    For example can't buy things from a market stall, in the absence of hygiene license at a restaurant, can not eat expired, metamorphism, 3 without food, not eating undercooked, and so on.


  • 比如不能小摊东西、不能在没有卫生许可证餐厅吃饭不能过期变质三无食品、不能吃未熟的东西等等

    For example can't buy things from a market stall, in the absence of hygiene license at a restaurant, can not eat expired, metamorphism, 3 without food, not eating undercooked, and so on.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定