• 婴儿死亡率社会经济状况可靠指标

    Infant mortality is a reliable barometer of socio-economic conditions.


  • 到了世纪交替时,匹兹堡死亡率居全美之首

    By the turn of the century, Pittsburgh had the highest death rate in the United States.


  • 这种即将到来救助不会恐怖死亡率造成立杆见影的强烈影响。

    The type of aid coming in makes no immediate impression on the horrific death rates.


  • 期间全球麻疹死亡率下降了78%。

    Global measles deaths decreased by 78% during this period.


  • 巴勒斯坦难民婴儿死亡率近东地区最低

    Infant mortality in Palestine refugees is among the lowest in the Near East.


  • 婴儿产妇死亡率分别下降132%和147%。

    Infant and maternal mortality rates went down 132 percent and 147 percent respectively.


  • 所有寻找造成儿童死亡率突然降低努力一无所获

    Efforts to explain this sudden reduction in child deaths appeared to draw a blank.


  • 由于穷人喝水杜松子酒1720年代死亡率再次上升

    The poor turned to water and gin and in the 1720s the mortality rate began to rise again.


  • 所有年龄层中,地中海各种原因尤其是心脏病导致的死亡率更低

    The Mediterranean groups had lower mortality rates in all age brackets and from all causes, particularly from heart disease.


  • 18世纪40年代大约婴儿死亡率下降时候这种饮料已经常见了。

    By the 1740s, about the time that infant mortality was dipping, the drink was common.


  • 一方面,流感死亡率2000年的7.4%下降2014年的4.1%。

    On the other hand, the death rate from flu dropped from 7.4 percent in 2000 to 4.1 percent in 2014.


  • 在20世纪90年代早期我们从未想到人口增长因为艾滋病死亡率而变为负增长

    Back in the early 1990s, we never would have suspected that population growth would have turned negative because of AIDS mortality.


  • 仔细研究穷人生育行为很重要因为有大量关于婴儿死亡率的“替代效应文献

    A closer look at the fertility behavior of the poor is important because of the extensive literature on the "replacement effect" of high infant mortality.


  • 还有认为捕捞棘冠海星脊椎动物无脊椎动物捕食者可以降低死亡率增加成年个体的数量。

    Others have suggested that the harvesting of vertebrate and invertebrate predators of Acanthaster could have reduced mortality and caused increased abundance of adults.


  • 文件结论是婴儿儿童产妇死亡率风险母亲年龄太小已经几个孩子怀孕有关

    The document concludes that the high risk of infant, child, and maternal mortality is associated with pregnancies where mothers are too young, too old, or have already had several children.


  • 要想长得高大一棵树需要具备三个条件合适育苗地点良好生长条件大量成虫死亡率时间

    To achieve giant stature, a tree needs three things: the right place to establish its seedling, good growing conditions and lots of time with low adult mortality.


  • 亚马逊河流域,同事们发现,在被牧场包围一小雨林最大树木死亡率增加两倍。

    In the Amazon, my colleagues and I found the mortality rate for the biggest trees had tripled in small patches of rainforest surrounded by pasture land.


  • 佛罗里达海湾沿岸工业污染水域海豚幼崽异常死亡率可能它们母亲乳汁毒害结果

    The unusually high mortality rate among dolphin calves in the industrially contaminated waters along Florida's Gulf Coast is probably the result of their being poisoned by their mother's milk.


  • 1970年代后期,在文盲母亲所孩子婴儿死亡率1000名胎婴儿中有110个夭折。

    In the late 1970s, the infant mortality rate for the children of illiterate mothers was around 110 deaths per thousand live births.


  • 由于海豚一旦停止接触它们迅速地将身体里化合物清除,所以如果禁止使用这种船用油漆,它们的死亡率就会迅速下降。

    Since dolphins rid their bodies of the compounds rapidly once exposure ceases, their mortality rate should decline rapidly if such boat paints are banned.


  • 1985年,全国扫盲运动结束后那些处于文盲状态的妇女接受过小学教育的妇女生出来的的婴儿死亡率基本没有变化

    In 1985, after the National Literacy Crusade had ended, the infant mortality figures for those who remained illiterate and for those educated in primary school remained more or less unchanged.


  • 不同类型癌症死亡率不同。

    Different forms of cancer have different fatality rates.


  • 近年心脏病死亡率大大上升

    Death rates from heart disease have risen considerably in recent years.


  • 过与那些不经常购物的人进行比较,他们发现,经常逛商店的老年男性拥有最好的生活记录,他们的死亡率降低了28%,而老年女性的优势则稍小,死亡率降低了23%。

    By comparing with those who didn't shop regularly, they found that older men who often went out to the shop had the best life record, with 28% down in their chances of dying, while older women saw a bit fewer advantages with 23% down in dying.


  • 然而储存损失死亡率较高特别是死亡率农村森林的要高出一倍以上

    However, loss of carbon storage and death rates are also higher, especially death rates are more than double higher than those in countryside forests.


  • 弥散性圆线虫病的死亡率为90%。

    Disseminated strongyloidiasis has a 90% mortality.


  • 蛋白质太少导致夜盲症,滤泡性角化过度,干眼症幼儿发病率死亡率增加

    Too few proteins lead to night blindness, perifollicular hyperkeratosis, xerophthalmia, increased morbidity and mortality in young children.


  • 良好死亡率数据很多用途

    Good mortality statistics have all sorts of clever USES.


  • 孕产妇婴儿死亡率正在急剧上升。

    Rates of maternal and infant mortality are rising sharply.


  • 十分乐观死亡率明显较低

    Highy optimistic people have significantly lower death rates.


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