• 研究非致命武器战争方面的专家隆·马德·里德指出阿富汗伊拉克检查站所启用的一种新型激光警告系统证明其减少人员伤亡方面作用尤其明显

    Ron Madrid, an expert on non-lethal warfare, says that a new laser-warning system has proved particularly effective in reducing casualties at checkpoints in Afghanistan and Iraq.


  • 我们必须通过控制武器化学武器常规武器降低战争危险

    We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical, and conventional arms.


  • 轰炸一种不可预测武器最大的危险可能引导简化冲突的时候,我们拖入本可以避免战争中去。

    Bombing is an unpredictable weapon, and perhaps its greatest danger is that, in suggesting an easy conflict, it draws us into wars we might otherwise have avoided.


  • 火箭变得更大更有破坏性。重要的是,更高的可控性使之成为了战争有效的武器而且,这也是探索外太空基石

    Most importantly, they became controllable, which suddenly made them useful both as weapons of war and, even more vitally, as our means of accessing outer space.


  • 伊拉克费卢杰医疗人员称,费卢杰婴儿畸形欧洲高出13。伊拉克战争美军地区使用非常规武器可能是致畸原因。

    Doctors in the Iraqi city of Fallujah are blaming a high birth defect rate, 13 times higher than that in Europe, on the non-conventional weapons us troops have used in the city during the war.


  • 战争一旦爆发,以色列可以呼吸自如;如果伊拉克使用生化武器这个犹太国家发动攻击,宠物们可以上专为它们制作防毒面具而受到保护

    JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's cats and dogs can breathe easy; in the event of an Iraqi biological or chemical weapons attack on the Jewish state they will be protected by pet-friendly gas masks.


  • 美军的注意力将不是适用于常规战争武器,而是非常规战争(如伊拉克阿富汗战争)所需要武器

    It is a move away from weapons for conventional conflicts, focusing instead on weapons needed for the unconventional warfare the us is fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.


  • 当时号称北方飓风国王古斯夫斯。阿道尔弗正处在“三十战争”的军事鼎盛阶段,亲自规定了艘船的规模武器配备。

    King Gustavus Adolphus, 'the Northern Hurricane', then at the height of his military success in the Thirty Years' War, had dictated her measurements and armament.


  • 不要把眼光集中眼下那里困难不要集中在这场战争令人怀疑正当性上,那些大规模杀伤性武器不知怎的从来就没露过面。

    Let's not focus on the current difficulties there. And also not on the questionable justification for the war, those weapons of mass destruction that somehow have never turned up.


  • 几乎国内每个人——每个拥有财产——都受到法律要求家中备有武器,一旦发生战争,立即能够响应国王号召参战。

    Almost everyone in the country-anyone who owned property anyway-was legally required to keep weapons in their house so that in times of war, the king could call on them to fight.


  • 美国独立战争期间理查德J .盖特发明武器之后西战争中得到使用,但是,后来被先进武器取代

    It was invented by Richard J. Gatling during the American Civil War, and later used in the Spanish-American War, but was supplanted by advanced weaponry soon after.


  • 卡拉什尼科夫武器放置一个全面情况之中,了解步兵自动武器演进以及战争战术转换中的作用。

    I wanted to put the Kalashnikov in a fuller context and show its place in a larger evolution of automatic infantry arms and shifts in tactics and war fighting.


  • 任何一个正派旁观者看来,威力强大高科技战争武器无情地摧毁破旧房屋脆弱的生命只能引起悲痛和义愤。

    The remorseless demolition of wretched homes and lives by a mighty high-tech war machine cannot but cause grief and outrage in any decent onlooker.


  • 战争看作是不属于我们东西必须根除的东西,无处藏身,直到最后武器,直到争斗的最后一场上演,相比之下这样做要有用多得多。

    It would be far better to think of war as something external to ourselves, something which has to be uprooted, everywhere, down to the last weapon and bellicose pageant.


  • 加特林机枪美国内战晚期用于了战场,这场战争由于某些高级官员新式武器忧心忡忡而被拖延之后加特林机枪便在国内国外得到广泛使用

    After a late entry into the American Civil War, delayed by suspicions of newfangled weapons among some senior soldiers, the Gatling gun was put to use at home and abroad.


  • 问题远不止这些,雷声公司产品太笨重了,用于战争重复下指令,火力强的武器装载推迟

    The problems don't stop there. Raytheon's baby is bulky, and despite repeated requests to send it into battle, shipments of the energy weapon have been delayed.


  • 你们随着这场战争长大曾经看到过这些图片可能学习到大规模杀伤性武器震惊敬畏等短语

    You guys have grown up with this war, you've seen images like those, may be learn phrases like weapons of mass destruction or shock and awe.


  • 于是它们让我们看到一种快速变化充满危险威胁美国海军秘书理查德·丹岑曾经将这些病毒称为发动“没有硝烟战争”的武器

    And in that way, they offer a glimpse of a rapidly evolving class of dangerous threats that former U.S. Navy Secretary Richard Danzig once described as instruments of "nonexplosive warfare."


  • 和平时期改变整个国家,和平武器生产成为了战时武器生产的战争基础,这不是一个微小任务

    To change a whole nation from a basis of peacetime production of implements of peace to a basis of wartime production of implements of war is no small task.


  • 如同武器先进使得战争更加可怕为了说服那些怂恿人,媒体技术战争恐怖传达每个人

    Similarly, as war is made more horrible by advances in weapons technology, argue those who are encouraged by this approach, media technologies drive the horrors of war home to everyone.


  • 简要叙述功率射频武器基本概念、基本组成性能特点及其现代战争中的潜在应用的基础,重点归纳了最新研究成果。

    The concept, basic configuration and performances characteristics of the high-power RF weapons, and their potential applications in the modern warfare are simply described in the article.


  • 显然我们遭遇战争时,我们必须争分夺秒地我们战士提供武器系统装备——平常需要几个月的时间要压缩几个星期,平常需要几天的时间要压缩到几个小时

    It is clear that when we are at war, we must work to collapse the timeline that it takes to get weapon systems and equipment to our soldiers - from months to weeks and from days to hours.


  • 每日邮报》报道,现年65电工格拉汉姆·莱恩英国伍斯特郡,在本不富裕的家里竟然藏有很多武器,足以发动一场小型战争

    According to the Daily Mail, Graham Lane, a 65-year-old electrician in Worcester, UK, kept enough weapons in his modest home to start a real small war.


  • 每日邮报》报道,现年65电工格拉汉姆·莱恩英国伍斯特郡,在本不富裕的家里竟然藏有很多武器,足以发动一场小型战争

    According to the Daily Mail, Graham Lane, a 65-year-old electrician in Worcester, UK, kept enough weapons in his modest home to start a real small war.


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