• 注视着步履艰难穿过田野

    I watched her plodding her way across the field.


  • 顽强地、步履艰难地走着一直公寓

    He trudged doggedly on until he reached the flat.


  • 思想具体的,他抽象领域步履艰难

    His mind was concrete and moved with difficulty in regions of the abstract.


  • 期限最后一天还是这样抱时候,我步履艰难

    On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step.


  • 开始做生意,一度步履艰难但是随后情况好转了

    When I started my new business, I had tough sledding for a while but things got better.


  • 那些战士们在人迹罕至的深雪步履艰难地走了好几公里

    The soldier trudged several kilometres or so through the deep untrodden snow.


  • 人们街上蹒跚而行,神情呆滞,步履艰难像是地震幸存者

    The people stumbled through the streets like the survivors of an earthquake, with glazed expressions and awkward gait.


  • 全球最大消费市场欧洲美国很多消费品巨头同样步履艰难

    In America and Europe, the world's biggest consumer markets, many firms have been similarly leaden-footed.


  • 瑞典哈拉市驯鹿冬季地上步履艰难穿过深深的雪地找到它们食物

    The reindeer trudge through deep snow to find food in their winter grazing grounds outside Harrå, Sweden.


  • 正确的,即使德国由于出口市场步履艰难国内需求无法收拾残局

    That is true even in Germany, as its export markets falter and domestic demand fails to take up the slack.


  • 地市级电视媒体由于频道资源短缺、内容经营资金匮乏品牌建设步履艰难

    The city television medias have not enough channel resource and operating funds, and it is very hard for them to build brand.


  • 然而新旧体制转换过程中,我国企业集团的现实状况可谓是困难重重、步履艰难

    But in process of old system replaced by new system, enterprise groups have yet many difficulties under existing conditions.


  • 然而我国个人合作建房现状不容乐观,在具体操作时遇到了重重阻力步履艰难质疑声四伏

    However, my personal cooperative housing situation is not optimistic about the specific operation in all kinds of obstacles, with difficulty, voices of doubt four volts.


  • 进入21世纪品牌竞争成为市场竞争核心内容中国本土品牌的成长步履艰难,阻力重重。

    After entering into the 21st century, brand competition has become the core of marketing competition, while the development of Chinese brand is very difficult.


  • 13护法大会一个信徒来说非常重要这个年老体弱喇嘛步履艰难的来到海拔4000多米会场

    Picture 13: Dharma meeting is very important for a Buddhist follower. This old and frail Lama was trudging towards the venue at the altitude of over 4000m.


  • 面临经济低迷局面的美国报业又将承受另一个糟糕消息:一度被视为报业救星网络广告业务开始变得步履艰难

    Newspapers, already facing a grim economic forecast, are digesting another piece of bad news: the growth in online advertising they saw as their salvation has slowed to a crawl.


  • 冰川果汁冰糕:产自厄瓜多尔,当地人Chimborazo火山附近,他们定期步履艰难地爬上山顶采集50公斤冰块

    Glacier Sorbet, Ecuador.Locals who live near the Chimborazo volcano trudge up to the summit regularly to cut off 50 kg blocks of glacier ice.


  • 冰川果汁冰糕:产自厄瓜多尔当地人Chimborazo火山附近,他们定期步履艰难地爬上山顶采集50公斤冰块

    Glacier Sorbet, Ecuador. Locals who live near the Chimborazo volcano trudge up to the summit regularly to cut off 50 kg blocks of glacier ice.


  • 这种二重劳动力市场使得一部分人市场衰退下得以全身而退,而一部分主要临时工,失业人员非法劳工构成的人却步履艰难

    This two-tier labour market divides workers into a privileged groupcocooned from the reality of recession and the disadvantaged ontemporary contracts, in unemployment or in illegal jobs.


  • 当[gm 66nd] ([gm 99nd])挑战iPhone闹得沸沸扬扬之际,人们容易忽略手机市场那个步履艰难巨人

    With all the commotion over [gm99nd] 's challenge to the iPhone, it has been easy to overlook the limping giant of the mobile phone market.


  • 罗萨莱斯博士提到帕金森有两类型,一类震颤为主要特征(TD -PD),另一类则表现为姿势不稳步履艰难(PIGD)。

    Dr Rosales mentions two major sub-types of PD. These are the tremor dominant form (TD-PD) and PD with postural instability and gait difficulty (PIGD.)


  • 这样和平景象,我们看到电视镜头大不相同:成队的难民在轰鸣坦克边上步履艰难地行走,电视图像脑中永久刻录了波黑的形象。

    These peaceful scenes were far from the TV pictures of refugee columns trudging alongside rumbling tanks that made up my enduring image of Bosnia-Herzegovina.


  • 卡车托运着几垃圾公交车步履艰难一个公交车站个公交车站时,或许司机们注意不到它们车子汽油加油泵来摇去格格作响

    The shaking and rattling of pumps might not be noticeable while hauling a few tons of trash or slogging from one bus stop to the next.


  • 大卫卡梅伦小心翼翼,步履艰难地尽量满足欧盟要求,让厌战欧共体官员们意识英国前途欧盟息息相关,而那些评论专家将一切都看在了眼里。

    They see David Cameron picking his way through the smouldering rubble of Brussels to dictate to shell-shocked Eurocrats the terms of Britain’s future dealings with the European Union.


  • 美联储步履艰难的行迹中,我们看到,伯南克一位极度谨慎,他常常绞尽脑汁衡量花费收益。 毫无疑问,他的交流战略肯定也同样经过了深思熟虑,他深知,财政政策问题发表言论只有风险没有回报。

    One thing we've learned from the Fed's trudging, deliberate walk toward additional easing is that Mr Bernanke is an extremely cautious man who tends to weigh costs and benefits with excruciating care.


  • 美联储步履艰难的行迹中,我们看到,伯南克一位极度谨慎,他常常绞尽脑汁衡量花费收益。 毫无疑问,他的交流战略肯定也同样经过了深思熟虑,他深知,财政政策问题发表言论只有风险没有回报。

    One thing we've learned from the Fed's trudging, deliberate walk toward additional easing is that Mr Bernanke is an extremely cautious man who tends to weigh costs and benefits with excruciating care.


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