• 液晶画面出现此类现象乃是正常现象并非故障

    The appearance of such spots is a normal occurrence associated with LCD screens and is not a sign of a malfunction.


  • 注意避免入眼发生此类现象,请及时水洗净。

    Attention: Avoid contact with your eyes, if contact occurs, wash out eyes with water and pat dry.


  • 以史为鉴我们不难发现我国历史长河此类现象体现

    Learning from history, we can easily find that this kind of phenomenon has long been reflected in the course of the history of our country.


  • 本文考察了汉、法两种语言中的此类现象分析了它们之间的异同

    This paper analyses the differences and similarities of such negative words in the two languages.


  • 以史为鉴我们不难发现,在我国历史的长河中,此类现象体现。

    When we look into our country's long history, it isn't difficult to find that such phenomena have occurred a long time before.


  • 正规溶液模型计算二元系参数已经考虑温度影响发现此类现象

    But it is not for the regular solution model, because the influence of temperature has been taken into account when the parameters are calculated.


  • 为了防止此类现象,邦博士第一次出现开始皮肤迹象时就应该刀片。”

    To combat this, 'change a blade at the first sign that it starts to drag against the skin, ' said Dr Bunting.


  • 几个月以来胎盘引来人们众说纷纭网民们更是此类现象出现争执不下。

    Since nearly several months, the placenta dinner has attracted people to have different opinions, the netizens each stand one's own ground for the appearance of this kind of phenomenon even more.


  • 这个术语后来流入我国用来概括社会生活行政实践中早已存在此类现象

    This technical term afterwards also flow into our country, and is used to generalize this kind of phenomenon that already existed in social living and administrative practice.


  • 减少此类现象发生,特就压力仪表选用调修安装使用方法做以下介绍

    The paper is introducing the Selecting, debugging, installing and applying of pressure meter in order to reduce this kind of


  • 为了避免此类现象的发生,开发设计了基于硬件直接控制的遗忘电源开关控制器

    In order to solve the problems, we designed switch controller guarding against forgetting to turn off power supply based on hardware.


  • 此类现象研究对象,研究地层劈裂发生、伸展机制及不同泥水压力地层劈裂影响

    The phenomena described as above, including mechanism of fracturing and the influence of slurry pressure on stratum fracturing, are studied.


  • 综合讨论实习医生施行妇科检查这种医疗行为,试图提出临床实践此类现象合理解决途径

    To give a comprehensive discussion of such medical exams, also try to introduce a rational resolution for such phenomenon in clinical practice.


  • 确定合适的煤层开采加强设备完好管理,加强选技术管理,合理投入,杜绝此类现象发生

    Through ascertaining appropriate seam exploitation ratio, strengthening the management of equipments and coal cleaning technology, and investing reasonable, this phenomenon was stopped.


  • 分析了图书馆外文期刊利用率现状及出现此类现象的原因,提高外文期刊利用率提出合理的建议

    Starting from the present situation of the lower use rate of the paper-based foreign periodicals, the article makes the discussion of the problem above-mentioned, and advances some relative measures.


  • 劳伦斯发现的经济危机与摩天大楼的联系称为“百年病态关联”,此类现象人类社会又何止存在了百年。

    Lawrence named the link he had found as "centennial metamorphic link". Yet phenomenons of this kind are far longer than just a century in human history.


  • 稀薄碱金属原子气体BEC实验实现使得此类现象研究摆脱了理论实验结果不能精确比较的局面。

    The experimental realization of BEC in dilute alkali atom gases makes it possible that the results of theoretical and experimental studies can be compared rigorously.


  • 导致此类现象原因可能母亲孕期接受的日照更多然后大量维生素D传输给了他们还未出生婴儿

    The phenomenon could be caused by mothers getting more sun in pregnancy - and passing on higher quantities of vitamin D to their unborn infant.


  • 发生此类现象是因为一个嵌合双胞胎产生于没有得到雄性动物施, 但某些皮肤细胞中含有该雄性动物的遗传基因.

    This couldhappen because a chimeric twin that grew from an egg which his sperm did notfertilise would nonetheless have some skin cells containing his genes.


  • 指出此类食品销量增长暗合慢性引起食道癌病例惊人增加现象

    And she notes that the rise in consumption of such foods coincides with a staggering increase in esophageal cancer caused by chronic acid reflux.


  • 快速动睡眠中,大脑状态焦虑生气联系紧密,这种现象发生进化末期以及那些此类睡眠的动物早期生活

    REM sleep, the brain state most highly correlated with anxious, angry dreams, occurs late in evolution and early in the lives of those creatures which have REM.


  • 必然我们做好了准备去面对此类行为现象硅谷那样知识经济要塞出现

    To be sure, we're already seeing this sort of behavior emerge in knowledge-economy strongholds like Silicon Valley.


  • 我们不能这种现象视而不见倘若我们忽视此类问题,那么今后会有更多问题发生

    We cannot turn a blind eye to the phenomenon. If we continue to ignore the issue, more problems will follow.


  • 此类凶杀事件之后经常发生有罪不罚现象这表明官方保护记者问题漠不关心,毫无顾忌地轻视记者所发挥重要作用,这令人十分不安。

    The impunity that often follows such murders suggests a disturbing lack of official concern for the protection of journalists, and outright contempt for the vital role they play.


  • 清代通俗小说创作,更出现不少此类题互相抄袭的小说史现象

    In the earthliness novel produce of Ming Qing, there are many motifs copying phenomena.


  • 这种情况下愤怒可以有效阻止此类不公平现象未来重演

    In such cases, anger can be useful to prevent these ACTS of injustice from repeating themselves in the future.


  • 这种情况下愤怒可以有效阻止此类不公平现象未来重演

    In such cases, anger can be useful to prevent these ACTS of injustice from repeating themselves in the future.


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