• 觉得有点奇怪警官肯定知道怎么填写才是正确的。

    It seemed a little strange to him. But the police captain must know what was correct.


  • 方法也经常奏效因为必须得,十分肯定你的做法正确的。

    But, it doesn't always work because you have to be damn sure you're right.


  • 而且即便像是微软这样的公司也曾告诉我们说,密码的长度应当大于14个字符——传统经验肯定正确的,吧?

    And, as even Microsoft tell us that passwords should be 14 or more characters, conventional wisdom must be right, right?


  • 加内特依据假定说服消费者作出正确选择减少它们排放量不敢肯定是否

    Garnett: Well, it's predicated on the assumption that it will persuade consumers to make the right choice to cut their emissions, and I'm not sure it will.


  • 其他人与金钱关系则更为疏远他们自己钱财去向大体的了解,不过肯定是否正确是否充分。

    Others are more distant; they have a general idea of where their money is going, but aren't sure if it's the right move or if it's enough.


  • 而且,他们肯定正确预言道,网络展现魔力刚刚开始

    And they are surely also right to predict that it has only just begun to work its magic.


  • 为了以正确方式开始一场艰难谈话肯定双方之间的共同点对于同事来说很重要的。

    To start a difficult conversation the right way, it's important for you and your coworker to identify something you agree on.


  • 然而对于维度肯定正确了,因为维度层次结构结构可能变得复杂

    For the dimensions, however, this is certainly not true because the structure of dimension hierarchies can potentially get complicated.


  • 试图自己决定,两次遭到失败,我当时仍然不敢肯定我的决定是否正确

    I could try to take decisions by myself, but I had failed twice. I was still not sure if I had made the right decision.


  • 也许不太正确但是按照逻辑上法则所想那样,布奇尔。法拉希所说的:激怒一个议题两边不能证明肯定对了”。

    But as a logical principle, it's akin to what I think of, perhaps unfairly, as the Burchill Fallacy: enraging people on both sides of an issue doesn't prove you "must be doing something right".


  • 但是如果他们开始采用正确认知方法肯定之后再纠正更容易些

    But of course it's easier if they start out on the right track than if they have to be rectified.


  • 如果我们肯定自己正确事情即使结果并不理想,客观判断力依然帮助减轻自责重担

    If we know that we did the right thing, even if the outcome wasn't ideal, it can help lighten the heavy burden of remorse.


  • 肯定免不了受到影响—检查系列文章所提供示例WSDL文档,我意外地发现没有一个代码完全正确的。

    And I'm definitely not immune from this contagion - in reviewing the WSDL documents I've provided for sample code in this series, I was surprised to find that not one was completely correct.


  • 可以肯定马尔正确我们报纸不复存在

    I'm sure Marr's right that newspapers as we know them are not going to survive.


  • 希望2011一季度可以看到一领域重大进步肯定做出正确行动公司予以重视

    I am hopeful that we will see significant progress in this area in the first quarter of 2011 and I will be sure to highlight companies that are making the right moves.


  • 恰好研究领域不过肯定其它领域是我没有进行正确研究的。

    This happens to be an area that I'm looking at, but I'm sure there are other areas where I don't do proper research.


  • 然而这种拆分方法肯定引起麻烦因为处理器无法确保文档格式正确的。

    However this hack is a sure way to get into trouble because the processor can no longer ensure that the document is well-formed.


  • SOA竞赛结果肯定了,如果正确执行,SOA实现可以交付明显看得到收益

    The results of the SOA competition confirm that, if done right, a SOA implementation can deliver significant measurable benefits.


  • 现在我们可以清楚并且肯定NHTSA-美国交通安全部门一直正确

    "Today, we can say clearly and affirmatively that NHTSA, America'straffic safety organization, was right all along," according toTransportation Secretary Ray LaHood's prepared remarks.


  • 肯定是不是托马斯·托尔赫姆(ThomasTalhelm)正确地址如果不是话,请直接忽视这篇文章。

    Not sure if this is the right address for Thomas Talhelm. If not, just ignore this message.


  • 如果以前没有编写测试习惯,那么Grails将优雅带到正确方向上来,您肯定不会后悔。

    If you aren't already in the habit of writing tests, allow Grails to nudge you gently in the right direction. You won't regret it.


  • UnnecessaryKnowledge——“不必要的知识”网上查资料、信息时的偶然发现一样,未必正确肯定有趣

    Unnecessary Knowledge - It's like a StumbleUpon for information and facts which may or may not be true, but certainly entertaining.


  • 不能肯定回答的——确实不能肯定Krugman的断言和假设正确的。

    I'm not sure my answers are correct -- but I'm really not sure that Krugman's assertions/assumptions are correct.


  • 单个磁盘而言,这么肯定大幅降低磁盘性能对于正确配置的含有BBU磁盘阵列而言,性能下降得微乎其微。

    For single drives this could greatly reduce performance but with a properly battery-backed RAID card with cache, the impact may not be as severe.


  • 不肯随大流,可能某些恼恨不已,正确言行肯定赢得尊重。

    Some people may not like it when you go against the group but doing the right thing is rewarding.


  • 苏格拉底认为意志软弱从严格意义上来讲是不可能存在的淫威我们希望得到自己不利的结果;如果我们违背自己的利益肯定是我们知道什么是正确的做法。

    Socrates believed that akrasia was, strictly speaking, impossible, since we could not want what is bad for us; if we act against our own interests, it must be because we don’t know what’s right.


  • 很多球迷抽射一次射门但是网球板球这个术语不同理解而且肯定正确的。

    Many football fans say a half-volley is a shot struck when the ball has bounced once, but in tennis and in cricket there is a differentand surely correctunderstanding of the term.


  • 很多球迷抽射一次射门但是网球板球这个术语不同理解而且肯定正确的。

    Many football fans say a half-volley is a shot struck when the ball has bounced once, but in tennis and in cricket there is a differentand surely correctunderstanding of the term.


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