• 故障路径I/O请求失败后,由驱动程序正常路径上重新执行。

    The SPD driver routes all failed I/O requests on the failed path through survival paths.


  • 直到正当沿着多年正常路径河边时,你突然远处发现林间木屋。

    Then one day as you walk down your normal path that is heavily worn from years of use down to the river you notice a little building way off the trail you're on.


  • 他们各自回归正常利率路径迥然不同的。

    Their paths back to normal interest rates will be more disparate.


  • 因此相对正常路径美国经济可能会20%- 25%的通胀

    Hence, relative to a normal path, the US economy would have 20-25% more inflation.


  • 我们知道,人发育学习期间大脑里面发生一种形式选择——那些运转正常突触链接路径得到加强,弱者恶化

    We know that a form of selection occurs within our brains as we develop and learn - synaptic connections and pathways that work well are reinforced, whereas weak ones deteriorate.


  • 两个VIOS 上运行pcmpath命令 oem_setup_env),确认所有路径能够正常工作

    Run the pcmpath command (from oem_setup_env) and verify that all paths are operating normally on both VIOS.


  • 学习了当存储路径出现故障或者存储基础设施进行维护时,如何使用多路访问显著增加xen虚拟正常运行时间。

    You've learned how multipath access can be used to dramatically increase the uptime of Xen virtual machines in the event of storage path failure or storage infrastructure maintenance.


  • 安装Domain0中的RDAC驱动程序负责在正常情况下使用优先路径,在出现中断时切换备选路径

    The RDAC driver installed in domain 0 takes care of using the preferred path in normal circumstances and switching to the alternate path in case of interruption.


  • 正常情况下空间站可以绕过太空垃圾通过路径但是这次预警发出太晚了,不足以进行一次人工操作。

    Normally, the station can be moved out of the way of a piece of junk, but this alert was raised too late for such a manoeuvre.


  • 这个模型中,可以一个给定资源定义多条路径正常情况下使用可用路径故障发生时使用路径

    In this model, for example, you can define multiple paths to a given resource, with the available path being used and the redundant path used upon failure.


  • 请注意我们明确反对设置多个SPN以便应用程序SSO访问正常工作,而不会受到访问路径影响。

    Note that we categorically argue against setting up multiple SPNs so that SSO access to the application will work, regardless of the access path.


  • 正常情况下空间站可以绕过太空垃圾通过路径但是这次预警发出太晚了,不足以进行一次人工操作。

    Normally, the station can use thrusters to move out of the way of a piece of junk, but this alert was raised too late for such a manoeuvre.


  • 文件路径输出经常会不正常特别是上传数据服务器的时候。

    File paths are often exported incorrectly, particularly if you're uploading data to a server.


  • 第一定义图像文件路径路径必须正确指定否则脚本不会正常运行。

    The path of the image file is defined in the first line; the script won't work unless the path is identified correctly.


  • 没有事故记录正常上班路线上,所以不必费心你的计算机路线模型选择条最有的路径

    There are no incidents recorded on your normal route to work so you do not bother to use your computer route model to select an optimum route for you.


  • 目的适应产妇健康需求建立一条完善正常分娩产妇临床护理路径

    Objective To establish a complete clinical nursing pathway to meet the health demands of normal delivery.


  • 结论临床护理路径正常分娩产妇中的应用,使产妇得到系统教育,挖掘产妇自理潜能提高产妇护理新生儿能力满意度

    Conclusion Using a clinical nursing pathway in normal delivery improves self-care and neonatal nursing abilities of new mothers, as well as raises the satisfaction rate of clients.


  • 原因代码正常执行路径转移这些次要错误可取的。

    The reason for this is that an exception would divert the code from its normal execution path, and this is not desirable with these non-critical errors.


  • 这种分段可以通过正常下游流动路径的流动特性得到彻底地混合从而提供有效混合

    Such segmented streams can become more thoroughly mixed through normal flow characteristics of the downstream flow path, providing more effective mixing.


  • 我们知道,人发育学习期间大脑里面发生一种形式选择——那些运转正常突触链接路径得到加强,弱者恶化

    We know that a form of selection occurs within our brains as we develop and learn - synaptic connections and pathways that work well are reinforced whereas weak ones deteriorate.


  • 评论中提到使用通配符通配符工作JD K6所以如果你的JDK版本较小可能无法正常工作(周围道路路径添加所有罐子)。

    You mentioned in comments of using wildcards. The wildcards only work on JDK 6 onward. So if you JDK version is lesser than that, it might not work (and the way around it to add all the jars in path).


  • 我们现在可以调节蛋白路径药物进行试验对其进行优化使正常状态下的发挥作用

    We can now test for drugs that would regulate this protein pathway or optimise it, so it functions as it should in a normal state.


  • 可以VALIDATE命令确认数据库文件是否还存在——一方面它们是否正确路径上,另一方面是看它们是不是正常的文件。

    You can use the VALIDATE command to confirm that all database files exist, are in their correct location, and are free of physical corruption.


  • 本文介绍了人工制备正常固结粘土试样所进行的不同应力路径试验成果

    The experimental results of artificial normally consolidated clay under four kinds of stress path are presented in the paper.


  • 基于PC应力扫描器双向拉伸材料举措迟缓正常路径

    PC-based stress scanners for biaxially oriented materials measure retardation in both normal and oblique paths.


  • 结合迟缓测量正常路径收益率无论是平面出平面双折射。

    Combining the retardation measured in the normal and oblique paths will yield both in-plane and out-of-plane birefringence.


  • 结合路径损耗模型给出正常工作模式数字集群系统无线区域覆盖范围,给出了不同边缘通信概率的系统覆盖范围

    And the radio regional coverage scope with the path loss model under the normal work mode is discussed, then the different edge communication probability of coverage scope is determined.


  • 右键单击每个选择更改驱动器路径分配一个驱动器号远离正常使用字母例如开始K:。

    Right click on each, choose change drive letters and paths, assign a drive letter away from normally used letters, e. g., start at k:.


  • 贯通南北的村子划分,阻隔了东西两岸人们正常联系交往,架河上的几根电线杆人们赖以通行唯一路径

    Local people's life is closely related to a river which devides the village into two parts and elegraph poles hung up the river is the only way for people to go through.


  • 贯通南北的村子划分,阻隔了东西两岸人们正常联系交往,架河上的几根电线杆人们赖以通行唯一路径

    Local people's life is closely related to a river which devides the village into two parts and elegraph poles hung up the river is the only way for people to go through.


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