• 这位特克(Autodesk)的前首席执行长瑞银(UBS)的媒体峰会上先是讲了两个笑话(其中是有关劣质的“罗斯新娘互联网广告),然后又拿已午餐时间的听众开起了玩笑

    The former Autodesk CEO teased the lunchtime audience at UBS's media summit after a joke or two (one about low-quality 'Russian bride' online ads).


  • 北约罗斯运作演习小组北约领导指挥控制机构(NC3A)与北约的军事司令部和该项目的管一起工作。

    A NATO-Russia Operational Exercises Team led by the NATO Consultation, command and control Agency (NC3A) has been working with NATO's military commands and Eurocontrol on the project.


  • 并且通用本身对于被迫出让麦格及其罗斯伙伴很不开心

    And GM itself is far from happy about being forced to sell to Magna and its Russian partner.


  • 设在底特律通用汽车总部主要担心宝大量知识产权泄露罗斯嘎斯汽车公司去(公司也是麦格联合收购方员)。

    At GM's headquarters in Detroit, the main worry was that much of Opel's intellectual property would leak to Gaz, a Russian carmaker which was a partner in the Magna consortium.


  • 本身而言,这种发现并不意味着什么但是乔治·博士知道神经疾病患者大脑是否区别于正常人的不同的磁场特征

    On its own, this discovery meant little. But Dr Georgopoulos wondered whether the brains of people with neurological diseases might have different yet equally distinctive magnetic patterns.


  • 乔治·博士技术是否区分那些没恶化的和恶化的病人我们拭目以待

    Whether Dr Georgopoulos's technique can distinguish those who will become seriously ill from those who will not remains to be seen.


  • 并且,他们拟定罗斯伊朗支持,建立一个类似派克卡特尔天然气公司的计划。

    And they have backed plans by Russia and Iran to create a gas cartel analogous to OPEC.


  • 美国汽车制造商通用汽车表示同意分公司大部分股权出售给加拿大罗斯国际财团。

    The American carmaker General Motors says it has agreed to sell a majority stake in its European subsidiary Opel to a Canadian-Russian consortium.


  • 员工需要担心麦格纳生产转移劳力成本低于德国英国甚至波兰罗斯

    Opel employees should probably be more worried than they are that Magna will move production to Russia, where labor costs are much lower than in Germany, Britain, or even Poland.


  • 罗斯还有另一天然气管道项目泊(OPAL)可供考虑。

    Russia has another pipeline to play with: OPAL.


  • Gaz将会有权获得知识产权并用提升罗斯这个即将超越德国成为最大汽车生产国的市场地位

    Gaz would gain access to Opel's intellectual property and use it to boost its position within Russia, which is vying to overtake Germany as the biggest car market in Europe.


  • 儿子养女安娜的陪同下,罗斯建立Gapmindder基金会推动这一进程

    Alongside his son Ola and daughter-in-law Anna, Rosling created the Gapminder Foundation to facilitate that process.


  • Sberbank打算宝的技术提供客户——GAZ,这是罗斯本土第二大汽车制造商

    Sberbank intends to make Opel’s technology available to its client, GAZ, Russia’s second-biggest indigenous carmaker.


  • 左岸遍布茂密森林,19世纪60年代一位名为考夫曼的俄罗斯教授注意到一种奇怪变迁物种。

    All the left bank of the river Oka is covered with a dense forest. In the 60s of the XIXth century one Russian professor Kaufman took notice of a strange transitional nature in this place.


  • 通用总部底特律主要忧虑知识产权泄露Gaz,罗斯汽车企业,同时也是Magna财团一员。

    At GM’s headquarters in Detroit, the main worry was that much of Opel’s intellectual property would leak to Gaz, a Russian carmaker which was a partner in the Magna consortium.


  • 通用汽车董事局意外取消汽车部件供应商麦格纳国际以及罗斯银行Sberbank销售子公司宝的计划

    The board of directors at General Motors made a surprise decision cancelling the planned sale of Opel, the carmaker's European arm, to Magna, a car-parts supplier, and Sberbank, a big Russian bank.


  • 航班上有幸认识了一位名叫蕾奥诺拉罗斯女子

    I had the great fortune to meet a Russian woman named Leonora on a flight between the U. s.


  • 航班上有幸认识了一位名叫蕾奥诺拉罗斯女子

    I had the great fortune to meet a Russian woman named Leonora on a flight between the U. S. and Europe.


  • 但是少数共和党人却说这样做背叛了的美国的两个亲密盟友并且增强罗斯的力量。

    But minority Republicans said it betrays two close Allies in Europe and will empower Russia.


  • 上周参加冠比赛中,森德罗斯可以原谅因为需要时间适应这个环境

    Having appeared in the Champions League last week, Senderos could have been forgiven for taking time to adapt to the surroundings.


  • 2013年7月18日首次开行的郑班列郑州出发,11天时间里途经哈萨克斯坦罗斯白俄罗斯波兰德国终点站在德国汉堡

    On July 18, 2013, for the first time, Zhengzhou-Europe trains started from Zhengzhou, in 11 half days, via Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, reached in the terminal Hamburg, Germany.


  • 美国太空游客,理查得·加里计划星期天搭乘罗斯太空船太空旅行他说并不返回地球时将会发生颠簸前景而担心,他期望平安着陆。

    Richard Garriott, a U. S. space tourist due to travel to space on a Russian spaceship on Sunday, said he was unfazed by the prospect of a bumpy ride back to Earth, saying he expected to land safely.


  • 美国太空游客,理查得·加里计划星期天搭乘罗斯太空船太空旅行他说并不返回地球时将会发生颠簸前景而担心,他期望平安着陆。

    Richard Garriott, a U. S. space tourist due to travel to space on a Russian spaceship on Sunday, said he was unfazed by the prospect of a bumpy ride back to Earth, saying he expected to land safely.


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