• 系统过程后达到一个临界态,雪崩大小概率统计分布服从次规律

    After a short transient time, the system reaches a critical steady state in which avalanches of activity are distributed according to power-law.


  • 也许常数变化相一致第一将会改变我们自然规律看法

    Maybe this is consistent with a change in the constants, but this would be the very first, and it would just change our view of the laws of nature.


  • 意思是说真的,上一有人愿意讨论相对论边际效益递减规律什么时候呢?

    I mean, really, when was the last time you found someone who wanted to discuss the theory of relativity or the law of diminishing marginal returns?


  • 任何人重复规律任务知道一个问题:有时做了数十上百同样的突然出错

    ANYONE undertaking a repetitive or routine task knows the problem: suddenly something they have done dozens or hundreds of times before goes wrong.


  • 偶尔的放松没有问题但是别忘了规律锻炼激励作用——可能恰恰就是好好工作需要的哦。

    It's OK to take it easy once in a while, but remember the energizing effect of regular exercise - which may be just what you need to get down to business.


  • 重要因为如果病是持续规律,我的下一发作眼前

    That's important, because if my pattern holds consistent, my next episode is due to arrive soon.


  • 我们可以当做第一——绝不可能是最后一-这首诗第一违背诗歌规律

    You could think of this as the poem's firstby no means its last - its first act of poetic disobedience.


  • 每一分娩教科书差别发生规律缩的间隔到可预见的进程。

    But far from every labor is true-to-textbook, with contractions regularly spaced and predictably progressive.


  • 又一说明一个规律地震若发生发达国家致死不多,但若发生在,则杀戒大开。

    That means the usual pattern has been repeated: Earthquakes don't kill people in rich countries; they kill people in poor countries.


  • 基本规律如果碰到9地震,你可能会碰到18级,1071006级余震。

    The basic rule is if you have one magnitude 9 earthquake, you can have one magnitude 8, 10 magnitude 7s, and 100 magnitude 6s.


  • 我们知道应该一天规律地用牙线洁牙。

    All of us know that we need to brush our teeth twice-a-day and floss on a regular basis.


  • 有生以来第一规律早餐了研究表明减肥至关重要

    For the first time in her life, she's eating breakfast regularly, which studies find is critical if you're going to lose weight and keep it off.


  • 我们知道应该一天规律地用牙线洁牙。

    Of us know that we need to brush our teeth twice-a-day and floss on a regular basis.


  • 目前许多Linux开发者ubuntu一致基础上规律地每个月提供升级

    As it currently stands, many Linux developers update on a consistent basis with Ubuntu getting one ever 6 months like clockwork.


  • Imperva公司,这些攻击活动一定规律,首先是小时高达几千的密集攻击接着攻击频率就大大降低。

    Imperva said that it sees patterns where applications will be attacked with heavy bursts of many thousands of attacks per hour followed by lighter periods of activity.


  • 借助已有水下爆炸理论分析试验结果总结地基结构振动规律,指出二振动现象水中爆炸产生的气泡脉动有关。

    According to the existing theories on underwater explosion and based on the analysis of experimental results, the laws of foundation and structure vibrations are summarized.


  • 由于运动确定性,可以事先唯一地求,由此设计一种控制器按照最优消摆规律消除载荷振。

    For this kind of motion is determinated, it is feasible to be worked out uniquely in advance and design an optimal controller to suppress the load sway according to the quadratic optimal law.


  • 两种主要运动会形式——冬季夏季奥运会并且规律基础上他们举办的。

    There are two main sets of Games-the Winter and Summer Olympics, and both are held every four years on a regular basis.


  • 下这样的新年决心并不意味着放弃每年流感疫苗接种,10结肠镜检查——或保持均衡饮食规律运动

    My New year's resolution does not mean I won't get my annual flu shot or a colonoscopy every 10 years - or eat a balanced diet and get regular exercise.


  • 利用模拟压缩变形实验研究Q 235碳素钢多道变形及后续处理过程组织演变规律

    The microstructure evolution of Q235 plain carbon steel in multi-pass hot deformation was investigated by means of hot compression simulation.


  • 通过黑洞天体存在事实分析,客观支持证明了我们理论分析得到的几个结论揭示宇宙物质运动和演化的辩证规律

    By the fact that black hole exists, conclusions got by us from theory are supported and are proved objectively, and agin discover dialectical laws of motion in the universe.


  • 有63,500名员工都是终身签约包括奖金规律时间上班接受培训培训数可比一般美国零售商员工接受培训要20

    Its 63,500 employees are on permanent contracts with bonuses, work regular hours and receive 20 times more training than the staff of an average American retailer.


  • 测试结果表明影响现象主要因素是给粒度分布、煤挥发含量挥发分析出规律,同时炉膛风量、一二风量的配比有关。

    The test shows that size distribution of feeding coal, volatile content and its release as well as the total air rate and primary air ratio will influence the post combustion in CFB boiler.


  • 基于内部规律,结合拟合结果应用序列规划法(SQP)电抗器进行优化,提高了优化计算效率

    Based on the fitting results and its inner law, the calculating efficiency in optimizing the reactor is increased via applying the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method.


  • 为了达到一个最佳口腔健康状态RA患者应该规律刷牙漱口并且每年牙医处进行检查。

    In an effort to best maintain oral health, ra patients are encouraged to brush and floss on a regular basis and see a dental professional twice a year.


  • 有63,500名员工终身签约(包括奖金),规律时间上班接受培训培训数可比一般美国零售商员工接受培训要20

    Its 63,500 employees are on permanent contracts (with bonuses), work regular hours and receive 20 times more training than the staff of an average American retailer.


  • 发现每周父母一起吃饭5以上青年35%可能不会成为吃饭无规律者。

    She found that teens who eat at least five meals a week with their families are 35 percent less likely to be 'disordered eaters'.


  • 结果表明:测定IAA浓度不同但是,两测定IAA分泌动态规律基本一致。

    The concentrations of IAA in the two experiments were different, but the law of variety did not change.


  • 试验结果表明高分子湿度传感器输出信号符合曲线变化规律

    Experiment result shows that output signal of this macromolecule humidity sensor accords with variational rule of secondary polynomial fitting.


  • 按照规律节奏呼吸搏动隔26,000,它就会完成心跳

    It breathes and pulses with a regular rhythm, each heartbeat taking 26,000 years to complete.


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