• "有时候提炼过程中会出现这些情况:气泡没有被移除,一个砂粒没有熔化,(熔融的)的一颤动把波纹带玻璃中。

    Occasionally, a bubble is not removed during refining, a sand grain refuses to melt, a tremor in the tin puts ripples into the glass ribbon.


  • 平底玻璃杯的份量——否则就餐摄入太多的卡路里。

    Make only enough to fill one large tumbleror else you'll be packing away too many calories in one sitting.


  • 沮丧,因为他刚刚失去价值2000美元玻璃制品的买卖

    He was frustrated because he just lost a sale of a piece of glass for $2000.


  • 检测技术可以秒钟内玻璃进行超过1亿测量从而定位肉眼无法看到瑕疵

    Inspection technology allows more than 100 million measurements a second to be made across the ribbon, locating flaws the unaided eye would be unable to see.


  • 非常压力下样品无定形的、玻璃态转化成为单晶——是第一玻璃发现这种行为

    Under very high pressure, the samples switched from their amorphous, glassy state to form a single crystal -- the first time this behavior has been seen in a glass. The discovery.


  • 我们第二见面是在会客室隔厚厚的玻璃相见,我们一见面就开始哭。

    The second we saw each other through the thick glass of the visiting room, we both began crying.


  • 明仁天皇前来表达祝福的热情民众致以问候,皇后出现玻璃防护阳台上。

    The emperor greeted the flag-waving wellwishers, appearing three times on the glass-shielded balcony with the empress.


  • 日本IKAROS太空船仅仅只要在太阳光照射下,就可利用“智能玻璃技术控制飞行应用太阳反射器的飞行。

    Japan's IKAROS spacecraft has used "smart glass" technology to steer using only the pressure of sunlight - a first for solar sails.


  • 玻璃代表强有力挑战到来:这桩复杂又耗钱生意可是宣称具有高科技含量的。

    Glass represents how an even more potent challenge has arrived: sophisticated, capital-intensive businesses that boast high-tech expertise.


  • 第一尝试的时候,我城市里,我有没有办法玻璃卡在脚上于是想到了个主意

    When I first tried it, I was living in a city, and there was no way I wanted to have broken glass jammed up my feet, so I decided to mix it up a bit.


  • 直到2008年,经历2创新性研发现在可以通过均匀的、纤的薄板表面形成层全新的表面,从而获得一种配方玻璃

    By 2008, after two innovative developments, the new formula glass could now be produced in uniform, thin sheets with a pristine surface.


  • 记得圣路易斯动物园第一看到情形,玻璃的一边充斥着死亡气息

    I can remember the first time I saw one, at the St. Louis Zoo, and the feeling that certain death was just on the other side of the glass.


  • 第二喷发融化大量冰川使岩浆冷却碎裂砂质玻璃微粒上升火山灰柱带走。

    The second eruption, however, melted a large amount of glacial ice which then cooled and fragmented lava into gritty glass particles that were carried up with the rising volcanic plume.


  • 比方说油画家里克·诺斯吉安(RickNorsigian),10年前后院购买了65张玻璃底片据称传奇的摄影师安塞尔·亚当斯(Ansel Adams)世纪而、三十年代拍摄的。

    Take painter Rick Norsigian, who bought 65 glass-plate negatives at a yard sale 10 years ago that were purportedly taken by photography legend Ansel Adams in the 1920s and 1930s.


  • 第一作为商品19世纪70年代出售以来,这130多年灯泡一直都是玻璃灯丝构成,只在尺寸形状方面经历了一些微小的变化。

    From its first commercial development in the late 1870s, on through some slight tweaks to size and shape, the bulb has been a glass-and-filament mainstay for more than 130 years.


  • 边说边他从桌子底下拿出一桶砂石倒入一些玻璃罐中摇晃至砂石填石头空隙。接着他再同学们:“罐子满了吗? ”?

    He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the Spaces between the big rocks. Then he asked the group once more, "Is the jar full?"


  • 还有事故也是发生上世纪八十年代当时英国航空公司的架波音747客机也是飞入之中,沙砾全都喷在挡风玻璃之上,飞行员只能面朝侧飞机安全着陆。

    In another incident in the 1980s, a British Airways 747 flew into a dust cloud and the grit sandblasted the windscreen. The pilot had to look out a side window to land safely.


  • 淘气男孩,一打破了邻居玻璃还有玩火了。

    He is a naughty boy, once he broke his neighbour's window glass and on another occasion, he played with fire.


  • 产品适用于对平板玻璃磨削玻璃直线平边粗磨、精磨及两侧角的粗磨可一加工完成

    Of flat glass products for the grinding. Glass straight double-edge of the Cumo, Jingmo Chamfer on both sides of the Cumo and one-time processing can be completed.


  • 百叶窗玻璃制造第一英国使用

    The louvers are constructed of glass, and this is the first time they have been used in the UK.


  • 采用高温熔融法,硼酸玻璃配合中引入抗菌剂磷酸,一烧制而抗菌玻璃材料。

    By adding silver phosphate as antibacterial into the batch of borosilicate glass, we can get the anti-bacterial glass in high temperature melting furnace.


  • 做法经过玻璃粉化各种烧成白釉瓷器的釉面上绘画,经第二炉火烧烤而成

    "Its approach is to use through the" glass white "chalking various color material in the white glaze firing glazed porcelain painting, the second fire grilled."


  • 微晶玻璃应用陶瓷行业变化传统工艺逐渐被快速烧成替代传统配方有了很大的改变。

    The changes for application of glass ceramic glaze to tile are from traditional double firing to fast single firing process and formulations and composition of glazes.


  • 微晶玻璃应用陶瓷行业变化传统工艺逐渐被快速烧成替代传统配方有了很大的改变。

    The changes for application of glass ceramic glaze to tile are from traditional double firing to fast single firing process and formulations and composition of glazes.


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