• 通过大量的问卷调查,获得了实证分析所需样本数据利用SPSS13.0统计软件AMOS7.0结构方程模型分析工具进行验证

    We collect required sample data through a questionnaire and using SPSS13.0 statistic software and AMOS7.0 structural equation modeling analysis tool for verification.


  • 使用定量数据数学模型作为分析工具研究这些物体过去现在未来数量。

    It studies these populations, in the past, present and future, using quantitative data and mathematical models as tools of analysis.


  • 使用定量数据数学模型作为分析工具研究这些人口过去现在未来情况。

    It studies these populations in the past, present and future using quantitative data and mathematical models as tools of analysis.


  • 静态分析工具审核一个应用程序源代码二进位清楚这个应用程序是如何运行以及构建这个行为数学模型

    Static analysis tools look at the source code and binaries of an application, figure out how the application works, and build mathematical models of that behavior.


  • 这项活动期间,移植模型不同选项将被分析,也就是所,评估不同的移植工具并且决定特定的移植机制

    During this activity the various options for migrating the source model are analyzed, i.e. the various possible migration tools are evaluated and the particular migration mechanism is determined.


  • 我们重点关注于构建模式模板dptk提供了相应的分析工具用于现有实现发现模型

    We focused here on building pattern templates; DPTK also provides analysis tools for discovering a model from an existing implementation.


  • 无论使用哪个工具进行建模都找到创建这些模板方法以便重用整个体系结构模型单个分析模式

    No matter which tool I'm using for modeling, I find a way to create these templates so that I can reuse whole architecture models or a simple analysis pattern.


  • 正如上一节所讨论一样,分析获取工具以及数据模型都需要大量与反向工程相关工作

    As discussed in the previous section, deriving parsing and acquisition tools and data models requires significant reverse-engineering effort.


  • 任何大小团队建立构架RationalDataArchitect通过映射发现模型集成数据建模,并进进行数据库分析——所有都一个单一工具中完成。

    Architected for teams of any size, Rational data Architect combines data modeling with mapping discovery and model and database analysisall in a single, integrated tool.


  • IBMRational Software Architect一个影响模型驱动开发分析构建工具帮助建立构建良好的应用和服务。

    IBM Rational Software architect is a design and construction tool that leverages model-driven development with UML to help you create well-architected applications and services.


  • 通过提供指向可以合适工具打开工作区项目模型管理员可以一个业务分析相协调

    The Project Model Manager coordinates with each Business Analyst by providing a pointer to a workspace that can be opened in the appropriate tool.


  • 作为结果MDA工具也许通过几个步骤支持转化模型最初分析模型可执行代码

    As a result, an MDA tool may support transforming a model in several steps, from initial analysis model to executable code.


  • 因为模型是从业务分析视角定义所以它提供了一种层次的抽象项目相关者来说有用的沟通工具

    Because a use-case model is defined from a business analyst's view, it provides a level of abstraction that's a useful communication tool for project stakeholders.


  • 例如分析使用适当工具收集角色任务序列信息资源数据叙述需求等等它们作为构建BP模型输入内容

    For example, the analyst gathers roles, tasks, sequence information, resources, data, narratives, requirements, and so on using appropriate tools and uses them as input to construct the BP model.


  • 大多数以工作流中心的BPM工具要求更多技术人员参与,以便将业务分析人员创建的业务流程模型转换执行形式

    Most of the workflow-centric BPM tools require greater involvement of technical people to transform the business process model created by a business analyst into an executable form.


  • 模型可能在一夜间建成,就现状而言,现存模型我们使用分析工具依旧目前最好的。

    New models don't get built overnight, and for now, at least, the existing models and the tools we use to analyse them are the best that we have available.


  • 在快速变化电信业中,价值链模型可以作为行业一种分析工具

    Value chain model can be treated as an analyzing tool for the variable telecom industry.


  • RequisitePro其他四个工具中的任何一个相集成,都可以让分析人员、架构开发人员维持需求直接模型代码可追溯性

    The integration of RequisitePro with any of these four tools allows Analysts, Architects, and Developers to maintain traceability from requirements directly to models and code.


  • 使用一个称为向量回归模型经济分析工具

    He has used a tool of economic analysis, called a vector auto-regression model.


  • 贝叶斯网络不确定性环境下有效知识表示方式概率推理模型,是流行的图形决策化分析工具

    Bayesian Networks is a model that efficiently represents knowledge and probabilistic inference and is a popular graphics decision-making analysis tool.


  • 详细阐述工作流建模仿真工具需求分析设计实现重点讨论了工作流模型检测和仿真分析

    This paper expatiates on requirement analysis, design and implementation of workflow modeling and simulation tool, and mainly discusses workflow model check and simulation analysis.


  • SWOT分析模型一个用于企业战略规划的指导理论工具,用以帮助咱们更好地了解我们企划或是创业计划中的实际情况跟作为。

    SWOT analysis is a working theory and a tool that is used in corporate planning to help us better understand our position in a project or business venture.


  • 解决问题有效工具就是模糊理论层次分析因此本文采用层次模糊决策模型解决此问题。

    The valid tool to solve this type of problem is the fuzzy theory and level analytic method. Therefore, this paper USES level fuzzy decision model to solve it.


  • 我们缺乏工具综合分析这些问题,从而开发一个更具持续性的整体能源消耗模型

    We lacked a tool to analyze these issues together and figure out a more sustainable overall energy consumption model.


  • 课程中,我们介绍用于分析优化规划管理控制运载系统模型工具

    In this course, we will present models and tools for analyzing, optimizing, planning, managing and controlling carrier systems.


  • 模型分析设计SRM控制系统提供一种有效工具

    The models also offer a valid tool for analyzing and designing SRM control system.


  • 服务质量缺口模型作为一种服务质量分析工具普遍适用于一般服务性企业

    As an analyzing tool of service quality, service quality gap model is applicable to common service enterprises.


  • 数据挖掘利用各种分析工具海量数据发现模型数据间关系过程

    Data research is a process for searching model and the relationship in great amount data using different analysis tools.


  • 最终目的为了企业建模工具中的需求分析模型提供企业信息,从而使CIMS工程实施能够更有效的进行。

    The final purpose is to offer information for demanding analysis model in enterprise modeling tool, then we can actualize the engineering of CIMS effectively.


  • 空间模型安全协议分析一种重要工具具有良好语义分析过程难度较大。

    The strand space model is a very important tool of analyzing security protocol, and it has good semantics, but it is difficult to analyze security protocol.


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