• 美国国际象棋棋王鲍比·菲舍尔遗体司法鉴定正在进行。

    Forensic testing is under way on the remains of American chess legend, Bobby Fischer.


  • 棋王王一生形象魅力,论者多欣赏其身上所凝聚的道家文化特征

    Concerning the fascination of Wang Yi-sheng in King of Chess , ordinany critics and rdaders will concentrate on the appreciating the features of the Daoist culture on him.


  • 本文试从叙事学中的叙事时间一角度入手,对阿城小说棋王进行时距方面研究

    This article research the duration of the novel the king of playing chess, written by Acheng from narrative subject.


  • 记者艾迪同学您好终止象棋比赛中得到棋王称号,您目前心情怎么样?

    Reporter: Hello, Addison students in the just concluded chess competitions, you have the title of the chess King, how do you feel now?


  • 阿城棋王新时期小说中的经典作品现代语境中道家理想人格塑造是小说的核心取向。

    Cheng's the King of Chinese Chess whose core meaning is establishment of the Taoist ideal personality in the context of modernity is one of classical works among the New-age fictions.


  • 本文棋王考察作家在逼进生命底蕴表现一种主观现实主义的文学人生化方面所体现出的新传统美学的情韵。

    This article takes the "Chess king" as an example, and surveys the details of the authors life and it reflects a sense of new traditional esthetics shown by subjective realism.


  • 菲舍尔名极具个性的世界著名棋手。早1972年,菲舍尔在冰岛首都雷克雅未克进行世界棋王争霸战中击败斯帕斯基成为新的世界棋王

    Fischer became an icon in 1972 when he dethroned the Soviet Union's Boris Spassky in a series of games in Reykjavik to claim America's first world chess championship in more than a century.


  • 两人再次对决让人回想起了1984年的那场史诗般的棋王争霸赛,那场比赛耗时个月象征随后苏联内部上演股势力之间的明争暗斗。

    The rematch renews a battle that began in 1984 in an epic series of world title games that lasted five months and came to symbolise the competing forces then at play in the Soviet Union.


  • 区分天才和小有成就者之间关键不是灵光闪现的暗示,也无关智商高低的天赋,而且智商对人的未来成功与否预测普遍糟糕即使国中也不例外。

    The key factor separating geniuses from the merely accomplished is not a divine spark. It's not I. Q. , a generally bad predictor of success, even in realms like chess.


  • 卡尔波夫卡斯帕罗夫之间的比赛记录共144局,包括1984年9月到1985年2月棋王争霸赛中的40和局,两人之间最近一次交手是2002年。

    Karpov and Kasparov have played each other in a record 144 games, including 40 drawn games in their world title bout between September 1984 and February 1985. The two last played each other in 2002.


  • 卡尔波夫卡斯帕罗夫之间的比赛记录共144局,包括1984年9月到1985年2月棋王争霸赛中的40和局,两人之间最近一次交手是2002年。

    Karpov and Kasparov have played each other in a record 144 games, including 40 drawn games in their world title bout between September 1984 and February 1985. The two last played each other in 2002.


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