• 标准办公室会议室学生公寓

    In the standard floors are offices, conference rooms and student apartments.


  • 住宅标准平面效率设计方法论文研究的重点。

    The thesis focuses on the tactics and methods of the efficiency design of the standard floor of high-rise residences.


  • 第四分析了酒店式公寓平面功能,并阐述了标准、各功能空间设计要点

    The fourth chapter analyzes the ichnographic functions of the Hotel ServiceApartment Projects and illustrates the key designing issues including the design of standard floor and its functional space.


  • 标准客梯地面石材地砖;墙面贴面砖或石材或玻璃;天花造型天花。

    Elevator hall at standard floors: the ground is laid with stone material or ground tiles, the wall is bonded with face bricks, stone material or glass and ceiling is a modeling one.


  • 本文介绍了基于参考标准层地震属性提取技术细致描述了沿属性的提取方法。

    The paper introduced the pickup technique of seismic attributes based on referential marker horizon and described in detail the pickup method of horizon attributes.


  • 全球寒武系内个全球标准层型剖面点位——“芙蓉”和“排碧底界型正式我国确立

    The first intra-Cambrian GSSP for the base of global Furongian Series and Paibian Stage has been established in South China.


  • 宣称我们应该完全放弃BPEL,精力放在有可能成功方向:在符号之下再创建一个可执行BPMN标准

    He also argued that we should give up on BPEL altogether and focus on what appears to be the successful path: creating an executable BPMN standard layered underneath the notation.


  • 剪力结构标准用做住宅旅馆去掉部分剪力墙形成空间做为商店或餐厅,这种建筑结构已我国建成。

    Shear wall structures are used for typical floors of apartments or hotels, meanwhile large spaces are provided for shops and restaurants at the ground floor by cutting part of the shear walls.


  • 立面形式上,大厅为通高玻璃窗标准采用半个柱网标准开窗楼梯间微微前倾增加建筑动感。

    In the design of the facade, glass curtain wall is used in the ground floor. Standard Windows, half size of the floor height and pillar distance, are used for the standard floors.


  • 无论公司领域应用程序的提供者还是用户现在都是参与这类程序标准的好时机

    Whether your company is a provider or user of domain-level applications, now is the time to get involved in their standardization.


  • 如果组织使用了任何自主流程工作流通过将其移植外部BPEL设计工具运行时引擎来检查是否遵循BPEL标准

    If any proprietary process flow or workflow layer is used, check whether it is in compliance with BPEL standards by porting to external BPEL design tools and runtime engines.


  • 这个领域中的事实标准描述语言WSDL创建语言的目的服务接口实现提供一个抽象

    A DE facto standard description language in this domain is WSDL, which was created to provide an abstraction layer around a service's interface and implementation.


  • 对于远程桌面来说可以使用标准VNC不过VNC灵活性意味着容易通过vnc调整远程系统进行增强

    For remote desktops, you can use standard VNC, but VNC's flexibility means that it's easy to enhance the remoting system through adjustments at the VNC level.


  • SR m下面TRM, TRM用于标准规范技术进行分类构造交付交换业务和应用程序组件。

    Below the SRM layer is the TRM to categorize the standards, specifications, and technologies to construct, deliver, and exchange business and application components.


  • 标准可管理性资源定义管理者用于检测资源不同管理协议之间创建集成

    Standard manageable resource definitions create an integration layer between managers and the different management protocols used to instrument resources.


  • 开发人员通过运用操作系统抽象,可使用多种操作系统平台标准API降低编码维护学习几种操作系统相关成本,缩短相关时间

    With OS Abstractor, developers use a standard API interface across several OS platforms, reducing the costs and time associated with code maintenance and learning several operating systems.


  • 系列几篇文章介绍的api客户端编排策略事务策略应用大多数标准业务应用程序的核心策略。

    The API Layer and Client Orchestration transaction strategies that I've covered in previous articles in this series are core strategies that apply to most standard business applications.


  • dom构造符合ODF标准规范dom提供基础

    The DOM layer provides a foundation for constructing the DOM tree that is compliant with the ODF standard specification.


  • 逻辑sibJMS标准引入构件与特定WebSphere的资源联系起来。

    The logical SIB layer links the artifacts introduced by the JMS standard to WebSphere-specific resources.


  • SOAP一个用来交换任意xml文档标准消息传递,也是Web服务主要构件之一

    SOAP is a standard messaging layer used to exchange any XML documents and one of the main building blocks for Web services.


  • 当前传输安全性(Transport Layer Security (TLS))因特网上安全通信事实标准

    Currently, Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the DE facto standard for secure communication over the Internet.


  • socket网络子系统标准API,它各种网络协议提供了一个用户接口

    The sockets layer is the standard API to the networking subsystem and provides a user interface to a variety of networking protocols.


  • GSP标准HTML上的薄薄的groovy因此必要,可以轻松地将框架取出来,使用原生的Web技术

    GSP is a thin Groovy facade over standard HTML, making it easy to shell out of the framework and use native Web technologies whenever you feel the need.


  • PixelQi重新设计标准LCD每一实现这种双模操作

    Pixel Qi had to redesign every layer of a standard LCD to enable this dual-mode operation.


  • dojo数据抽象dojo . datadojo提供一个标准API访问各种后端服务

    Dojo's data abstraction layer, dojo.data, provides a standard API for dojo applications to access a variety of back-end services.


  • 上面描述三个提供一个集成标准网络平台允许服务提供商在服务提供各种多媒体服务

    The three layers described above provide an integrated and standardized network platform to allow service providers to offer a variety of multimedia services in the service layer.


  • 客户管理(M)度量一些度量标准例如项目支出对于那些成本那些项目中如何出问题不确定。

    The client's management (m) is measuring some metrics such as expenditures on projects, but is unsure as to how those costs break down within those projects.


  • 客户管理(M)度量一些度量标准例如项目支出对于那些成本那些项目中如何出问题不确定。

    The client's management (m) is measuring some metrics such as expenditures on projects, but is unsure as to how those costs break down within those projects.


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