• 英国食品标准(Food StandardsAgency葡萄酒标准正式注册英国葡萄园数量去年350个上升到了365个。

    The number of UK vineyards officially registered with the Wine Standards Branch of the Food Standards Agency rose from 350 to 365 last year.


  • 房产市场开始放慢脚步,放款机构通过戏剧性放宽信用标准来刺激销售步伐房产放宽更多,却不需要证明文件

    When the housing market began to slow, lenders pepped up the pace of sales by dramatically loosening credit standards, lending more against each property and cutting the need for documentation.


  • 研究者发现另有22偶发事件,这些事件中虚构医生不是故意改变标准操作流程,就是将病人置于不必要的危险之中或者漠视医生应有的医德

    Researchers also noted 22 incidents in which fictional doctors deliberately veered from standard practices, endangered patients unnecessarily or disregarded their own medical ethics.


  • 上面这个例子中,cat命令它自身标准输入,接受脚本文件中传递过来的输入字符

    In the case of the script above, the cat command was given a stream of input from our script to its standard input.


  • 计划注册平台本身不是登记而是所有注册提供标准

    The planned Registry Platform will not be a register itself, but rather will provide a set of standards for all registers.


  • 使用标准消息操作逻辑位置可以静态地定义、根据消息内容计算得出或者外部来源得出。

    Using standard message flow manipulation logic, the value at the tree location could be defined statically, computed from message content, or even derived from an external source.


  • 位于英国的标准银行非洲最大银行之一,整个非洲大陆18个国家内设有办事

    U.K.-based Standard Bank is one of Africa’s largest banks with offices in 18 countries across the continent.


  • 遗留样式表需要标准函数加上前缀也2.0理程序上

    Your legacy stylesheets do not need prefixes on the standard function names to run in a 2.0 processor.


  • 过滤器标准输入获得理内容,然后操作得到的内容,理后的结果送到标准输出。

    Filters take standard input and perform an operation upon it and send the results to standard output.


  • 默认情况下,标准输入是从键盘获取内容的,不过,就标准输出那样,标准输入也是可以重定向的。

    By default, standard input gets its contents from the keyboard, but like standard output, it can be redirected.


  • 符合有关标准的注册详情网站

    Details of registers meeting the required standards are available on the web site.


  • 其中翘楚其高标准推广:西班牙IESE其他15个国家建起了商学院

    Spain’s IESE has helped to set up business schools in 15 other countries.


  • 学校也对此做出了反应,他们考试委员会颁布的大纲标准去选购简易的教纲巻,针对学生的弱势科目进行辅导。

    Schools respond by shopping around among exam boards for the easiest syllabuses and tests, and directing pupils towards the softest subjects.


  • lpr命令将获取到的标准输入发送打印机

    LPR takes its standard input and sends it to the printer.


  • 除了常见的放在xslstylesheet元素中以外,2.0理程序还可以内部元素中识别属性标准属性作用域一所述

    In addition to its familiar place on XSL: stylesheet, that attribute is recognized by a 2.0 processor on inner elements, as described in the section on scoping standard attributes.


  • Linux系统提供了一个叫做lpr程序接收标准输入,然后标准输入送到打印机

    Linux provides a program called LPR that accepts standard input and sends it to the printer.


  • 说新办事目标确保食品日用消费品生产中”的安全标准质量控制

    He said the goal of the new offices was to ensure safety standards and quality controls in foodstuffs and consumer goods "at the point of manufacture."


  • 脚本中末尾token必须和开头的token相对应,如果没有对应上,那么这个脚本(Albert:比如,缺少了结束的token),就会解释为读入更多内容命令标准输入

    The token that ends the here script must exactly match the one that starts it, or else the remainder of your script will be interpreted as more standard input to the command.


  • SpringIntegration可以EJB、rMIJMS这些标准技术协同使用,能复杂解决方法进行建模,从而对标准技术有所增强

    Spring Integration works with standard technologies like EJB, RMI, and JMS, and enhances them by allowing you to model complex solutions in one place.


  • 发生一件HTML5我们提供了基于标准Web技术一般开发人员来讲更实际有用容易理解

    The other thing that's happened is that the HTML5 process has delivered us standards-based web technologies that are practical, useful and understandable to the average developer.


  • 通过改进保持丰田品质细微节省提高效率,再以此新的标准继续实行改进运动。

    Through improving and maintaining high quality, TOYOTA increase efficiency by saving from small place then move on implementing amelioration as new standard.


  • 确保标准细节和平台软件模块应用中获得

    Ensure that standard details and platform software modules are used when advantages are obtained.


  • 过去20- 30标准美国利润现已高位

    American profits look high by the standards of the past 20 to 30 years.


  • 通过改进保持丰田品质细微节省提高效率以此新的标准继续实行改进运动

    Toyota, by improving to maintain the high quality, from the tiny office efficiency savings, and then as a new standard, continue to improve movement.


  • 表示希望看到每一标准制订活动准备提案时,秘书提供技术专家支持

    It also expressed its wish to see the Secretariat provide technical and expert support in the preparation of the proposals for every norm-setting activity.


  • 利用其它语言图形接口标准构造图象显示系统读者完全可以借鉴方法

    Readers can refer to this processing method when you construct multi-image display systems by means of other programming languages' graphic interface.


  • 通过改进保持丰田品质细微节省提高效率,以此新的标准继续实行改进运动

    Pass the high quality that the improvement keeps a Toyota, from the small place of economical lift high-efficiency, again take this as new standard, continue to practice improvement sport.


  • 开发团队为了突出团队标准技术的独特可以利用集成的代码规范编辑器来自定义开发规范。

    Development organizations can use the integrated rules editor to create custom rules that reflect standards and technologies unique to that organization.


  • 分类监所管理部门依据一定标准,将在押人员分成若干种类,分类监管、分级遇的一监所管理制度。

    The system of classification means that the prison management departments classify the prisoners according to some standards, and take different management to different groups of prisoners.


  • 分类监所管理部门依据一定标准,将在押人员分成若干种类,分类监管、分级遇的一监所管理制度。

    The system of classification means that the prison management departments classify the prisoners according to some standards, and take different management to different groups of prisoners.


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