• 枯枝落叶快速分解引起土壤元素周期性短缺

    The decomposition of litter can cause the periodic shortage of nitrogen and phosphorus chemical elements.


  • 我们诧异是,每一不同绿叶枯枝落叶,都会排放甲烷

    To our amazement, all of the various kinds of leaves and plant litter produced methane.


  • 土壤水分低于11%时,枯枝落叶抑制土壤蒸发作用很小

    The effect of restraining soil evaporation by litter is quite small when the water content in soil is less than 11%.


  • 林型枯枝落叶水量呈现出明显的针叶林大于阔叶林的规律。

    The orderliness of forest litter's capability in holding water is the conifer higher than the broad-leaved trees.


  • 林区枯枝落叶水量持水周年变化规律落叶规律一致。

    The variational disciplinarian of waterholding quantity and waterholding rate were in consistent with the defoliation in anniversary.


  • 传统机耕整地使桉树林地枯枝落叶养分库呈突变形式退化。

    The degradations of litter layer and nutrient pool under EF were abrupt as the traditional reforestation like cutting, firing and machinery management was implemented.


  • 土壤温度微生物数量枯枝落叶本身化学成分影响分解主要因素

    The soil temperature, the Numbers of microorganism and the chemical composition of litter itself are the main factors what affect the litter decomposition rate.


  • 没有蚯蚓林地里落叶成堆地堆积在森林地表,树木灌木丛依靠枯枝落叶生长。

    In worm-free woodlands, leaves pile up in drifts on the forest floor. Trees and shrubs in wormless places depend on litter for food.


  • 实地人工造林试验证明,石面枯枝落叶覆盖存活率很高,薄膜覆盖差。

    But by afforestation on the spot, the results showed that the survival rate of litter mulching and stone mulching is higher than that of plastic mulching.


  • 许多地方一个完全禁止政策,它禁止放牧甚至禁止对枯枝落叶采收。

    In many places, this is a blanket ban that prevents the grazing of animals and even the removal of leaf litter and dead wood.


  • 林隙土壤的枯枝落叶林下薄组分主要草本根系盘结物且呈分解状态

    The litter layer in forest gaps was thinner than that under the canopy, the composition of the litter layer was herb remains and root twister while that was in half decomposition;


  • 分析测定枯枝落叶中的可溶性糖、氨基酸、单宁、有机酸其它化合物组成含量

    The composition and content of soluble sugar. aminoacid, tannin. organic acid and other compound were determined and identified.


  • 改造纯林内增加土壤表面枯枝落叶从而使得其内土壤容重,土壤孔隙变大

    The mixed forest transformed net increase in forest litter layer of the soil surface allowed the small soil bulk density and larger soil porosity.


  • 室内砂培试验证明、落叶枯枝落叶能促进水曲柳生长,模拟试验验证了室内砂培试验的结果。

    The sand test and model land test were the proof of the stimulation of litter on the growth of ash.


  • 土壤入渗功能、枯枝落叶最大水量以及土壤贮能力等方面进行研究探讨不同植被类型土壤改良效果

    At last in order to analyze the improved effect on soil, the staggered research was discussed in the following aspects: infiltration capacity of soil, water holding capacity for soil and litter layer.


  • 探讨了森林枯枝落叶森林土壤生态系统中对水源涵养养分供应促进生物活动强度土壤发育等方面功能

    Finally, the function of forest floor on wate conservation, nutrient supply, promoting biological respiratory intensity and soil development are discussed.


  • 通过化学组成分析、室内试验、模拟样试验模型物浇灌试验研究了落叶水曲柳混交林中落叶枯枝落叶水曲柳生长影响

    The effect of larch litter on the growth of ash was studied by means of chemical analysis. indoor sand culture test. model land test and model compound test.


  • 通过对黄土丘陵区龄山杨次生林凋落及其分解过程以及蓄积量随时间变化分析,研究了枯枝落叶层的持水和截留作用及其蓄水减沙效益。

    The wilting litter of the middle aged secondary mountain poplar forest and the decomposing process of litter as well as an amount of their accumulation were analysed with changes in time.


  • 本文揭示了红松原始林卫生清理绿色草本植物数量增加了59.1%,矮小灌木数量下降了50.95%,枯枝落叶层含量下降了24.58%。

    The paper concerns in virgin Korean pine forest, after sanitation cutting, the herb increases 59.1%, the shrub decreases 50.95%, the litter decreases 24.58%.


  • 一定到处闲逛,翻开地上圆木检查落叶枯枝树上的嫩芽等待昆虫、蜘蛛等各种生物出现它们的栖身之

    I have to poke around, turning over logs, scanning leaf litter, and examining broken branches and buds for insects, spiders, and other small creatures to emerge from their hiding places.


  • 过去过分关注树上枯枝地上落叶不曾看见近在咫尺欢乐

    In the past, I too much attention to the dead branches on the tree, the leaves on the ground, but didn't see the joy of the close at hand.


  • 那个时候所谓自我,所谓的大道它们像是秋天落叶冬天里的枯枝么?它们都终将变成黄土

    Till that time, so-called me, so-called Dao, aren't they just like the defoliation in autumn or the deadwood in winter? And they will be buried by a heap of loess?


  • 在满地落叶枯枝着,几乎没有任何声音,Stefan森林边上走去。

    Moving almost silently among the dead leaves and dry twigs, he made his way toward the edge of the woods.


  • 在满地落叶枯枝着,几乎没有任何声音,Stefan森林边上走去。

    Moving almost silently among the dead leaves and dry twigs, he made his way toward the edge of the woods.


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