• 提出了统计构形空间束缚势能有序态场势能概念

    The idea of statistic configuration space consisting of a large amount of molecules and corresponding field potential energy of restricted state and order state are put forward.


  • 膜型钢筋混凝土膜型扁基础上思出一种新的空间构形式。

    The filmy flat latticed shell is a new space structural system developed on the basis of the RC filmy flat shell.


  • 空间目前流行的结节点不同方向钢管相贯连接

    Space tube truss structure is a current structure type at present, its nodes are crossing connected by several steel tubes in different directions.


  • 由于优美空间满足人们生活需要越来越受到人们的青睐

    Because of its graceful structure style and big space, it meets the requirement of people's life and has earned more and more concerns.


  • 本文高科技带来建筑空间空间模式变化影响分析研究基础上,就智能建筑的空间规划空间布局设计进行了探讨

    This article discusses the space scheme and layout of intelligent building on the basis of the analysis of framework type and effect of mode change.


  • 由二维平面映射图象展现多维空间数据拓扑构形特征

    The mapping image generated on this plane can reveal the topology and characteristic of data in multidimensional space.


  • 这些异样材料功能巨大白色反差,将它们融入了一个连续空间

    These heterogenic materials and functions are than contrasted by a giant white structure, fusing them into a spatial continuum.


  • 首先分析弧焊机器人特点,并根据工作空间要求作业特点,确定了5自由度悬挂式

    Firstly, based on analysis of arc welding robots structure characteristics, the requirements of working space and the task feature, a 5-freedom pending robot structure is proposed.


  • 第三,探析广场空间地域特点提出地域特色条件空间构形差异性

    Third, analysis square space topography region characteristic, propose region difference of topographies of space of characteristic terms.


  • 空间相关分析空间统计的方法,可以揭示区域变量空间态。

    Spatial autocorrelation is one kind of spatial statistics, which is used to disclose the spatial structure of regional variable.


  • 伞状网架钢筋混凝土伞状折和网架优点基础上,思出的一种新型跨度空间构形式。

    Based on the structural features of RC umbrella folded plate, space trusses, etc., the umbrella folded space trusses has been developed as a new large span space structural system.


  • 空间自相关分析一种空间统计方法可以揭示区域变量空间态。

    Spatial autocorrelation analysis was a statistical method of spatial statistics, and it could reveal the spatial structure of regional variables.


  • 蛋白质预测问题就是根据组成蛋白质的氨基酸序列预测空间折叠

    Protein structure prediction problem is to predict the dimensional folding configurations from its amino acid sequence.


  • 大跨度张立体桁架一种新型预应力空间

    Long-span spatial truss string structure is a new form of prestressed spatial structure.


  • 文中论述园区企业迁移规律,物流园区的态度空间物流产业构形建立了园区物流企业迁移的非线性动力学模型

    In this paper, an attitude space of logistic park and structure of logistic industry have been set up, and a nonlinear dynamical model for park's enterprises is established.


  • 电阻应变的位置布局利用空间对称构形,从而实现信号加强补偿以及通道冗余功能

    The reinforcement and compensation and multiple channel redundancy of signals are realized by using space symmetric structure of resistance strain gauges.


  • 自然地理系统空间取决于景观要素有序性

    The spatial organization of physiographical systems depends upon the order of morphological elements in landscape structure.


  • 针对文章主题,部分着重讨论大学规划内涵以及大学规划中主要空间构形式。

    It also covers the most important points of the entire article, which explain the concept of campus planning and the effective way of organizing campus Spaces.


  • 文中物流园区态度空间物流产业构形建立了园区物流企业迁移的非线性动力学模型

    In this paper, an attitude space of logistics park and structure of logistics industry are set up, and a nonlinear dynamical model for park's enterprises is established.


  • 具有空间点阵先进复合材料格栅(ags)一种新型高效式,航空、航天结具有良好应用前景

    Advanced composite grid structure (AGS) is one of the most efficient lattice structures with many potential advantages, which own good application foreground in aeronautical and space engineering.


  • 针对板片空间一结构形式,研究了接触问题定量化分析有限元方法

    Aiming at sheet space structure system, the finite element method in quantitative analysis about contact problem is studied in this thesis.


  • 空间新颖丰富并且采用了大量材料、新技术,成为反映一个国家建筑科学技术水平的标志

    Large space structure are the symbol of the national building science and technology for not only its novel and prolific style but also plenty of new material and new technology have been adopted.


  • 研究了薄膜涂层材料构形式中薄膜涂层材料内部集中力作用平面空间问题

    The planar and spatial problems of concentrated forces applied in the interior of semi-infinite coating materials are discussed.


  • 由于底部大空间剪力墙转换层处竖向抗侧刚度较大的变化,所以结构形受力特性不同于传统的结

    Because of the obvious changing of vertical rigidity, this structure is greatly different from the traditional ones in forms and load-bearing characteristics.


  • 本文旨在探讨空间内在可读性之间关系

    The aim of this essay is to discuss the relationship between the intelligibility of spatial configuration and way-finding performance.


  • 村镇体系在理论上区域中心镇一般乡镇、中心村、基层等级式,其空间布局以点轴模式、中心地模式散点模式最为常见。

    Theoretically, village-town system is a sort of hierarchical structure, consisting of central regional town, general agricultural town, central village and basic village.


  • 村镇体系在理论上区域中心镇一般乡镇、中心村、基层等级式,其空间布局以点轴模式、中心地模式散点模式最为常见。

    Theoretically, village-town system is a sort of hierarchical structure, consisting of central regional town, general agricultural town, central village and basic village.


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