• 超级强震产生俯冲带——两个板块交汇的陆地板块边界

    Megathrusts are created in subduction zonesland plate boundaries where two plates converge.


  • 冰岛欧亚板块美洲板块边界

    Iceland in Eurasian plate and America plate boundary.


  • 沿消减某些板块边界似乎长期无震

    Certain parts of the plate boundaries along subduction zones appear to be aseismic.


  • 地球不同地方隆起和和沉降板块边界确切位置局限

    The rise and subsidence of different points of the Earth is not restricted to the exact locations of the plate boundary.


  • 非洲板块欧亚板块印度洋板块边界地震不断

    In the Eurasian plate, African plate and the Indian Ocean plate boundary, Earthquake never interrupt.


  • 因此板块边界便逐渐积聚张力,并突然地震形式释放出来

    Strain builds up at the boundary, which is then released suddenly in the form of an earthquake.


  • 星球级构造体系控制板块边界运动重要支配力量之一

    The global latitudinal tectonic system is one of the important forces controlling the plate boundary and movement.


  • 最深地震通常发生板块边界地方地壳正在俯冲地球地幔

    The deepest earthquakes typically occur at plate boundaries where the earth's crust is being subducted into the earth's mantle.


  • GPS位移数据反演显示板块边界上盘滑移风电塔筒维护。

    Inversion of GPS displacement data also indicates a slip zone in the up-dip portion of the plate boundary.


  • 高压变质带确立解决华北-扬子板块边界地球动力学演化问题具有重要意义。

    The establishment of the paired high-pressure belts is of major significance for solving the problem of the geodynamic evolution of the boundary of the North China and Yangtze plates.


  • 板块边界互相折叠将会导致土地改变位置,相对于罗盘或是GPS系统或是经纬线

    Plate borders that are folding under and over each other will cause their lands to reposition themselves, vs a vs the compass or the GPS system or latitude and longitude lines.


  • 大西洋山脊例子离散板块边界这一地区在哪里新的海底正在建立

    The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of a divergent plate boundary and is an area where new seafloor is being created.


  • 似乎很多火山减轻下方不是仅仅地球板块边界地壳岩浆压力

    It seems to have many small volcanoes to relieve the stress of the magma beneath the crust rather than just at the plate boundaries as on the Earth.


  • 勘察加半岛夏威夷社会群岛抬升事故显示了是个板块边界直到太平洋中心

    The rise and incident of islands from Kamchatka to Hawaii to the Society islands shows this to be a plate boundary, down the center of the Pacific.


  • 板块构造学说揭示海底扩张板块的水平运动现象,阐明了板块边界相联系的岩浆活动。

    The plate tectonic theory reveals the seafloor spreading and plate lateral movement, and illustrates magmatism related to plate boundaries.


  • 板块边界地层系统地震以及火山活动有关,边界观察到诸般地质活动迥然不同

    Both kinds of plate boundary are associated with fault systems, earthquakes and volcanism, but the kinds of geologic activity observed at the two boundaries are quite different.


  • 板块边界相交于一点,一个交点叫做板块三联接合点(简称三联点,三节点)。

    Triple junction is the intersection point among three plate boundaries. The boundary could be tensional, compressional or shear fault.


  • 齐塔人之声2010.12.18预测地震排列板块边界实施打击之前,已经很多前期运动。

    ZetaTalk Prediction 12/18/2010: Already there are many periods when quakes line the plate borders, and hammer there.


  • 认为愈来愈多地球科学问题地震的发生机制俯冲板块动力学集中俯冲板块边界

    More and more geological issues, e. g. mechanism of earthquake, subduction dynamics, etc. , are focused on the boundaries of subduction zone.


  • 板块边界地球表面活动地带,绝大多数地震火山分布活动带上,板块内部则是相对稳定地区

    The most active area of the earth surface is plate boundary, where most earthquakes and volcanic distribute on, while the region within the plate is relatively stable.


  • 地幔,这种物质可以板块边界下沉然后向上回流到较地方,再与地壳相碰撞——这个过程被称为小规模对流

    Mantle material can sink at a plate boundary, and then flow back upward farther away, pushing on the crust - a process called small scale convection.


  • 5菲律宾造山带(孵化的黑色边框交叉)环绕菲律宾-巽他会聚板块边界线)。

    Figure 5. The Philippines orogen (black outline with cross-hatching) surrounds the Philippine Sea (PS) - Sunda (SU) convergent plate boundary (heavy colored lines).


  • 地球倾斜到一侧之后突然倾斜到一侧,造成沿着板块边界的巨大压力绝对板块运动飞速增加一个原因

    The Earth may lean one way and suddenly lean another, creating great stress along plate borders and this is absolutely a factor in why the plate movements are increasing, apace.


  • 研究结果表明,运用模型方法可利用大地测量数据确定沿板块边界断层带的相对闭锁从而进行中长期地震预报

    The research result shows that this physical model is useful to determine the locked area along plate boundary faults and further to make the long term and middle term earthquake prediction.


  • 胡安德富卡板块边界浮标46407显示有浪水面正如大西洋中的北美洲板块边缘的浮标44401显示的那样。

    Buoy 46407 on the Juan de Fuca Plate border shows choppy water, as did Buoy 44401 on the edge of the N American Plate in the Atlantic.


  • 就是如果沿着板块边界河底由于板块弯曲而被举起,减缓排水并且本质上来说河水阻拦住时将发生的事。

    This is what would occur if the river bottoms had heaved along the Sunda Plate boundary, due to the bend, slowing the drainage and essentially damming the rivers.


  • 深部地质地球物理资料显示区内两板块深部结合带位置可能表层存在较大差异加深了板块边界划分研究复杂程度

    Some subsurface geology and Geophysics data revealed the possible of large gap between the boundaries' location of surface and subsurface, made the issue much more complex.


  • 同时,印度-澳大利亚板块东部边缘持续上升正如最近IRIS地图显示地震都是沿着这个板块边界和南美的安第斯山脊分布的。

    Meanwhile, the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian plate continues to rise, as shown by this recent IRIS map where earthquakes are along this plate border as well as the spine of the s American Andes.


  • 同时,印度-澳大利亚板块东部边缘持续上升正如最近IRIS地图显示地震都是沿着这个板块边界和南美的安第斯山脊分布的。

    Meanwhile, the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian plate continues to rise, as shown by this recent IRIS map where earthquakes are along this plate border as well as the spine of the s American Andes.


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