• 现在知道就是杨杨同学,现在就要仔细看

    Now you know who he is, and that is Yang Yang's classmate, now is the time to look at oh!


  • 那以后发现蝗虫或者蛐蛐就会马上告诉杨杨因为杨杨虫的技术非常

    Since then, I have found that the locusts or cricket immediately told Yang Yang, because Yang Yang catch technology is very good.


  • 杨杨餐厅,武侯区锦苑巷32号,电话(86-28) 8523-1394。两人就餐需150人民币含酒水小费)。

    Yang Yang, 32 Jin Yuan Xiang, Wu Hou Qu; (86-28) 8523-1394. A meal for two, without drinks or tip, is about 150 renminbi.


  • 密从未忘记杨震,并邀请杨夜间去拜访他。

    Wang never forgot Yang and invited Yang to spend the night with him.


  • 北京时间8月14上午11时,体操男子全能决赛国家体育馆进行,最终经过六轮角逐,全能王杨威凭借94.575分战胜了所有对手,近乎完美的发挥毫无悬念夺得冠军,继两次夺得世锦赛全能冠军后,杨威终于得到了期待已久的奥运会全能冠军。 值得注意的是,这也是本届北京奥运会第一个夺得两枚金牌的运动员。

    Chinese gymnast Yang Wei won the gold medal in the Men's Individual All-Around in Beijing on August 14, scoring a total of 94.575


  • 杨先生父亲就是受害者之一,杨先生也说道,《墓碑》这本就是作为父亲的墓碑。

    Yang's father was among the victims and Yang says this book is meant to be his tombstone.


  • 一直试图将杨致远赶下台其没微软达成协议指责通过引入一个昂贵员工遣散方案来搞砸了会谈

    He has been working to oust Yang for failing to make a deal with Microsoft, accusing him of sabotaging talks by adopting a costly employee-severance plan.


  • 对于女朋友对自己的一切,无法释怀刘强却表示,杨牟应该女友宽容一些。

    Yang says he cannot forgive his girlfriend for what she has done to him, but, according to Liu, he should go a little easier on his ex.


  • 但是医生看到的却是更严重的问题:尽管精神分裂症的症候相当明显,但过去年间接受过的医疗只有短短

    But Mr. Yang's doctors see a bigger failing. Despite clear signs of schizophrenia Mr. Yang had received medical care for just one month in the previous five years.


  • 杨咏威帮助都是损伤脊柱患者他们现在能够活动应归功于杨咏威卓越的工作

    All the people Young has helped were victims of spinal injuries, and they owe much of the mobility they have today to his landmark work.


  • 发生爆炸鲁比杨卡车名字来源于臭名昭著的鲁比杨卡监狱这里曾经苏联特务机构克格勃的总部所在地。

    The Lubyanka station, where the latest explosion occurred, takes its name from the infamous Lubyanka prison that also served as the former headquarters of the KGB, the Soviet-era secret police.


  • 但是每逢杰姆斯.狄林汉.杨先生回家上楼,走进房门时。 杰姆斯.狄林汉.杨太太——就是前面已经介绍过的德拉——总是把叫做“杰姆”,并且热烈地拥抱

    But whenver Mr.James Dillingham Young came home and reached his falt above he was calledJim” and greatly hugged by Mrs James Dillingham Young, alreadly introduced to you as Della .


  • 作为一个教授民法超过非常明白缴纳罚款幼小的女儿杨若楠将会“黑户孩子”一样生活

    Yet as one who taught civil law for more than 10 years, Yang was well aware that by not paying the fine, his younger daughter, Yang Ruonan, would live as a “black child.”


  • 杨致远此次离任前几天重申自己公司荣誉与共:藩市举行Web 2.0峰会上 杨致远听众表示他愿意雅虎 "上天入地" ("run throughwalls").

    Yang's departure comes just a few days after he reiterated his dedication to the company, telling a crowd at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco that he would "run through walls" for Yahoo.


  • Google协定使杨致远亿万富翁卡尔•伊代理权争夺战中处于有利的位置。卡尔•伊坎看来,是杨致远搞砸微软谈判

    The Google accord may make Yang more vulnerable in a proxy fight against billionaire investor Carl Icahn, who says Yang botched the Microsoft negotiations.


  • 但是杨瑞龙、周业安(杨瑞龙,周业安,1998)[4]却认为企业控制权状态依存性并不等于支配权自动让渡。

    But Yang Ruilong and Zhou Yean (Yang Ruilong, Zhou Yean, 1998) [4] believe that the dependency state of the corporate control does not mean the automatic transfer of control.


  • 父亲她25,将其名下的房地产开发商碧桂园持股转移到了杨惠妍名下,杨惠妍从此成为了公司最大股东

    She became the largest shareholder of real estate developer Country Garden Holdings after her father transferred his holdings to her when she was just 25 years old.


  • 好了,差点就上那个,什么,《杨基骄傲》的当了,我以为一部关于杨基的骄傲的电影,结果,洼,那个家伙得了葛瑞症。

    PHOEBE: Please, I almost fell for that with, uh, pride of the Yankees, I thought I was gonna see a film about Yankee pride and then, boom, the guy gets Lou Gehrig's disease.


  • 送来白米面条生活物资亲切和老人家嘘寒问暖,看到长辈开心,杨职霖终于实现父亲承诺

    Bringing rice, noodles, and daily supplies, Yang Zhilin greets the old folks with care. Seeing the seniors smiling happily, Yang knows he has fulfilled his promise to his father.


  • 当然不是什么运动,我是杨莉名字叫杨莉。

    Of course I'm not a 'game', I'm 'Li'! My name is Li.


  • 杨汀、杨欣玫、江鑫、刘帆、侯兆旭、一个个响亮名字代表我校学生的价值取向不断追求卓越精神

    Siva Yang, Kitty Yang, Jacob Jiang, Stephan Liu and David Hou: these names invoke an unceasing spirit of pursuing excellence, the basis of SCIE's value system.


  • 21岁(音译),杨扬旁边宿舍的同学很羡慕杨扬的成就,很至当成了我自己的偶像

    Shang Qiang, 21, who is Yang's next door neighbor, admires the accomplishments of the fellow next door and even sees him as a role model.


  • 有一运动会杨友琦邀请金羽弟弟杨友琦家由于启蒙玩具很小

    One day is the games, Yang Youqi invites me, the Jin Yuqian and his younger brother goes to Yang Youqi to play, because my initiation toy are few, spells very is also small.


  • 十分感激杨菲的照顾,我想杨菲也是一样

    I'll really appreciate any kindness you can show her, and I know Yang Fei herself will, too.


  • 杨式太极拳”定势杨式太极拳基本拳架之一,其身法的关键为端正、自然、顺舒灵动

    'Single whip' is one of the basic settings in Yang style shadowboxing, the key factors of which are correctness, naturalness, smoothness and smartness.


  • 方差分析表明:63杨、69杨微纤丝基本密度抗弯强度差异显著,说明63和69杨滩地类型影响较大。

    It indicates that there are significant differences for microfibril Angle, basic density, bending strength and rate of shrinkage of poplar 63 and poplar 69 by variance analysis.


  • 红线女扮演足智多谋妻子唐氏(简称唐氏),宋唐氏援助一个叫杨秀珍的妇人,杨秀珍被诬毒害本夫姚廷美

    Hong Xiannu plays his resourceful wife, nee Tang (Song Tang Shi or simply Tang Shi), who wants to aid a woman, Yang Xiuzhen, who was wrongly accused of having poisoned her husband, Yao Tingmei.


  • 红线女扮演足智多谋妻子唐氏(简称唐氏),宋唐氏援助一个叫杨秀珍的妇人,杨秀珍被诬毒害本夫姚廷美

    Hong Xiannu plays his resourceful wife, nee Tang (Song Tang Shi or simply Tang Shi), who wants to aid a woman, Yang Xiuzhen, who was wrongly accused of having poisoned her husband, Yao Tingmei.


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