• 容易发现来自自然设计之美——万物融合

    Also easy to find a kind of design from the natural beauty - all things together.


  • 他们制作篮子桌上用具以及其他来自自然材料商品

    They make baskets, table items and other goods from natural materials.


  • 纯净的来自自然流淌的清澈泉水水的地方总是方便

    The purest water came from clear, free-flowing springs, but these were not always conveniently located.


  • 根据研究长城正在逐渐消失因为受到来自自然人类造成损害

    But according to the research, the Great Wall is missing gradually, for it suffers the damage from both nature and human being.


  • 据信它们人类一样受到自然宿主通过来自自然宿主传播受到直接感染

    They, like humans, are believed to be infected directly from the natural reservoir or through a chain of transmission from the natural reservoir.


  • 毕竟也是动物我们来自自然自然和谐相处符合我们内心深处愿望

    After all, humans are also animals, we all come from nature, and being in harmony with nature is the desire that is deep in our hearts.


  • 我们日常生活所用一切东西、做家具木材几乎来自自然

    Almost everything we use in our everyday life comes from notate, ranging from the food we eat, the water we drink, to the wood which is tm 'ned into furniture.


  • 我们来自自然,把自然界也称为我们家园所以我们必须要最大的努力去保护

    We all e from nature which is our homeland, so we must try best to protect it.


  • 少数玩具没有电视而且从不有了一个机会旅行但是源自来自自然许多乐趣

    I had few toys, no TV, and never had a chance to travel, but I derived a lot of fun from the nature.


  • 平均每个美国人每年接收360毫雷姆射线,其中300毫雷姆来自自然放射源,60毫雷姆来自人类活动(雷姆射线强度单位)。

    The average American receives 360millirems of radiation each year, 300 from natural sources and 60 from man-made activities. (a rem is a unit of radiation exposure.)


  • 一些研究人员在资料进行分析之后,都认为气温上升不止因为人类活动,还有来自自然的影响。长时间以来,太阳释放的热量逐日增加

    A few researchers who agree the data show a warming trend nevertheless argue that this may be caused not by man but by nature, in the form of minute increases in the sun's heat output.


  • 它们来自不同背景的人们提供一个机会,让他们接触雄蜂到跳羚、鲑鱼等多种动物,从而更好地了解我们生活自然世界

    They afford an opportunity for people from all backgrounds to encounter a range of animals from drone bees to springbok or salmon to better understand the natural world we live in.


  • 然而他们使用更多自然资源燃料来自所有浴室高尔夫球场)和建筑材料

    They also, however, use far more natural resources fuel, water (all those baths and golf courses) and building materials.


  • 我们终归只是来自非洲草原生物有计划的掩盖着自然发展趋势

    We are, after all, only creatures of the African savanna, programmed to uncover trends in the natural world.


  • 自然对健康有益的另一个例子来自加拿大。

    Another good example of how nature is good for health comes from Canada.


  • 汉森利用降低机器的温度,这个过程中,水的温度上升然后将水注入地下冷却系统冷却。

    Hansen USES water to cool the machines, and as the water heats up in the process, he pipes it through the ground to chill it naturally.


  • 这种电动机械装置需要每天进行充电,在步伐同时确保不会使用者带来“代谢消耗”,说道

    The powered mechanism, which will require daily recharging, creates a natural gait and ensures that no "metabolic cost" is imposed on the wearer, he says.


  • 演练这个答案,于是故意抬头设法自己声音听来自连续

    He'd rehearsed an answer for this and, not looking up, managed to get it out without his voice breaking.


  • 需要挂起然晾干直到摸上去有点僵硬

    You need to let it hang dry till it becomes a bit tougher to the touch.


  • 想让眉毛看起,先斜角型软眉上眉,再干净睫毛刷刷均匀。

    Keep the look natural by using an angled brow brush to apply powder in short feathery strokes and blend with a clean mascara brush.


  • 我们整个建筑覆盖黑色木头从而周围自然环境相连接并且使看起华丽

    We covered the whole building with black wood thus connecting it with natural surroundings and giving it a natural but noble look.


  • 通过大量语言现象掌握语法规则

    Through the language of natural phenomena to grasp the rules of grammar.


  • 西瓜面包炭黑色素绿茶以及草莓食用色素制成,三种颜色分别担当西瓜子、瓜皮瓜瓤角色,吃起来自然不会有西瓜

    The bread - which tastes nothing like watermelon - is made with charcoal, green tea and strawberry food colouring to create the bright colours of the seeds, rind and flesh.


  • 所以牙齿不是看起自身肤色性格协调牙齿颜色才是最好选择

    So, the tooth isn't a white more is more good, look nature, the tooth color moderating with self skin color, personality is the best choice.


  • 由于近年人为等因素影响使生态环境遭到严重破坏,许多珍贵稀有植物濒临灭绝

    However, many rare and endangered plants are on the verge of extinction due to serious eec-environmental damage caused by impact of nature and human factors in recent years.


  • 这种想法来自自然杂志1971年发布一项研究。研究观察宿舍135名美国大学生,并且记录了她们经期开始的时间。

    The idea originated in a study published in the journal Nature in 1971, which looked at 135 American college students living in a dormitory and recorded data on when their periods began.


  • 这种想法来自自然杂志1971年发布一项研究。 研究观察宿舍的135名美国大学生,并且记录了她们经期开始的时间。

    Thee idea originated in a study published in the journal Nature in 1971, which looked at 135 American college students living in a dormitory and recorded data on when their periods began.


  • 一楼作为公共区域旨在通过范围通风呼吸”,一些区域中的孔洞来可以通风。

    The ground floor as the public areas is designed to 'breath' naturally through the large ventilation that is provided from the holes pattern in some areas of the building.


  • 一楼作为公共区域旨在通过范围通风呼吸”,一些区域中的孔洞来可以通风。

    The ground floor as the public areas is designed to 'breath' naturally through the large ventilation that is provided from the holes pattern in some areas of the building.


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