• 不克不及盲目他人交代事,而是要养成一种主动他人眷你的举动风气。

    "Instead of blindly doing what you're told, get in the habit of taking action that invites people to pay attention," says Mr.


  • 当然,并不是大家地方自行车即使可以车子放在人人往公共走廊并不必然安全。

    Of course, not everyone has the space (or the desire) to keep a bike or bikes inside their homes, and even if you're able to leave it in a communal hallway or corridor it's not necessarily much safer.


  • 可以用作大学教育喜欢的东西上也许发现自己父母你的钱更难

    It can be used to save for college education or favorite things. Maybe you will find it's harder to use money you made than that your parents gave you!


  • 最初可能需要同样数量花多几年时间够钱拥有自己房屋汽车真正意义上的拥有,而不是银行的。

    Initially it would take a few years longer for the same number of people to save enough to own houses and cars - actually own them, not rent them from Banks.


  • 比如有些认为这项研究说明人们合理行为实际上“合理有效的”;几千认知偏差一直自有它在的充分理由

    For example, some argue that the main insight of all this study is that irrationality actually works; our cognitive biases have survived for millennia for good reason.


  • 因此他们通过现在申请贷款然后银行这种方式确保资金充裕

    Hence, they secure credit by receiving disbursement now and deposit the money back for future expenditure.


  • 而在今天只有笨蛋才试图美元方式财富。

    Today, only a fool would try to save for the future by piling up dollar bills.


  • 美国联邦储蓄保险公司提出新的方案重建遭受大出血基金

    America's Federal deposit insurance Corporation proposed a novel solution for rebuilding its deposit-insurance fund, depleted after a spate of seizures.


  • 几千认知偏差一直自有它在的充分理由

    Our cognitive biases have survived for millennia for good reason.


  • 堪称中国[gm66nd]([gm99nd])百度股价比2008年底低点涨了四美国托凭证市盈率为85倍(2009年收益计算)。

    Shares of Baidu, often called China's [gm99nd], have quintupled since their late-2008 low and now trade in the U.S. at 85 times the company's profits for the previous year.


  • 缓冲区获取通过使用器(latch)锁访问信息管理的,该锁称作 mutex。

    Buffer acquisition is managed through the use of latches, known as mutex, and lock-access information.


  • 考克斯先生则冥思苦想,8,10,15年酒混合,上“最佳酒厂选择商标,打破束缚

    Mr Cox muses about breaking out of the age straitjacket to mix eight-, ten-, and 15-year-old stock under a label such as “head distiller’s choice”.


  • 柬埔寨居民诺丹妮:「没有能力富豪很多,我可能做到每天点钱帮助需要。」

    I cannot donate a lot of money like the wealthy. What I can do is save a little each day to help those in need.


  • 如果目前不能接受没有报酬劳动,你可以够了做,或者每周提供几天的劳动,同时一份有报酬(可能比较低)的工作维持生活

    If you can't afford to work without pay right now, either save enough money until you can or just offer to work a few days a week and find a paying (and likely crappy) job to handle your bills.


  • 翻开历史事业上有所成就名人,无一不是高远一真理指导做人思想

    Throughout history, a successful career in business celebrity, notting have is not to rely on "chi when aim high", this truth to guide human thought.


  • 有时候我会使用应对紧急情况这样不必父母担心

    Sometimes I will use the saved money to support my emergent situation, so there is no need for them to worry about me.


  • 馆长则借助历史记载采购订单日记账分录照片房间确定需要重塑纺织品图案设计

    Curators used historical documents such as purchase orders, journal entries, photographs and room inventories to determine the textile designs that needed to be re-created.


  • 通过《觚剖析,寻找贯穿一生精神困境同时揭示近代知识分子迷茫心态抉择过程

    This thesis intends to explore Yu Mingzhen's spiritual dilemma throughout his life, and meantime reveals the puzzlement and the process of the establishment of modern intellectuals.


  • 今天这儿是知道如何外币。我想你们这里有这业务,对吗?

    Today I'm here to find out about paying in foreign currency. You do that here, I suppose?


  • OLTP系统需要时候历史数据成功实现当前事务需求

    The OLTP system stores only historical data as needed to successfully meet the requirements of the current transaction.


  • OLTP系统需要时候历史数据成功实现当前事务需求

    The OLTP system stores only historical data as needed to successfully meet the requirements of the current transaction.


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