• 尽管作了创立欧洲自由贸易协会这个尝试在《罗马条约》签订第五英国申请成为其会员不过这一度受戴高乐否决阻碍直到1973年丹麦爱尔兰一同成功加入该协会。

    Despite the EFTA experiment, Britain applied for membership only four years after the Treaty of Rome, but was blocked by DE Gaulle's veto and did not join until 1973, along with Denmark and Ireland.


  • 敦促尚未批准世卫组织框架公约国家加入成为国际条约缔约方的国家行列。

    Urge the countries that have not yet ratified the WHO Framework Convention to join those that are already Parties to the international treaty.


  • 无论如何,必须克罗地亚加入出台一个新的条约因为票数议会席位2000年的尼斯条约没有确定

    In any case, a new treaty is required before Croatia joins, since its votes and parliamentary seats were not fixed under the 2000 Nice treaty.


  • 如同其它任何条约一样,《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》规定了缔约方,也正式加入公约各国(以及欧洲联盟)的法律义务

    As with any other treaty, the WHO FCTC confers legal obligations on its Parties - that is, on the countries (and the European Union) that have formally acceded to it.


  • 所有这些国家没有一个在近期内能满足加入欧元区所要求马斯特里赫特条约标准

    None of these will meet the Maastricht treaty's criteria for euro entry any time soon.


  • 去年默克尔萨科齐他们改变欧盟条约建立一个永久性的金融救助机制时,他们盟友纷纷加入队伍

    WHEN Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy said last year that they wanted to change the European Union's treaties to create a permanent financial-rescue system, their colleagues soon fell into line.


  • 丹麦的选民已经先后投票反对加入欧元区1992年马斯特里赫特条约举行的全民公投,一在2000年要求重新予以考虑时投了反对票。

    The Danes have twice voted against joining, once in a referendum on the Maastricht treaty in 1992 and again when they were asked to reconsider in 2000.


  • 1991年,荷兰小城马斯特里赫特召开欧盟峰会制定欧元运作诸多基本准则德国坚持将该条款加入条约

    That clause was inserted in 1991, at the insistence of Germany, at the eu summit in Maastricht, the Dutch town where many of the ground rules for the euro were set down.


  • 他们的加入条约还有另外一附加条款,即其他欧盟成员国可以拒绝认可该国法庭判决书

    Another sanction in their accession treaties is that other EU members may refuse to recognise court judgments.


  • 第三学说显然意味着美国有权威胁那些没有加入不扩散核武器条约国家

    Third, the new doctrine clearly implies that the United states reserves the right to threaten to use nuclear weapons against states that are not party to the nonproliferation treaty.


  • 包括阿根廷菲律宾泰国越南在内更多国家同意加入从而加强了作为全球努力核心内容国际条约伙伴关系。

    More nationsincluding Argentina, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnamagreed to join, and thus strengthen, the treaties and international partnerships that are at the core of our global efforts.


  • 中国作为域外大国第一加入东南亚友好合作条约》,第一个东盟建立面向和平繁荣战略伙伴关系

    China is the first major country outside the region to accede to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia and to forge a strategic partnership for peace and prosperity with ASEAN.


  • 加入多边条约协定程序如下

    The procedures for acceding to multilateral treaties and agreements are as follows.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是,根据马斯特里赫特条约的标准,少数国家资格加入欧盟

    It is ironic to note that only a handful would any longer qualify for European Union entry under the Maastricht criteria.


  • 中国继续能源进出口依照加入WTO诺言及其条约改良有利于公平交易的法规。

    China will pursue energy imports and exports, and improve policies for fair trade in accordance with its commitments to the WTO and the WTO rules.


  • (2)范围之外的实体交存批准书加入日起个月之后条约约束。

    Any entity not covered by paragraph (2) shall become bound by this Treaty three months after the date on which it has deposited its instrument of ratification or accession.


  • 中国加入条约之前承诺履行该机构规约义务,包括保障监督的义务

    Even prior to acceding to the treaty, China undertook to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the IAEA Statute, including the obligation to apply IAEA safeguard.


  • 中国作为东盟对话伙伴国第一加入东南亚友好合作条约》,第一个东盟建立面向和平繁荣战略伙伴关系

    China was the first ASEAN dialogue partner to join the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia and to establish strategic partnership for peace and prosperity with ASEAN.


  • 中国加入东南亚友好合作条约》,与东盟建立“面向繁荣和平”的战略伙伴关系

    China has signed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, establishing the China-ASEAN strategic fellowship for Prosperity and Peace.


  • 第十二商标国际注册依照我国加入有关国际条约办理

    Article 12 Applications for international registration of trademarks shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant international treaties to which China has acceded.


  • 所有签字国都交存批准书时,条约应对这些国家交存加入国家生效

    Upon the deposit of instruments of ratification by all the signatory States, the present Treaty shall enter into force for those States and for States which have deposited instruments of accession.


  • 近年来,我们加入东盟友好合作条约

    In recent Years, we acceded to the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.


  • 如果协议达成日本首次加入不扩散核武器条约国家缔结核能协定

    If the agreement is reached, it will be the first time for Japan to have a nuclear energy agreement with a country that has not signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of nuclear Weapons.


  • 如果协议达成日本首次加入不扩散核武器条约国家缔结核能协定

    If the agreement is reached, it will be the first time for Japan to have a nuclear energy agreement with a country that has not signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of nuclear Weapons.


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