• 尔的共同愿景中国专业最值得信赖人力资源服务商

    Target for Dowell:Becoming the most trusted HR(Human Resources) consulting company of China.


  • DVD发明获奖健身专家约翰·阿卜杜为引导一些挑战性生产力套路

    DVD routines: Inventor and Award Winning Fitness Expert, John Abdo, guides you through several challenging and highly productive routines.


  • 拉瓦克CTA 工作,CTA每年都会举办这个展会表示研究自己2016年的预测时这种寻找解决方案转变已经很明显了

    DuBravac works for CTA—which puts on the show each year—and said that this shift to a search for solutions has been noticeable as he researched his predictions for 2016.


  • 尼表示,一些公司的IT部门已经开始员工自行购买的平板电脑提供技术支持(例如这些设备上瘦客户端以便使用商业程序)。

    Dulaney says some it departments are starting to support tablets that are brought in by employees (enabling the device with a thin client so they can access business applications, for example).


  • 份声明中说:“无论他们多少别人更多钱的人称自己快乐感增强,自己花较多钱的人则没有这种感受。”

    "Regardless of how much income each person made, those who spent money on others reported greater happiness, while those who spent more on themselves did not," Dunn said in a statement.


  • 越来越魁北克人一样,拒绝自己定性联邦主义者或者分离主义者。

    Like an increasing number of Quebeckers, Mr Dumont refuses to define himself as either a federalist or a separatist.


  • 瓦利埃迅速国家安全服务机构中巩固自己实力通过贿赂敲诈勒索自己亲信们聚拢财富,并且树立个人崇拜

    Duvalier quickly set about consolidating his power over the state and security services, enriching himself and his cronies through bribery and extortion, and building his own personality cult.


  • 几百年以来一直是个秘诀巴里夫人经常情人其中就包括路易十六,的就是他们起性。

    It's a trick that's been around for centuries... Madame du Barry regularly served ginger to her lovers, including Louis XV, to drive them mad.


  • 据悉,这座姚明蜡像是从上海夫人蜡像馆租借而来,在纽约的展期个月

    On loan from Madame Tussauds Shanghai for six months, Yao's wax figure made its debut in Madame Tussauds, New York.


  • 由于沙雷那边有个支持者那边有个崇拜者鼓励哈珀自己举行选举

    With a supporter in Mr Charest and an admirer in Mr Dumont, Mr Harper may be encouraged to call an election himself.


  • 曾于1968年1994年科赫工业集团公司工作的菲尔·告诉陪审团计划如何运行。

    Phil Dubose, who worked for Koch Industries from 1968 to 1994, told the jury how the scheme worked.


  • 当地方言“冈德语”,“萨尔瓦-朱姆”一词和平进军”之不过译作净化运动可能贴切

    This is usually translated as meaning "peace march" in the local language, Gondi, but is perhaps closer to "purification drive".


  • 昨日声称选举中出现大规模舞弊现象的阿卜讲话中对加尔布雷斯阻止选举作弊下台一事表现出关切

    Speaking yesterday Abdullah, who alleges fraud took place on a massive scale, expressed concern that Galbraith had been pushed out for campaigning to prevent electoral fraud.


  • 瓦利埃迅速国家安全服务机构中巩固自己实力通过贿赂敲诈勒索自己亲信们聚拢财富,并且树立个人崇拜

    Duvalierquickly set about consolidating his power over the state and securityservices, enriching himself and his cronies through bribery andextortion, and building his own personality cult.


  • 之内国王下一个女儿随后又诞下一个儿子

    Dube, as she became known, bore him a daughter within a year and a son soon afterwards.


  • 最近一个周日沙布勒前往赫尔曼德省的巴拉·奎尔普地区那里三个巡逻队主持弥撒

    On a recent Sunday, Subler performed Mass at three patrol bases in the Badula Qulp region of Helmand Province.


  • 沙特国王阿卜子孙后代保存石油财富下令禁止开采发现油田。

    Saudi King Abdullah ordered a ban on the exploitation of the kingdom's newly found oil fields in order to preserve wealth for future generations.


  • 而且像凯文·特这样的家伙确实应该圣诞节我们表演。

    That Kevin Durant guy really should be playing basketball on Christmas.


  • 重组做好准备正在开办一个社交媒体咨询就业公司,这家公司是专门处在职业生涯中期专业人士设计的,这些人最有发展潜力

    To prepare, Durbin is opening a social media consulting and placement firm designed for mid-career professionals, where he sees the most growth potential.


  • 但是罗索伊(人们习惯称呼他老爹)作刚果——以及整个非洲——第一乐坛明星,他并没有把这种命令放在心上。

    But Mr Kolosoy, who was better known as Wendo, or Papa Wendo, and was one of Congo 's-and so Africa 's-first music stars, ignored this injunction.


  • 这个印度教庙宇那里有着数千只老鼠,它们餐饮Laddu)的糖果粮食牛奶等食物。

    The Hindu temple is famous for the thousands of rats that live there, dining on sweets, grain, and milk called laddu.


  • 莉莲·卡尔德龙·加西埃尼亚斯调查大气污染影响招募儿童安娜只有七岁

    When Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas recruited children for a study probing the effects of air pollution, Ana was just 7.


  • 思韦特(Douthwaite)因此建议种以能源支持的货币(energy-backedcurrency unit),或者ebcu,来国际储备货币。

    Douthwaite therefore suggests an energy-backed currency unit, or ebcu, as the international reserve currency.


  • 3月27国王阿卜任命同父异母兄弟纳耶夫王子二副首相时候一样,关于王位的更迭,虽然谣言四起,但宫内偶尔也能传出真实消息

    Amid the swirl of rumour, news of real shifts occasionally wafts out, as it did on March 27th, when King Abdullah appointed his half-brother, Prince Nayef, as his second deputy prime minister.


  • 多特蒙德西格纳尔-伊公园球场的8万观众刚刚目睹了里贝里拜仁踢进第三一个灵巧任意球打进了球门上

    The 80, 000 people in the Signal Iduna Park had just watched Ribéry score Bayern Munich's third goal with a deft free-kick into the top corner.


  • 另外还有2阿富汗毛毯紧急求救反光毯子,巴辛吉混血准备的狗,一衣服,装有牛仔、羊毛衫T恤等

    They also had two afghans, two reflective emergency blankets, and a bag of dog food for Medusa, their basenji mix. A suitcase held jeans, sweatshirts, and tees.


  • 第二作者作品关系基础上,记忆关键词传奇来源构成进行了分析

    Based on the relationship of author and works, Chapter two analyzes the source and constitution of Duluoz Legend by taking memory as a keyword.


  • 第二作者作品关系基础上,记忆关键词传奇来源构成进行了分析

    Based on the relationship of author and works, Chapter two analyzes the source and constitution of Duluoz Legend by taking memory as a keyword.


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