• 原籍湖北武汉俄罗斯籍华人荆,2007年8月21日只身一人骑马从俄罗斯联邦巴什科尔托斯坦共和国的雅那乌尔镇出发,开始单骑横跨欧亚大陆的壮举。 2009年3月10日,这位骑士经过近9000公里的漫长骑行,抵达北京昌平

    Chinese-Russian Li Jing stands beside his horse at Changping District of Beijing, capital of China, Mar. 10, 2009.


  • 早期媒婆一样,真命天子相约承诺客户进行初步的甄选。

    Like Matchmaker li earlier, the Right Stuff promises to do some initial screening for its customers.


  • 会昌电视广告许诺建立一个“纯净公正”的韩国这间接地提及那些不利于对手的传言。

    Television commercials for Lee Hoi-chang promise he will build a "clean and right" South Korea - an indirect reference to the allegations against his opponent.


  • 36岁的·丽娜32岁的凌志美潮流电视台(戈尔合伙创办人)做报道时候被捕的。

    Lee, 36, and Ling, 32, were on a reporting trip for Current TV - which was co-founded by Gore - when they were arrested.


  • 奥特再次体验祖母农场夏天

    Lee Utterbach wanted to recapture summers on his grandmother's farm.


  • 泽源目前是深航高级顾问,持有70%股份。

    Li, senior adviser of the company, controls about 70% of the carrier.


  • 这本装有封皮特式日记追随姊姊---蓝色练习簿---脚步,散失了,没有留下任何地址

    That bound volume of Lett's diary has now followed the way of its elder sister, the blue manuscript book, leaving no address behind.


  • 世界卫生组织总干事钟郁博士开幕发言中委员会报告了他最近访问海啸首当印度尼西亚斯里兰卡的情况。

    In his opening statement, WHO Director-General Dr LEE Jong-wook reported to the Board on his recent visit to areas in Indonesia and Sri Lanka worst affected by the tsunami.


  • 世卫组织时刻准备技术支持专家咨询帮助会员国实现一义务。”世界卫生组织总干事钟郁博士

    WHO is ready to help its Member States fulfil this obligation with technical support and expert advice." said Dr. LEE Jong-wook, Director-General of the World Health Organization.


  • 博伊斯罗伯特林赛写畅销书雪人”的灵感来源,也是电影版的启发者。 博伊斯通过朋友安德鲁多尔顿列为机密的公报出卖苏联

    Boyce, who was inspiration for Robert Lindsey's best seller The Falcon and the Snowman as well as the film adaptation, sold classified communiqués to the Soviets through his friend Andrew Dalton Lee.


  • 去年韩国法院声称健熙低于市场价格三星证券出售子女合法的,这样下一代接管三星做好铺垫。

    Last year a South Korean court declared that a sale of Samsung securities by Mr Lee to his children at below market prices was legal, clearing the way for the next generation to take control.


  • 健熙受到的另一项指控通过三星子公司股份虚假低价卖给40岁儿子,他的继承人,非法转移三星控制权

    Mr Lee has also been charged with transferring control to his 40-year-old son and heir, Jay Y. Lee, by arranging for Samsung affiliates to sell shares to the younger Mr Lee at artificially low prices.


  • 深航表示调查影响公司正常运作各项日常工作交由总裁全面负责。

    Shenzhen Airlines said the investigation had not affected the airline's operations, which were now under the command of its President li Kun.


  • 氏杆菌虽不常见,致命毒性超过诸如沙门氏菌大肠杆菌等著名病原体

    Listeria is rare but more deadly than well-known pathogens like salmonella and E. coli.


  • 出于同样战略考量9月份苏丹国家田径队签约成为赞助商

    On the same tack, Li Ning in September signed up to sponsor Sudan's national track-and-field team.


  • 专注于中国国内市场安踏不同,一直努力提升在国外形象,曾签下沙奎•奥尼尔(ShaquilleO'Neal)西班牙国家篮球队代言。

    Unlike Anta, which is focusing more on the domestic market, li Ning has been trying to raise its profile abroad, reaching deals with Shaquille o 'neal and Spain's national basketball team.


  • 三星董事长健熙22日宣布辞职结束了长达20掌舵生涯。 韩国检察机构17日宣布逃税失信起诉健熙。

    Samsung Group's chairman Lee Kun-hee announced Tuesday he would step down after 20 years of leadership following his indictment on April 17 for tax evasion and breach of trust.


  • 村上风格综合西方前辈如沃霍尔、奥尔登堡奇登斯坦roy Lichtenstein,及日本前辈和同时代动漫元素混合。

    Murakami's style is an amalgam of his Western predecessors, Warhol, Oldenberg and Roy Lichtenstein, as well as Japanese predecessors and contemporaries of anime and manga.


  • 不过明博呼吁释放总部设在加利福尼亚CurrentTV记者凌志美云娜以及一名韩国工人关押原因不明

    However, Lee called for the release of Laura Ling and Euna Lee of California-based Current TV, as well as a South Korean worker he said was being held for unknown reasons.


  • 中国第五航空公司深圳航空(Shenzhen Airlines)宣布,公司总裁因涉嫌“经济犯罪革除职务正在接受调查。深并未说明具体罪行。

    The President of Shenzhen Airlines, China's fifth - largest carrier, has been removed from his position and is under investigation for unspecified "economic crimes", according to the airline.


  • 这位助理曾还致电拉斯(AndreasLiveras)英国家人,对困境发出警报,可是知道此时佛拉斯(Andreas Liveras)已命丧黄泉

    The assistant called Mr Liveras’s family in England to alert them to his plight without knowing his fate.


  • 奥运冠军21日北京代表基金33岁德国体操运动员丘索维金娜捐赠了2万欧元,用于帮助儿子白血病康复治疗

    Olympic champion Li Ning donated EUR20000 on behalf of the Li Ning Fund to German gymnast Oksana Chusovitina for her son's rehabilitation treatment from leukemia.


  • 韩国特任部长五在微博上写道,“尽管韩艺瑟的行为引发激烈争论仍然对作为的原因表示理解。”

    Lee Jae Oh, Korea's Minister of Special Affairs, wrote on his Twitter, "There's going to be heated debate over Han Ye Seul's act, but I'm trying to understand where she's coming from."


  • 韩国特任部长五在微博上写道,“尽管韩艺瑟的行为引发激烈争论仍然对作为的原因表示理解。”

    Lee Jae Oh, Korea's Minister of Special Affairs, wrote on his Twitter, "There's going to be heated debate over Han Ye Seul's act, but I'm trying to understand where she's coming from."


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