• 柿子美国引进制作

    Persimmon was introduced from the USA for making club heads.


  • 对阀耳轴活塞杆头染料渗透剂测试

    Dye-penetrant testing of the disc trunnions and piston rod heads.


  • 由于支点末端重心改变使杆头感觉重。

    With fulcrum at end of shaft , the center of gravity is changed and clubhead feels much heavier.


  • 发明涉及一种调整高尔夫击球弹性系数制法。

    The invention relates to a making method of adjusting the elasticity coefficient of the hitting surface of a golf rod head.


  • 如果较少肌肉认为会发生功率输出速度

    If you have less muscle, what do you think is going to happen to your power outputs and club head speed?


  • 身体的左侧手臂身、形成直线正确击球关键

    The left side, arm, hand, club head, golf ball, left leg and left hip are all aligned, a key for solid impact.


  • 幅度预振然后再次杆头置于并且压迫身前向倾斜

    Have a slight waggle and then set the club back of the ball again and make a forward press similar to what you would do swinging a bucket of water.


  • 选手可以使用任何部分移动主球,包括不得向前击球动作

    Players may use any part of the cue stick to move the cue ball, including the tip, but not with a forward stroke motion.


  • 大部分粉末材料制成杆头可由强度硬化材料,例如合金制成。

    While a majority of the stem may be made from a titanium-based powder material, its tip may be made of a high strength hardened material, such as a steel alloy.


  • 轻量化研磨铝合金材质能使重量分散至周边精密研磨后外观洁净与极佳的质感。

    Lightweight milled aluminum body allows for distribution of weight to the perimeter of the head. Precision milling gives it a clean, rich look.


  • 她们懂得如何通过调整目标瞄准、杆头倾角长度甚至握把尺寸来让更加舒适自然

    They comment on how improved aim, lie angle, length and even grip size make the putter feel comfortable and the putting stroke natural.


  • 杆头后端的不锈钢配重重量分成三份,并分布不同角落,成功取得极高惯性力矩

    STAINLESS STEEL BACKWEIGHT triangulates weight at the corners of the putter for an extremely high moment of inertia.


  • 轻巧宽敞纤具有更重心点,背式设计达到重心后移的效果。

    The lightweight crown and thinner face also moves, the CG lower while the shallow head design moves it backwards.


  • 羽毛高尔夫时代仅有高尔夫使用种是带有面的,另一种是很小的。

    Only two types of irons were used during the feathery ball era, the sand iron with a large concave face and the rut iron which had a very small head.


  • 继续向上,始终保持身体正面,直至最高点。此时杆头几乎垂直地面指向地面。

    Let the club come on up, keeping your elbows in front of your body, to the top of your back-swing, where the clubhead will be point almost to the ground.


  • TPC技术将杆头重量分配边缘来增加容错度,倒立锥形技术则透过扩大甜密点提供击球初速

    While the TPC saves weight to allow improved weight distribution for greater forgiveness, the Inverted Cone increases the size of the COR zone to deliver higher initial ball speed.


  • 不管是出于生气其他原因球员都应当避免球场造成损伤,如试造成草皮翻起,击打地面,等等。

    Players should avoid causing damage to the course by removing divots when taking practice swings or by hitting the head of a club into the ground, whether in anger or for any other reason.


  • 低下缓解脖子疼痛眼睛停留脚下生锈铁链上,铁链绕在根金属

    He looked down to relieve the pain of his neck, and stared at the rusty chain at his feet, which coiled around a metal rod.


  • 低下缓解脖子的疼痛,眼睛停留脚下生锈铁链上,铁链绕在连接自行车拖车金属周围。

    He looked down, to relieve his neck, and stared at the rusty chain at his feet, coiled around the metal rod that connected the cycle to the cart.


  • 尼克拿过来根螺栓,把贴在进气歧管然后凑过去了听另外儿。

    Nick set one end of a long socket extension on the intake manifold and listened to the other end.


  • 骆驼领并肩而行。一个跑腿持一长矛我们

    I rode on a red-haired camel by the side of the chief, and a runner ran before us carrying a spear.


  • 骨瘦如柴,戳哪儿都像电线肩膀宽阔,一,梳个偏衰的是我了一副傻眼镜

    I was a lanky stick with shoulder length, fiery red hair that I wore parted down the middle, and to top it off I also wore glasses.


  • 十字发动机中,活塞连接根垂直活塞上,活塞的下端又连接在一个叫做十字的滑动构件上,十字在导轨中上下滑动。

    In crosshead-type engines, the piston fastens to a vertical piston rod whose lower end is attached to a sliding member called a crosshead, which slides up an down in guides.


  • 方向盘转向上安装两个曲面,给驾驶员提供了180视角,可通过多个外部摄像来观察周围路况。

    Two curved screens-one in the steering wheel and one mounted to the steering column-give the driver a nearly 180-degree view of the track around him, thanks to multiple exterior cameras.


  • 方向盘转向上安装两个曲面,给驾驶员提供了180视角,可通过多个外部摄像来观察周围路况。

    Two curved screens-one in the steering wheel and one mounted to the steering column-give the driver a nearly 180-degree view of the track around him, thanks to multiple exterior cameras.


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