• 还有其他重要人物马可尼在所及范围权力影响力以及当时大众想象掌控能力方面,超过了他们。

    There were other important figures, but Marconi towered over them all in reach, power, and influence, as well as in the grip he had on the popular imagination of his time.


  • 赢利青睐或者保护纵然上帝权力能力也是有限的,事实上,他也许会打败,或者攻击他的崇拜者

    To earn his favor and perhaps his protection, but even that god will have limited powers and abilities and may in fact be defeated or may turn on his devotees.


  • 然而政策没有赋予教师权力探索适合他们学生的方法的能力而是强加了一种单一的、一刀切规则

    Yet rather than empowering teachers to find what works best for their students, the policy imposes a flat, across-the-board rule.


  • 所有这些行为中的必要部分(最后一个明确地陈述了)制定决策能力权力

    An essential component for all of these actions (stated explicitly in the last one) is the ability and the authority to make decisions.


  • 权力人们获得所要结果能力背景不同,则所需的相应资源不同

    Power is the ability to attain the outcomes one wants, and the resources that produce it vary in different contexts.


  • 这些通常组织让人烦恼问题需要管理层影响权力购买能力解决

    These are often the most vexing problems in the organization, and will require the management's influence, authority, or spending power to overcome.


  • 上榜所有里程碑事件都说明了这样一个主题,那就是互联网超越体制赋予普通人更多权力能力

    The recurring theme among all of the milestones on our list is the Internet's capacity to circumvent old systems and put more power into the hands of ordinary people.


  • 换言之所有者隐含责任权力后者用于设定政策政策往往责任一起应用相应的资源能力

    In other words, the ownership implies responsibilities and contains rights; the latter is used to set the policies, which, together with responsibilities, apply to the resource or capability.


  • 尽管管理风险经理们有这么多新权力还是很难找到有能力的人充实他们的队伍

    For all the new-found authority of risk managers, it can still be hard to attract talent to their ranks.


  • 菲佛先生开篇说道,“世界公平的”这种观念完全是胡说八道——赢得权力最佳方法就是善于工作能力回报之间没什么必然的关系。

    Mr Pfeffer starts by rubbishing the notion that the world is just-that the best way to win power is to be good at your job. The relationship between rewards and competence is loose at best.


  • 以为缺乏社会权力可能会减少跟踪信息制定计划取得目标能力

    She suspected that a lack of social power may reduce someone's ability to keep track of information and make plans to achieve his goals.


  • 是指控制跟踪服务变更能力以及控制谁有权力更改服务

    This refers to the ability to control and track changes to services, and to place controls over who can change a service.


  • 如果所有者拥有资源能力要求使用资源和能力权力最终必须回归所有者那里。

    If the resource or capability is not owned, this requires that the rights to use the capability have to be eventually returned to the owner.


  • 思考权力本质强调权力等同于强迫控制他人能力不是其他国家安排事务和设置约束的野心

    He considers the nature of power, stressing how it equals not just the capacity to coerce, but also to set agendas and condition other countries' ambitions.


  • 希望有关方面阿富汗移交安全权力的过程中,切实承担起责任帮助阿富汗加强安全能力建设

    We hope that relevant party can undertake responsibility earnestly when handing over security authority to Afghanistan and help build up its security capacity.


  • 这种权力ABP强调业绩能力控制费用能力以及付款给经理人前坚持最低预期报酬率的能力

    That power gives ABP the ability to place greater emphasis on performance, to control fees and to insist on hurdle rates before paying them.


  • 为了减弱虚假警报危险监管者保留审计宣布银行有清偿能力权力

    To counter the risk of a false alarm, the regulator would reserve the right to declare a bank solvent after an audit.


  • 正如参与pekka项目妇女所说,该项目不仅赋予她们读写能力使她们获得资金而且有助于赋予她们在各自社区权力,这一点更为重要。

    As women involved in PEKKA say, the program gives them far more than just skills like reading and writing and access to finance, it helps empower them in their own communities.


  • 现在联储局已经有能力各家银行发号施令,“国有化”会它的权力膨胀到何种程度?

    Because the Fed can pretty much dictate to the Banks right now, what additional powers would nationalization bring?


  • 另外很多愿意能力支付保险美国人却被保险公司剥夺了保险的权力因为保险公司认定这些以前的疾病状况对保险公司而言太具冒险性或代价不菲

    Many other Americans who are willing and able to pay are still denied insurance due to previous illnesses or conditions that insurance companies decide are too risky or expensive to cover.


  • 8个不同品种入侵者他们每个人都具有特殊能力权力

    There is 8 different species of intruders and everyone of them has special abilities and power.


  • 当前权力结构就要完全失去能力维持这个谎言,却那么大声标榜世界主流媒体中。

    The present power structure is reaching the end of its ability to maintain the fiction so loudly trumpeted in the world's mainstream media.


  • 权力拉丁语意;能够或具有某事能力

    The Latin word for Power, potestas , means the capability to do something.


  • 同时,权力一旦痛苦能力分开,变得无趣因此甚至都不值得去追求

    And power deprived of the ability to make people suffer is really boring therefore not even worth the efforts.


  • 操作过程中的权力携带自身的重量因此没有纳入轮椅能力计算

    During operation the power pack carries its own weight, and consequently does not have to be calculated into the capacity of the wheelchair.


  • 权力,把这些替身心灵感应可能远远超出那些经常执政官超过补偿缺乏任何物理攻击能力

    The powers of these avatars of psionic might extend well beyond those of the regular archon, more than compensating for their lack of any physical attack capability.


  • 另一角度可以说,正是得益于央行所掌握权力巨大尤其是发现其可通过量化宽松创造货币这一能力之后。

    In part, also, it is because the powers of central Banks are vast, especially since they have discovered the ability to create money via quantitative easing (QE).


  • 范围,界限功能权力能力范围,界限;范围

    The extent or range of function, power, or competence; scope.


  • 范围,界限功能权力能力范围,界限;范围

    The extent or range of function, power, or competence; scope.


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