• 在安装后立即保护夯实墙,防止雨水流水过早干燥过热,过机械性损伤

    A. Immediately after placement, protect rammed earth from rain and flowing water, premature drying, excessively hot or cold temperatures, and mechanical damage.


  • 目的观测眼用A型超声波检查角膜上皮机械性损伤探讨减少损伤办法

    Objective To observe the ophthalmic ultrasonic A Scans mechanical lesion to corneal epithelial cells and to discuss the method to minimize the lesion.


  • 方法应用ESEM观察分析不同锐器、钝器方式形成毛发机械性损伤微观形态特征

    Method ESEM was used to image and analyze the morphological characterizations of the physical damaged hairs, which caused by different sharp or blunt instruments and with different manners.


  • 脊髓损伤包括原发性损伤继发性损伤,原发性损伤是指脊髓最初受到机械性损伤产生局部神经组织破坏

    SCI include primary injury and secondary injury. Mechanical insult to the spinal cord caused primary injury; it results in the destruction of the local neural tissue.


  • 背景机械压迫造成神经细胞死亡直接机械性损伤复杂病理生理学机制可导致轴突神经元胞体病变

    BACKGROUND: mechanic pressure could cause neurocyte death. Both direct mechanic injury and complex pathophysiological mechanism can induce the pathological changes of axon and neuronal soma.


  • 引起暴露原因较多,常见的病因龋病因素机械性损伤。 如果是制备洞形过程中的意外穿髓,人们往往选择盖髓治疗。

    There are a lot of causes that lead to pulp exposure , but the most common reasons are dental caries and mechanical injury.


  • 预防性使用及时保护发动机由于磨损降低润滑性改善减少机械损伤

    Precautious use can protect the engine in time from mechanical damage due to reduction of wear and tear and improvement in lubrication.


  • 样本中,发现机械损伤样品物理建设完整性仍然完成测试后。

    Samples examined, no mechanical damage found on physical construction of the samples, integrity remains upon completion of the test.


  • 结论低潮气量通气治疗ARDS动物模型能够减轻炎症诱发细胞因子释放,减轻机械通气相关性损伤

    Conclusion Low tidal volume ventilation can decrease cytokine release and can alleviate ventilator - induced lung injury (VILI) in animal models of ARDS.


  • 本病病因目前尚未十分明了一般认为,膝关节慢性积累性损伤机械性牵拉刺激主要原因

    The cause of this disease is not clear now. Generally speaking, chronic accumulated injuries, mechanical traction and stimulation are believed to be the major causes.


  • 目的探讨机械通气重度吸入性损伤治疗中的护理要点注意事项重要意义。

    Objective to investigate the nursing care essentials, points for attention and clinical significances in mandatory ventilation on inhalation injury.


  • 新鲜心包组织生物性更好并具有一定生长潜能,远期退变钙化可能机械应力损伤相关性大,此项内容有待进一步研究

    The problem of degeneration and calcification within fresh pericardial valves may due to the damage caused by mechanical stress more than others, which should be proved in further studies.


  • 目的探讨机械性脑干损伤早期脑组织一氧化氮含量屏障通透性改变及其意义

    Objective: To study the significance of early changes of nitric oxide level in brain tissue and the permeability of blood brain barrier after mechanical injury in brainstem.


  • 结论呼吸机使用、呼吸道的管理、机械通气并发症监护心理护理等全面的护理对于重度吸入性损伤救治成功具有重要意义。

    Results The essentials and matters needing attention during nursing care of inhalation injury patients by using mandatory ventilation were summed up. Conclusions It is indispensable for …


  • 而高温高湿环境下颅脑火器既有湿热环境全身系统功能影响,又有颅脑火器伤对颅脑功能的机械性损害二者因素相互作用造成机体更加严重地损伤

    The two factors, the hot and humid environment having a negative effect on all systems and CMW leading to the brain mechanical injuries, work together so as to cause a more serious wound.


  • 压力损伤细胞机制可能与其对细胞的剧烈机械性振荡作用引发自由基反应等有关。

    The injurious effect of pressure wave on cells was related to its direct drastic mechanic vibration action on cells and induction of cellular free radical reaction.


  • 压力损伤细胞机制可能与其对细胞的剧烈机械性振荡作用引发自由基反应等有关。

    The injurious effect of pressure wave on cells was related to its direct drastic mechanic vibration action on cells and induction of cellular free radical reaction.


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