• 应该现有的卡收盘利率机构平衡转移信用卡

    You should compare your existing CARDS interest rate with that of the balance transfer credit card.


  • 文中这种方法来确定机构平衡,并用SUMT外点法求出了

    An example of determining the balance weight for a mechanism and the optimal solution by SUMT are given.


  • 最后给出了一个破碎机构平衡结果表明比法较为合理可行的。

    Finally, a calculation example of balance for a breakage mechanism with six baro has been given out, and the result shows that this method is fairly reasonable and feasible.


  • 他们机构主要目标,本来应该白宫提供事实平衡分析而不是沉迷枪战

    They say the agency's primary goal is providing the White House with facts and balanced analysis, not indulging in gunplay.


  • 现在这个文化平衡朝着对话中具有超级能量的个人倾斜,机构受到威胁。

    Now that the cultural balance is shifting toward hyperempowered individuals engaging in conversation, the institution is under threat.


  • 巴马:“表明美国没有问题事实我们并不需要评级机构告诉我们,我们必须用一种平衡长期手段削减赤字。”

    BARACK OBAMA: "it does mean we don't have a problem." The fact is, we didn't need a rating agency to tell us that we need a balanced, long-term approach to deficit reduction.


  • 而且,任何关于欧洲机构争议破坏这个联盟微妙平衡

    And any institutional wrangling over Europe can only upset the coalition's delicate balance.


  • 欧洲委员会正在考虑设立一家本土评级机构作为美国三重奏平衡力。

    The European Commission is looking at the idea of creating a home-grown rating agency as a counterweight to the American trio.


  • 债权大国排斥在国际机构核心集团之外时,这种储蓄的不平衡不会得到纠正

    This savings imbalance will not be remedied while the larger creditor states are locked out of the hierarchy of global institutions.


  • 反过来人们能够决定什么时候用电平衡需求使公用事业机构供电管理更加轻松

    Conversely, giving people the ability to decide when to use electricity will balance demand and make it easier for utilities to manage supply.


  • 这种机构之间互相监督我们金融市场达致平衡状态支柱

    Such counterparty surveillance is a central pillar of our financial markets' state of balance.


  • 麦美癌症援助中心是一癌症患者提供实际帮助机构,相关人员指出一些饮食如此的不平衡以致于影响血液测试结果进而危害病人治疗

    Macmillan Cancer Support, which gives practical help to cancer patients, said that some diets were so imbalanced they could harm a patient's treatment by affecting the result of a blood test.


  • 多数大学也是慈善机构他们追求是收支平衡不是股东获利,同样许多自立学校——收费高于大学的那种学校——也是如此

    Most universities are also charities, which seek only to cover their costs and not to pay shareholders, in the same way that many independent schools-the sort that charge more than universities-do.


  • 位于校门附近行政入口设有一个丰富多彩的平衡大多数典型学校项目所具有的鲜明的公共机构

    The administrative building, at the school gate, offers a colorful art gallery in its initial entrance zone appeasing the typical overwhelming institutional feel most schools project.


  • 补充道:“一方面,非营利性机构能够使员工实现工作生活的平衡比如灵活的工作时间等,这众所周知的。”

    "On the other hand, nonprofits are known for great work-life balance perks, like flexible hours," she adds.


  • 看来突发事件委员会既有专家受疾病影响国家代表作为一个保持了平衡具包容性咨询机构,委员会的运作情况良好

    In my view, the Emergency Committee, with both experts and affected states represented, functioned well as a balanced and inclusive advisory body.


  • 觉得我们必须些什么保持生活平衡不要任何机构比如好莱坞来定义我们是

    I think we have to do things to keep a balance in our lives, and not let any institution, such as Hollywood, defines who we are.


  • 1990年代起科学家区域性管理机构已经开始了数据收集工作,通过对“食物链等级”上不同种群生态平衡变化进行定量研究。

    Since the late 1990s, scientists and regional management organisations have used catch data to measure changes in the balance of species across so-called "trophic levels."


  • 这个机构说:“我们已经作出了巨大努力平衡各个利益相关集团保证安全稳定性回弹能力。

    The group said "strong efforts were made to address the concerns of all interested parties, and to ensure that the security, stability and resiliency of the Internet are not compromised."


  • 周二国际能源机构警告称等协议可能对于全球供应影响有限市场2017年之前可能达到平衡

    The International Energy Agency warned Thursday that a deal is likely to have a limited impact on global supply and markets are unlikely to rebalance before 2017.


  • 相对平衡——资源分配所有机构价格购买者时候供给等于需求的资源分配。

    Comparative equilibrium — The resource allocation at which supply and demand are equal when all agents are price takers.


  • 摘要机器人动力学对机器人机构运动之间关系平衡进行研究学科。

    Abstract: for the robot dynamics is to study the relation between the force and movement and balance of the subject.


  • 本文介绍了一种四连杆变幅机构平衡系统优化设计方法

    This paper introduces an optimal method for designing the weight-balance system of the four-link luffing mechanism.


  • 弹簧平衡型、气动膜片活塞执行机构对于开关阀首选的。

    Spring opposed , air operated diaphragm or piston, actuators are preferred for on-off applications.


  • 美国运通一新的表态,在美国金融机构面临新一轮筹集资本平衡资产负债表的巨大压力之下做出的。

    The announcements regarding share sales come as U. S. financial institutions face renewed pressure to raise capital to shore up their balance sheets.


  • 商业健康保险经营管理过程存在着保险公司医疗服务提供机构保险人三方利益平衡问题。

    In the operational management process of commercial health insurance business, there is a need to balance interests of insurance companies, medical service providers and the insured.


  • 通过平面4r机构,综合分析了附加弹性机构动力平衡影响,并影响的机理进行了分析。

    The effect of additional springs on the dynamic balancing of flexible mechanisms is further illustrated through an example of 4r four-bar linkage.


  • 通过平面4r机构,综合分析了附加弹性机构动力平衡影响,并影响的机理进行了分析。

    The effect of additional springs on the dynamic balancing of flexible mechanisms is further illustrated through an example of 4r four-bar linkage.


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