• 为了提高影像匹配可靠性提出一种孔径雷达影像机场目标精确定位算法

    In order to improve the dependability of the image matching, the paper presents an algorithm that improves the precision of airport objects position for the real aperture radar images.


  • 运用系统效能分析方法,采用机场保障能力指标评估机场效能提出机场目标优化打击方法。

    Using systems information analysis method and with the airdrome guarantee ability index to evaluate the airdrome efficiency, the article puts forward the optimal striking method for the airdrome.


  • 实验机场目标为对象SAR图像进行快速筛选机场目标进行提取,效果良好能够满足预期要求

    Around the airport SAR images, experiment shows that the method can screen the images rapidly. Besides, the airport target is extracted successfully, which can satisfy the requirements.


  • 袭击目标据说包括了德国繁忙的法兰克福机场一个美国空军基地

    THE targets are said to have included Frankfurt airport, Germany's busiest, and an American air base.


  • 这个飞行器所承载环境运营目标很大程度上取决于使用较小机场跑道只有5000英尺之短,实现地理上遍布广的空中交通

    The aircraft delivers on environmental and operational goals in large part by using smaller airports, with runways as short as 5, 000 feet, for a wider geographic distribution of air traffic.


  • 这个飞行器所承载环境运营目标很大程度上取决于使用较小机场跑道只有5000英尺短,实现地理上遍布广的空中交通

    The aircraft delivers on environmental and operational goals in large part by using smaller airports, with runways as short as 5,000 feet, for a wider geographic distribution of air traffic.


  • 公司目标2013年,旅客承运量达6000万,并且已经马来西亚机场公司的最大客户

    It aims to carry 60m passengers by 2013. It is already Malaysia Airport's biggest customer.


  • 这座新球场时综合运动会一部分目标保持韩国机场在国际上竞争力

    The facility is part of a multi-faceted effort to keep the nation's airports competitive internationally.


  • 文中通过利用马尔可夫机场模型引入图像象素局部结构信息,有效实现了SAR目标切片图像高精度分割

    Utilizing MRF (Markov Random Field) model to introduce the pixel's local context information, a quite accurate segmentation of SAR target chip image is realized.


  • 这些目标分别三条模拟机场跑道两个水泥平台组成

    These targets consist of three mock airstrips and two concrete pads.


  • 完成了天线整个雷达系统外场联试,同时机场观察到目标

    The near field test for the antenna array and the outfield test for whole radar system are finished. The target in the airport can be observed.


  • 运用现代信息系统设计方法提出浦东机场协同理念目标

    Using modern information system design method puts forward Pudong airport coordination idea and goals.


  • 针对机场桥梁两种直线性目标识别采用特征模型引导而下的知识驱动策略

    For airport and bridge targets, this dissertation USES the recognition method based on knowledge-driving strategy guided by feature model.


  • 本文提取遥感图像中的直线特征为基础,深入研究机场桥梁两种直线性目标识别方法有关直线匹配算法

    This dissertation studies on the recognition methods and related line matching algorithm for airport and bridge targets based on the linear features extracted from remote sensing image.


  • 实验结果证明算法机场桥梁两种直线目标具有较好的匹配效果,能够满足实际的需要。

    The results of experiment show that the algorithm performs well on airport and bridge targets in actual usages.


  • 提出了各级机场水泥混凝土面的目标可靠度建议值,推荐结构参数变异水平分级

    Therefore the recommended reliabilities of cement concrete pavement for different airport and the classification of the pavement structural parameter variation are put forward.


  • 为了空旷的野外机场等开阔区域内更早的发现人体目标需要及早判断是否存在人体目标

    For detecting moving human target in the open country or an airport and so on, we need full out judge it human beings or not.


  • 论文主要研究了机场地面等待模型综合考虑机场走廊口两部分空域的地面等待模型问题提出假设条件模型建立,目标函数约束方程等。

    The thesis mainly discussed the question, assumed conditions, models, objective function, constraints of single airport ground-holding model and single airport and air corridor ground-holding model.


  • 针对目标监测分析中的SAR图像分割问题,构造基于马尔可夫机场(MRF)模型形态学运算处理方法

    A combined method based on Markov Random Field (MRF) model and morphological operation was presented for the segmentation of the SAR image in target monitoring.


  • 采用传统图像检测方法存在目标区域定位不准确、目标细节信息丢失、目标形状变形等问题,本文提出基于离散分数布朗机场模型水下图像目标检测方法。

    To overcome the shortcomings of traditional methods, a method of underwater image segmentation based on the discrete fractional Brownian random field was proposed to dispose underwater images.


  • 离散分形布朗机场(DFBR)理论的基础提出一种多分辨率目标识别算法

    Based on the Discrete Fractal Brownian Random Field (DFBR) an algorithm of multiresolution object recognition is presented.


  • 针对机场跑道成像线状结构灰度值的特征提出了一种基于多尺度线状目标强化机场跑道识别算法

    An algorithm of automatic runway recognition based on multi-scale linear object enhancement is presented according to runway characters of linear structure and high intensity.


  • 杨元元现在正领导一项宏大的计划,重新规划航路机场进近程序,目标中外航空公司提供更多可以节省燃油躲避暴风雨、避免拥塞的航路选择

    The goal is to give Chinese as well as foreign carriers more options to fly routes that save fuel, skirt storms and avoid congestion.


  • 杨元元现在正领导一项宏大的计划,重新规划航路机场进近程序,目标中外航空公司提供更多可以节省燃油躲避暴风雨、避免拥塞的航路选择

    The goal is to give Chinese as well as foreign carriers more options to fly routes that save fuel, skirt storms and avoid congestion.


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