• 年我都会重读三书。第一是埃姆斯特·海明威的《流动的盛宴》,我每年春天都会读它。

    There are three books I reread annually. The first, which I take to reading every spring is Emest Hemningway's A Moveable Feast.


  • 教皇抵达华盛顿郊外安德鲁空军基地直接处理作为教皇美国第一次访问所面临一个棘手的问题

    Pope Benedict arrived at Andrews Air Force base outside Washington having directly addressed one of the toughest issues facing him during his first papal visit to the United States.


  • 这倒不是基奥卡克就像邪恶所多玛或者普鲁斯特夏吕经不住诱惑而定居

    Not that Keokuk was anything like wicked Sodom, or that Proust’s Charlus would have been tempted to settle in Benton Harbor, Mich.


  • :“这种位置感知不仅仅搜索发现服务未来,还是基于广告和付费内容未来,赋予阅读器和浏览器以更高价值。”

    Bentes says, "this kind of location awareness will be the future of not only search and discovery services, but even ad-based and paid content, giving even more value to viewers and readers alike."


  • ·2只有2百万历史短,包含了一些我们银河系中明亮质量最大因而生命很恒星

    Westerlund 2 itself is a mere 2 million years old or less, and contains some of our galaxy's most luminous, massive and therefore short-lived stars.


  • 斯特夫人家的格芬夫人家的跑来跑去冒险的时候,如果吉姆看到乔治疯子般窗边咆哮着挥舞手臂怎么

    What would Jim say if he could see George waving his arms and roaring like a madman from the window, as Mrs. Strunk's Benny and Mrs. Garfein's Joe dash back and forth across the bridge on a dare?


  • 詹姆·历史学教授学院院长,同时也是一讲述美国战争历史战争人物著作作者

    JAMES WRIGHT is Professor of history, President Emeritus of Dartmouth College, and the author of a forthcoming book on the history of U.S. wars and those who have fought them.


  • 接着到处晃荡扰乱三个小不点儿两个男孩女孩他们试着斯特·伦克家和芬家中间空地一个

    So Benny wanders off to interfere with three much smaller tots, two boys and a girl, who are trying to dig a hole on the vacant lot between the Strunks and the Garfeins.


  • 弗兰克蒙杜坚信就是船长彼得切利小说《大白鲨》里鲨鱼杀手。

    Frank Mundus was convinced he was Captain Quint, the fisher of monster sharks from Peter Benchley's "Jaws".


  • 维利·奥威新书,《脸谱世界文学史》(热(译者注:销售商名称)14.99美元)一正经回答此类问题

    Wylie Overstreet's new book, "The History of the World According to Facebook," (It Books, $14.99) answers some of these questions, with its tongue firmly in its virtual cheek.


  • ·格兰之前的人物了。纳还年轻的时候曾经看过,和杰克邓普希拳。

    Pat Glendon was before his time, though, as a cub, he had once seen Old Pat spar at the benefit for Jack Dempsey.


  • 斯特海岸警卫队的一位站长图亚·麦克纳布,是发现孩子还有布绒玩具玩具拖拉机的两个袋子。

    An Eastbourne coastguard station officer, Stuart McNab, said he found the child's body in a rucksack along with a second rucksack filled with soft toys and a toy tractor.


  • 福德郡奥尔本斯长大,就读于哈佛大学随后剑桥大学开展宇宙学研究

    After growing up in St Albans, Hertfordshire, he read physics at University College Oxford and then moved to Cambridge to carry out research in cosmology.


  • 因为非法病人开药判处10监禁,这其中就包括那个了他自己家人摔跤手克里

    Astin was sentenced to 10 years in prison for illegally prescribing drugs to his patients, including wrestler Chris Benoit, who killed himself and his family.


  • 不过尼迪家庭梦想再搁置一阵,因为今年晚些时候还要科林·菲一起出演约翰·勒卡雷的《锅匠,裁缝士兵,间谍》。

    The actor's family ambitions however, will have to be put on hold as he is set to star in John Le Carre's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy with Colin Firth later this year.


  • 布洛姆奎斯特盟友们挑战企图主导瑞典的强权时,故事具有里程碑意义。

    This personalises the story-line while Blomkvist and his allies challenge the forces attempting to take over Sweden.


  • 移居(斯特)。日居民寿命世界上任何其他地方人都要长。

    Move to Japan (or Eastbourne) Residents of Japan live longer than anyone anywhere else in the world.


  • 法官休•,鉴于麦卡尼和米尔已分居事实,米尔提出的离婚诉讼请求获准

    Justice Hugh Bennett said the petition for divorce by Mills was granted on the grounds that the couple had lived apart for two years.


  • 最近的罗马城叫做奥尔本斯——维鲁拉米恩——街道上一个繁忙市场拥有自己的角斗士剧院

    The nearest Roman town was st Albans - or Verulamium - a busy market on Watling Street with its own gladiator theatre.


  • ·蒂德曼的孩子斯特总医院降生,尚·蒂德曼现在家人在一起

    Chantelle had her baby in Eastbourne District General Hospital, and is now home with her family.


  • 电影首映接受了记者采访,同时接受采访的还有电影主演加里·奥德曼——乔治·马力的扮演者,演员约翰·尼迪克·康伯巴奇马克·斯特朗。

    Firth spoke to journalists after the film's first screening, joined by the film's lead Gary Oldman - who plays George Smiley - and actors John Hurt, Benedict Cumberbatch and Mark Strong.


  • 2005年,导演··执导电影最后日子上映,该片讲述了一位经历颇为相似的摇滚音乐人的故事。

    In 2005, Gus Van Sant released a film called Last Days, about a rock musician whose life mirrors that of Cobain's.


  • 这就是花钱原因:看看明天出场名单吧,有(萨米尔·)纳里、(西奥·)沃尔科、(尼可拉·)

    I do not spend money because out of tomorrow's squad is [Samir] Nasri, [Theo] Walcott, [Nicklas] Bendtner.


  • 正当结束对这个磅秤谋杀站着的残尸斯特伦·克夫人门廊

    And now out comes Mrs. Strunk onto her porch, just as Benny completes the murder of the scale and stands looking down at its scattered insides.


  • 艾丽恩。贝比,《爱尔兰时报文学评论员,一手写出《寻常狗仔》,献给比尔罗多的的书,那是爱犬

    Eileen Battersby, literary critic at the Irish Times, is behind Ordinary Dogs, a tribute to Bilbo and Frodo, her two pet pooches.


  • 自由作者罗宾·丈夫安德鲁·奥尔姆泰德主街上拥有座三层楼维多利亚式房子

    Freelance writer Robin Carpenter and her husband Andrew Olmsted own a three-story Victorian house on High Street.


  • 已经关于健身作者施瓦辛格现正在彼得•派雷合作撰写这自传,后者曾是阿兰格林诺曼施瓦茨科普夫回忆录的联合撰写人。

    Schwarzenegger, already the author of two books about bodybuilding, is working on the autobiography with Peter Petre, who has co-written memoirs by Alan Greenspan and Norman Schwarzkopf.


  • 项目其他照片都网上:有在其他拍摄的,有在地铁站,也有在斯特一处悬崖—比奇角—英国著名自杀地点拍摄的。

    He posted other photos from his project online: other Bridges subway stations and Beachy Head the chalk cliffs of Eastbourne the most famous of English suicide spots.


  • 项目其他照片都网上:有在其他拍摄的,有在地铁站,也有在斯特一处悬崖—比奇角—英国著名自杀地点拍摄的。

    He posted other photos from his project online: other Bridges subway stations and Beachy Head the chalk cliffs of Eastbourne the most famous of English suicide spots.


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