• 主管部门履行自己法定职责

    The authority failed to carry out its statutory duties.


  • 付的,逾期债款履行职责

    An unpaid, overdue debt or an unfulfilled obligation.


  • 经营者履行承诺的;

    The undertakings concerned fail to fulfill its commitments;


  • 登记中心提请成员注意履行定期通知要求

    The central registry shall draw the attention of individual Members to regular notification requirements which remain unfulfilled.


  • 部分撤销情形履行义务的相关部分亦告终止

    In the case of a partial revocation, the relevant part of the outstanding obligations comes to an end.


  • 履行合同是指多方当事人部分未履行完全未履行的合同。

    An executory contract applies to a contract that is still partially or entirely unperformed by one or more parties.


  • 信件并不解除缺陷责任义务以及合同其它未履行的义务。

    This letter does not relieve you of your obligations for defect liability and other outstanding obligations under the Contract.


  • 所有故意侵权行为均需被告履行其对原告义务的故意行为为要件。

    All require some willful act in breaching a duty owed to the plaintiff by the defendant.


  • 可能会选择一定风险或者自己完成服务提供商履行一些事情

    You may choose to take on risk or responsibility for some of these things that the provider does not.


  • 出租人未履行维修义务承租人可以自行维修,维修费用由出租人负担。

    If the lessor fails to perform his obligation of maintenance and repair, the lessee may carry out the maintenance or repairs himself, at the expense of the lessor.


  • 这些名词都表示破坏法律规定履行义务、责任、誓言行为事例

    These nouns denote an act or instance of breaking a law or regulation or failing to fulfill a duty, obligation, or promise.


  • 由于保险人履行上述义务造成的扩大的损失保险人不负赔偿责任。

    The Insurer will not pay for any aggravated loss due to the Insured's failure to fulfill the duty.


  • 由于出资股东基本义务履行出资义务,便具备股东的权利能力

    Because it is a shareholder's basic obligation to provide funds, has not performed duty of providing funds, has not possessed the shareholder's right ability.


  • 破产程序中如何对待履行完全履行合同是破产程序重要问题

    The treatment to the bilateral contract with failure of performance or incomplete performance is an important issue during during the bankruptcy procedures.


  • 未履行告知义务影响索赔权利或者保险公司有权自起日起取消保单

    FAILURE to DISCLOSE could prejudice your right to recovery in the event of a claim or allow underwriters to avoid the policy from its inception.


  • 任何一方履行完全履行合同规定义务视为违约,应向守约承担违约责任。

    Failure by either party to perform or fulfill all obligations under this contract is considered breach of contract, breach of contract should be observant to bear.


  • 学校履行安全保护义务应当承担责任,包括:直接责任、间接责任补充赔偿责任。

    When school does not fulfill the duty of care, the tort liability that the school should undertake include direct liability, indirect liability and complementary liability.


  • 行政作为违法以现实行政作为义务存在为前提,以行政主体能够履行未履行为必要。

    When any action neglecting to perform the obligation of discretional act violates the rule of reason, it constitutes violation as administrative omission.


  • 声称不可抗力举证责任,证明不可抗力未履行本合同规定的该方义务直接关系

    A party claiming force majeure has the burden to prove the direct relationship between the force majeure and the non-performance of its obligations under this Agreement.


  • 声称不可抗力举证责任,证明不可抗力履行合同规定方义务有直接联系

    A party claiming force majeure has the burden to prove the direct relationship between the force majeure and the non-performance of its obligations under this Contract.


  • 好个候选人——马克·吐温先生原定于昨晚独立党民众大会上一次损伤对方演说,却履行其义务。

    A SWEET CANDIDATE. — Mark Twain, who was to make such a blighting speech at the mass meeting of the Independents last night, didn't come to time!


  • 双方认识协议时间非常重要其中履行在本协议项下的义务一方造成费用损害

    Both Parties recognize that time is of the essence in this Agreement and that each party's failure to fulfill their obligations hereunder shall result in expense and damage to the other.


  • 葛兰素史克面临是13,000件关于文迪雅的法律诉讼起诉公司未履行该药心脏病风险警示义务。

    GlaxoSmithKline faced about 13,000 Avandia lawsuits filed by plaintiffs who accuse the company of failing to warn patients that of Avandia heart attack risks.


  • 供应商履行交付义务,伍尔特有权主张违约金金额以每次迟延交付中件货物人民币500元为单位计算。

    In the event the supplier defaults on a delivery, wurth may claim a contractual penalty in the amount of RMB 500 per delayed customer delivery and delayed article.


  • 假如没有付款,将因未履行义务然而受到债务处罚或者前文物拥有者同意下佳士得可以对其进行再次拍卖。

    In case of failing to do that, he is supposed to bear liabilities for default or, with the consent of ex-owner, Christie's may put the items up for auction again.


  • 假如没有付款,将因未履行义务然而受到债务处罚或者前文物拥有者同意下佳士得可以对其进行再次拍卖。

    In case of failing to do that, he is supposed to bear liabilities for default or, with the consent of ex-owner, Christie's may put the items up for auction again.


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