• 研究发现尽管朋友减少了,但同时没有密友社会孤立,并没有增加

    The study also found that the number of people who have no confidantes, or the socially isolated, has not increased over the same amount of time, despite the fact the friends list has shrunk.


  • 这种情况下很难体会我们需要有人在晚上陪伴,想朋友纸牌,没做完游戏早上就离开情形!

    It can be difficult to appreciate that we may want to have company in the evenings, play a game of CARDS with friends and not leave in the mornings without finishing our Sudoku!


  • 这样一来,参与者可以更多大彩票购买张小额股份,而这一般通过朋友同事合购的方式实现。

    This, in turn, allows players to improve their odds by buying small shares in many tickets, often by forming syndicates with friends and colleagues.


  • 一天个已经上学的朋友玩耍时朋友母亲震惊地发现,他能很好地查十位

    The other day he was playing with one of his in-school friends, and her mother expressed shock that he did so well with the 'teen' Numbers....


  • 这种剧烈(躁狂)(抑郁)的情绪变化可能持续或者,给患者及其家属朋友生活带来巨大的困扰

    The deep mood swings from high (mania) to low (depression) may last for weeks or months, causing great disturbances in the lives of the person who has the illness, along with family and friends.


  • 还有几周时间就要成为爸爸了,如今不计其亲戚朋友各种建议,为你那个重要的时刻做准备

    You're weeks away from becoming a first-time father, and by now, countless friends and relatives have tried to prepare you for the momentous occasion by giving you well-meaning advice.


  • 转身付钱一个朋友说着,并默下,然后回去如果已经不再看着,那就过去

    Turn away, briefly, pay for your drink, talk to a buddy of yours and count to three, and then turn back and if she's no longer looking your way, head over.


  • 花费小时的时间在电话朋友谈话

    She spends hours talking with her friends on the telephone.


  • 甚至从事能源密集型工作农民——比如莱特夫人一位远距离工作者——每逢去商店或者看望朋友驱车英里

    Even rural folk whose jobs are not energy-intensive-mr Wright's wife, for example, is a telecommuter-must drive miles to the shops, or to visit friends.


  • 研究发现每天私下拜访朋友亲戚价值相当于6额外收入

    The study found that seeing friends or relatives in person almost every day is worth more than six figures in additional income.


  • 按照传统,在这个秋季节日里,人们要家人朋友一边吃准备小时的大餐一边庆祝

    This autumn festival is traditionally celebrated with family and friends over a big meal that takes hours to prepare.


  • 朋友什么起来服务结尾提供他们的喜欢片刻反射温暖关心体贴

    Several of Li's friends stood up at the end of the service to offer their fondest moments with him and reflect on what a warm, caring, thoughtful person he was.


  • 来自俄罗斯全国各地朋友参加了这次《快报举办比赛

    Several hundred children from across the country took part in the contest, organised by the private Express newspaper, and the top 100 paintings were picked to go on display in the capital.


  • 岁的生日过后周,祖母探望朋友诺米

    A few weeks after my eighth birthday, my grandmother took me to visit her friend Naomi.


  • 两个朋友谈了小时。

    The two old friends talked for hours.


  • 说起过去生命最开心时光,还是要那些朋友一起的日子。我们一起欢笑玩耍的日子。

    But the happiest time of my past was the moments I spent with my friend. The time we laughed and played together.


  • 幸运朋友可能会周末与父母见面没有

    If they are lucky, the young ones see their parents on weekends, but that is not guaranteed.


  • 一个朋友巴巴多斯希望详细说说加勒比岛屿未来可能下沉程度

    I have a friend who lives in Barbados and was hoping the Zetas might give a bit more detail on the extent of sinking this and the other Caribbean islands might be facing in the next few weeks.


  • 那位著名足球运动员成功奥秘在于少时时间练习足球。时候他总是几个朋友一起空地连续小时不停地踢球。

    The famous footballers said that the secret of success was the time he spent in his youth practicing, just kicking away at a ball for hours on end, in an empty field with a few friends.


  • 这不知道哪位爱心朋友当当孩子购置独游戏,孩子们周末有游戏了!

    Doesn't know is which love friends in dangdang network give children the purchase of sudoku, children weekend game play!


  • 花儿分根了,棵分为棵,赠给朋友一些

    Cereuses tend to bloom at night. When they bunch up, I will pick up some to give my friends as a gift.


  • 分钟后再次,结果只有头!就他再的时候,一位朋友从这里经过

    After a minutes he counted the donkeys again, and again there were only five! While he was counting again a friend of his passed.


  • 为了逃离地狱般的底特律,最好朋友——单身男性犹太人、年薪六位——正在发疯似地面试

    My best friend - single, male, Jewish, six-figure earner - has been interviewing like mad in order to escape a hellhole called Detroit.


  • 在孩提时代,我们朋友呆在一起时间不计其马拉松式电话交谈整夜在一起学习玩耍

    Back when we were kids, the hours spent with friends were too numerous to count. There were marathon telephone conversations, all-nigh studying and giggling sessions.


  • 另外强迫观看小时旅游视频也绝对不会朋友理想中的娱乐。

    And watching hours and hours of your travel footage might not be your friends' idea of a great time.


  • 战后香奈儿朋友温斯顿·丘吉尔干预解救,在释放小时到了瑞士此书在新闻发布会上表示。

    After the war, Chanel was arrested and released hours later, saved by "the intervention of her old friend Winston Churchill," the press release for the book said. She fled to Switzerland.


  • 战后香奈儿朋友温斯顿·丘吉尔干预解救,在释放小时到了瑞士此书在新闻发布会上表示。

    After the war, Chanel was arrested and released hours later, saved by "the intervention of her old friend Winston Churchill," the press release for the book said. She fled to Switzerland.


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