• 为什么错误宠物积蓄精力需要通过运动发泄

    Why This is a Mistake: Pets have pent-up energy that needs to be unleashed through physical activity.


  • 他们成熟积蓄孩子成年离家,努力工作多年压力不再,所以为什么卸下责任放肆欢乐呢?

    They are mature people with savings, grown up children and empty nests, years of hard work, stress and pressure behind them; so why not shed some responsibility and indulge?


  • 那时候,知道辈子干什么,也不知道念大学能对什么帮助,而且我为了念这个书,光了父母辈子的积蓄

    I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life.


  • 如果可观积蓄,那么你可以紧急情况生病严重失业或者离婚使用这些钱不会增加债务

    If you have decent savings in place you can use it for emergencies like severe illness, a job-loss or divorce without increasing your debt.


  • 不断减少的少数可以依靠退休金舒舒服服生活,但是不是很多人丰厚积蓄

    A dwindling minority can count on a pension on which they could comfortably live, and not many have significant savings.


  • 2004年,许多马尔代夫因为海啸失去积蓄全球通用移动银行希望明年引进

    In the Maldives many people lost their savings in the tsunami of 2004; it hopes to introduce universal mobile banking next year.


  • 长期来看,这会使更多用来积蓄这些钱是升值的,不会车辆那样贬值。

    In the long run, this will mean you'll have more money to put toward your savings -an asset that will appreciate, rather than depreciate like your car.


  • 长期来看,这会使更多用来积蓄这些钱是升值的,不会车辆那样贬值。

    In the long run, this will mean you'll have more money to put toward your savings - an asset that will appreciate, rather than depreciate like your car.


  • 虽然足够积蓄支持几个,但是强烈的愿望想几个朋友一个电影短片。

    He did, though, have enough savings to keep him going for a few months and a burning desire to make a short movie with some friends.


  • 证券交易委员会确保股东公司选举上更多权力以便投资者养老金如何处置自己毕生积蓄更多发言权。

    And the SEC will ensure that shareholders have more power in corporate elections, so that investors and pension holders have a stronger voice in determining what happens with their life savings.


  • 行业里,很多事情也许安排如果我们主动行动起来,你不但锻炼自己同时自己日后工作积蓄了力量经验

    In the industry, there are a lot of things may not arrange for you to do, if we go to active action, you will not only exercise their own work, but also for the future of strength and experience.


  • 利奥这些年来一直自律每个存钱现在很大一笔积蓄,都可以退休了

    Over the years Leo has been very disciplined and saved every month. He now has a big nest egg on which he can retire.


  • 目标跃进一点,在一点切实积蓄资助 六西格玛项目

    The goal is to ramp up to a point where the tangible savings is funding the Six Sigma program.


  • 走过生活里程碑就让一个人静静地记住一切吧只是记住,记住一个瞬间积蓄每一个回忆

    Traversed a milestone in the life, let me remember a quiet these things, just remember, remember each and every moment, every savings memories!


  • 如今,一些待嫁印度女孩觉得本国生活挺好,随着工资水平的提高,印度的男女青年结婚得起工作年轻女子自己积蓄

    Some brides simply see India as more livable these days. As salaries have gone up there, Indian married couples are able to afford houses, and young women with jobs have money of their own.


  • 沙流河63退休铁路工人百斤(音),把自己一辈子积蓄和他的退休金亲戚了大笔钱买了10(现在30头)。

    Liu Baijin, a 63-year-old former railway worker from Shaliuhe village, invested his entire life's savings, his retirement pay-off and a big loan from a relative in ten cows (he now has 30).


  • 已经失业4个月并且积蓄多少了。

    I have been without a job for 4 months now and my savings are going low.


  • 稳定经济收入加上多年积蓄,我完全能力资助女儿日本留学期间学费生活费各种费用

    I have steady income and with my savings of years, I completely have the ability to support my daughter with various expenses during her studying in Japan such as tuition and cost of living, etc.


  • 稳定经济收入加上多年积蓄,我完全能力资助女儿日本留学期间学费生活费各种费用

    I have steady income and with my savings of years, I completely have the ability to support my daughter with various expenses during her studying in Japan such as tuition and cost of living, etc.


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