• 青岛一个各种身体疾病疗效的疗养胜地

    Qingdao is a resort efficacious for a variety of bodily ills.


  • 这个系统处理疗效药物的方式处理物质的方式相同

    The system acts on useful medications in the same way as it does on poisonous substances.


  • 是因为以下几个原因首先我们想让病人一种疗效的、友好的环境中观看电影

    This is for several reasons. First, we want clients to watch films in an environment that is therapeutically friendly.


  • 到目前为止手术放疗化疗内分泌治疗并列成为乳腺癌疗效治疗手段。

    So far, the surgery, the radiotherapy, the chemotherapy, the endocrine treatment compound have become breast cancer to really have the curative effect four big treatment method.


  • 东西具很疗效方法如果养成了写日记的习惯。写东西可能成为一天之中最好事情之一

    There's something therapeutic about writing in a journal, and if you make it a daily habit, it can be one of the best things you do all day.


  • 然而公共卫生角度而言如果可以资金用到确实产生疗效办法上,我们就不会疗效的办法买单

    From a public health perspective, however, we do not want to pay for something that does not work when the money could be used for something that does work.


  • 专栏作家安海德·欧康纳,揭示了一些疗效的科学依据的替代疗法可能会考虑把它们放进家庭药箱里。

    Columnist, explores the claims and the science behind alternative remedies that you may want to consider for your family medicine cabinet.


  • 这个场地各种运动提供特制游泳设备专门疗效健身器材训练设备等等。甚至一些视觉表演艺术的内容。

    The complex offers a specially-equipped swimming facility, specialized and therapeutic fitness, training facilities for all types of sports and even visual and performing arts.


  • 虽然这种音乐疗法不能医治癌症疗效的根据西亚母亲的反映,嘎西亚低落情绪和心理压力改善了许多

    The therapy won't cure his cancer, but it does, according to Garcia's mom, take away much of the boy's depression.


  • 如果人们因药品核准标示外使用认知增强药物而受到惩罚那些发现这些药物在某些无法预测方面疗效的人而言公平。

    Punishing the off-label use of cognitive enhancers may also be unfair to those who find these drugs medically useful in unexpected ways.


  • 导演,“Fry;”你会想让病人导演它,因为作为病人他们失去了力量所以任何能够恢复控制感事情都疗效。”

    "She was directing it," Ms. Fry said. "You want the patients to be directing, because they lose power by being patients, so anything that restores the sense of control is therapeutic."


  • 导演,“Fry;”你会想让病人导演它,因为作为病人他们失去了力量所以任何能够恢复控制感事情都疗效。”

    She was directing it, ” Ms. Fry said. “You want the patients to be directing, because they lose power by being patients, so anything that restores the sense of control is therapeutic.”


  • 如果脱发问题,世面众多针对女性治疗方法。 但克利夫兰诊所皮肤科专家梅丽莎·皮里博士表示大多数都是疗效的

    Ifyour hair is coming out, be advised that of the multitude of treatmentson the market for women, few are worth your money, says Dr. MelissaPiliang, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic.


  • 死海超高含量矿物质多种不同的天然原素,于几千死海亦大部分人认知疗效神秘地方,所以亦例入为世界8大奇观之一

    The Dead Sea has an extremely high content of salt, minerals, and natural elements that have been known for thousands of years for their therapeutic powers. And Dead Sea is one of the 8 wonder.


  • 不含谷蛋白饮食一些关节炎病例疗效

    Some cases of arthritis respond to a gluten-free diet.


  • 紫锥花已知一种感冒很疗效药草

    Echinacea is a herb known to have curative properties, particularly when it comes to colds.


  • 杰克逊博士这个理论大脑深层刺激机制相似这种刺激机制已经证明帕金森症患者疗效

    Dr Jackson said the concept is similar to deep brain stimulation, which has proven to have therapeutic benefits for patient’s suffering from conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.


  • 新的研究表明严格规定其饮食大部分多动症儿童都颇疗效显著改善其症状

    A new study suggests that a highly restricted diet can be just as effective at reducing symptoms in a majority of children with ADHD.


  • 我们需要更多研究才能证明镇痛剂社会疼痛疗效

    A lot more research is needed before anyone can say that any analgesic is an effective means of treating social pain.


  • 研究人员认为太极之所以有疗效,原因不仅在于它能训练肌肉,改善柔韧性,提高病人对自身健康整体观感

    Researchers believe that the exercises work by conditioning muscles and increasing suppleness as well as raising patients' overall feelings of wellbeing.


  • 温泉的泉水许多疾病疗效例如风湿病关节炎以及血液循环皮肤的各种疾病。

    The spring waters are therapeutic for ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis and complaints related to lungs, kidneys, blood circulation and dermatology, among others.


  • 恢复方法做家务发泄。我厨房拆了然后重建有疗效

    Recovery tactic: I turned to housework to take out my aggression. I demolished my kitchen and rebuilt it, which was really therapeutic.


  • 结论外科手术治疗胸膜结核方法疗效确切、并发症优点

    Conclusion the surgical therapy is an effective method treating pleura tubercle tumor. This method possessed advantage of precise curative effect and had few complications.


  • 结论:禾邦鼻炎胶囊适用各类鼻炎,疗效确切副作用特点

    Conclusion: With a character of precise curing effect and low side effect, Hebang rhinitis capsule can be used for various types of rhinitis.


  • 结论采用补益肝肾法使用活力苏口服液对冠心病患者抑郁症状疗效

    Conclusion: the method of nourishing liver and kidney is effective in treatment of depression in patients with CAD.


  • 造访尼泊尔安地斯山上村落称为异国情调的渡假而是疗效心灵成长避静修

    And a trip to the mountain hamlets of Nepal or the Andes is not considered an exotic vacation but a therapeutic retreat for spiritual growth.


  • 结论医用臭氧玻璃酸治疗骨性关节炎疗效、效果稳定特点适用性

    Conclusion Medical ozone and sodium hyaluronate in the treatment of osteoarthritis has the effect of fast, stable and features, with applicability.


  • 结论医用臭氧玻璃酸治疗骨性关节炎疗效、效果稳定特点适用性

    Conclusion Medical ozone and sodium hyaluronate in the treatment of osteoarthritis has the effect of fast, stable and features, with applicability.


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