• 因此反弹也是理由

    So there is justification for a rebound.


  • 理由地相信儿子行为已经了欺负弱小的表相。

    I'm reasonably certain my son has engaged in behavior that looks like bullying.


  • 我们远远没到那个时候但是一天到来他们大批的离去包装成“不在或是理由缺席会议

    We are nowhere near that time, but when it comes their exodus will be packaged as being "unavailable" or they will be absent from meetings without an explanation.


  • 大多数任何时间几乎理由解雇,同样的,因为可以基于任何原因甚至原因辞职

    In most states you can be terminated for virtually no reason at all at any time, but this also works in your favor because you can quit for any or no reason at any time.


  • 首先我们迫切需要相信世界意义,相信每个结果原因每件发生理由

    The first is our pressing need to believe that the world makes sense, that there is a cause for every effect and a reason for everything that happens.


  • Y 先生可以轻松做到,但似乎没有理由这样做。

    Mr. Y could do it easily, but seemed to have no reason to do it.


  • 如果伤害父亲那么完全理由憎恨始终无法理解为何如此鄙视我,而且所说毫无缘由我。

    If I had ever done your father an injury, he might well hate me; but I cannot see why he should despise me and, as you say, hate me without any reason.


  • 理由预测它们能够组合但是实际执行测试之前,仍然确定的。

    There is no reason to expect they would not compose nicely, but until testing is actually done, it is not certain.


  • 谨慎对待这个问题——不要假设任何特定格式大小除非理由相信这个数据,否则就不要想当然信任它。

    Treat it carefullydon't assume it will be any particular format or size and don't trust it unless there's a reason to trust it.


  • 选择使用工具时只要开发者审慎评估他们需求项目理由因为技术的原因而失败。

    As long as developers critically evaluate their needs before choosing a toolset to use, there is no reason for a project to fail because of the technology.


  • 国首都政策制定者理由自豪满怀热情说出他们成绩,而在未来几年国关系存在巨大潜力

    Policymakers in both capitals justifiably speak with pride and enthusiasm of their achievements, and the great potential that exists to develop an even more robust relationship in coming years.


  • 我们又回到平衡适度理念——如果饮食全部关注健康上,并且绝大部分时间都在食用这样食物。那么就理由不能偶尔放纵一下自己

    Again, it comes back to the balance and moderation concept - if your diet overall focuses on healthy, whole foods most of the time, there's no reason why you can't occasionally indulge.


  • 现在理由去奉承但是坦率跟你说,你不必这样悲伤

    I have no reason for flattering you now, and I can say plainly that you need not be so sad.


  • 理由尽可能积极主动行动迅速对抗这种疾病

    That is all the more reason to confront this new illness as aggressively and rapidly as we can.


  • 理由特别将内姆的例子抗生素农业方面的过度使用联系起来,因为抗生素抗性难以解决多重原因

    There’s no reason to link Nahum’s case specifically to agricultural overuse, for antibiotic resistance has multiple causes that are difficult to unravel.


  • 实际上经济学惊讶发现很难清楚说明沉重公共债务高额债券收益率关系,经济学家理由担心后者会被挤出

    Indeed, economists find it surprisingly hard to demonstrate the clear link between heavy public debt and higher bond yields that would justify fears of crowding out.


  • 理由反对,不幸观点不少阐释取缔低科技、劳工密集的行业。

    No one can object to that, but unfortunately this principle has been interpreted by many to imply an intention to phase out low-tech labor-intensive activities.


  • 如此繁多的技术如此强大公司如此紧密结合一起,我们理由停下来思考一下其中意味

    This is so much new technology and it's tied in so closely with one very powerful company that there is big reason to stop and consider the possible implications. There are reasons to be scared.


  • 作为美国人我们理由我们文化、我们的国家我们的国旗感到骄傲所以每天自豪升起国旗!

    As Americans, we have every right to be proud of our culture, our nation, and our flag. So raise the flag today and every day with pride!


  • 程序高高兴兴执行可能的查询导致系统起,直到决定重新启动,用户实在理由这种行为视为极度愚蠢的白痴

    An application cheerfully executes an impossible query that hangs up your system until you decide to reboot. Users view such software behavior as idiocy, and with just cause.


  • 听说男子理由认为——简单说,个人,我早就知道他了婚——我怎么你说呢?

    That a gentleman, whom I had reason to think--in short, that a man, whom I KNEW to be engaged--but how shall I tell you?


  • 一旦明白工作要求后,理由不能正确投入工作中。

    As long as I know what's expected of me, there's no reason I can't plunge right into the new job.


  • 尽管有理由空间竞赛浪费不少钱财,但我们从中多少获得些好处

    Although it's true to say that space race is a big money waster, it's also true to say that we benefit more or less from it.


  • 尽管有理由空间竞赛浪费不少钱财,但我们从中多少获得些好处

    Although it's true to say that space race is a big money waster, it's also true to say that we benefit more or less from it.


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