• 有点兴奋,也有点无畏。

    I got a bit excited and I was feeling a bit brave.


  • 我们离开的时候,我甚至感到有点兴奋,因为我在想所有要去地方——那些我只从书和图片中了解到的陌生而神奇的地方。

    When we were leaving, I even felt a little excited because I thought about all the places I was going to see—the strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures.


  • 舌头某种测试吧,所以副大无畏的表情,甚至有点兴奋

    I figured the duck tongues were a sort of test, so I made it a point to look unfazed. Excited even.


  • 有点兴奋有点晕眩好像自己成了它们的员,一起游戏

    I felt elated and slightly dizzy like the kid who is' it 'in a schoolyard game.


  • 看上去提问回答游戏就使有点兴奋。“还有……知道了。”

    It was like a question and answer game. That got me a little excited. "and... I don't".


  • 从未经历过开学典礼有点兴奋,又有点恐惧因为知道需要什么

    Having never before experienced an opening ceremony I was excited and at the same time very apprehensive as I had no idea what the ceremony would entail.


  • 试卷一刻第三讲堂阶梯上,心里有点兴奋略带郁闷的时间就这样过去了一半儿

    When I handed over papers that moment, standing on the ladder of the third auditorium, was a little excited, but also slightly depressed: one day also passed half way.


  • 如果听起来有点比利·菲尔普斯,我很抱歉确实兴奋引用《麦克白》的选段

    I'm sorry if I sound a little bit like Billy Phelps, but I do get excited. He quotes the passage from Macbeth.


  • 有时小孩子可能过于兴奋有点过于粗暴从来都不是一个严重的问题。

    Sometimes a young child may get over-excited, and they are a little too rough, but it's never a serious matter.


  • 有时小孩子可能过于兴奋有点过于粗暴从来都不是一个严重的问题

    Sometimes a young child may get over-excited and be a little too rough, but it's never a serious matter.


  • 果你是第一次露营,你会感到兴奋,也许还会有点紧张。

    If you go to a sleep away camp for the first time, you'll feel excited and maybe a little nervous.


  • 兴奋地说,“ 我有点害怕,但世界上没有第二座这样的桥,它太值得了。”

    He said excitedly, "I was a little afraid, but there is no other bridge like this one in the world, it was so worth it."


  • 推出新的应用程序人们可能觉得自己像是发挥重要作用学习事物总是令人兴奋同时有点让人招架不住。

    People like to feel as if they have an important role to play when a new application is rolled out: it's exciting to learn something new, but it's a little overwhelming at the same time.


  • 只是感到有点轻微晕眩,那是因为旅途的劳顿回到家后的兴奋引起的。

    It was only a slight attack of faintness, resulting from the tedious day's journey, and the excitement of arrival.


  • 当时,兴奋孩子们正在讨论即将到来的圣诞节有点闹哄哄的,这位女代课老师脱口:“你们圣诞礼物其实是父母送的。”

    The supply teacher blurted out : "it's your parents who leave out presents on Christmas Day" when excited youngsters got rowdy as they talked about Christmas.


  • 参赛者正在会场准备他们有点紧张兴奋

    The contestants are preparing in the club. They all seem a bit nervous and very excited.


  • 第一进入展区感到有点压抑但总体是兴奋

    Upon first entering the exhibit area, I admit to feeling both a little overwhelmed and totally excited to see the exhibits.


  • 又想到可能读出心里想法,他经常这样的,有点窘迫,也有一点兴奋感觉

    I remembered the thoughts that Betty had tried to put in my head—had actually put there—and the possibility that he could read them, as he so often could, both embarrassed and excited me.


  • 有点紧张兴奋经营一家医疗器械公司孔先生,“不想一个更好的生日”?

    I’m nervous, but I’m also excited, ” said Mr. Kong, who owns a medical instrument company. “Who could ask for a better birthday?”


  • 周一到周五每天早上醒来后,从来都没有上班感到兴奋过。这个问题有点严重。

    If you wake up every morning Monday through Friday and never feel excited to go to work, that is a problem.


  • 但是超级马里奥银河一样,能让玩家开心激动眩晕,这时候按捺住兴奋有点难度哦。

    But when it's as exciting and giddily joyful as Super Mario Galaxy was, it's a little hard not to get overexcited anyway.


  • 旅行刚开始舒服甚至有点令人兴奋即使以前曾沿此路线旅行过。

    The beginning of the fide is comfortable and somewhat exciting, even if you've traveled that way before.


  • 这个地方天生活力,有趣有点脏,存在容忍意识一点儿兴奋的感觉。

    There is an innate raciness to this place, tinged with fun, squalor, a sense of tolerance and a hint of excitement.


  • 有点过山车顶端自由落体下来的时候,所有人在尖叫,有的是出于害怕,有的是出于兴奋

    It is like being on a roller coaster in free fall from the top, and everyone is screaming - some in fear and some in exhilaration.


  • 照片有点模糊,因为兴奋,没法安安静静地着,但是没关系,你只会注意到他快乐笑容

    They're all a little blurry because he was too excited to stand still, but it doesn't matter because that joyful smile is all you see anyway.


  • 照片有点模糊,因为兴奋,没法安安静静地着,但是没关系,你只会注意到他快乐笑容

    They're all a little blurry because he was too excited to stand still, but it doesn't matter because that joyful smile is all you see anyway.


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