• 介绍了有机涂层中性盐试验相关标准及其评价方法

    The standards and the comment process of neutral salt-fog test for organic coatings are introduced.


  • 论述管道涂层优越性介绍有机涂层钢管特性应用

    The article discusses the advantages of inner coating of gas pipeline, and introduces the characteristics and application of the steel pipe with organic coating.


  • 介绍有机涂层金属基体腐蚀机理;论述涂层金属的腐蚀类型

    This paper introduces the metals base corrosion function beneath the organic coating and relates the types of corrosion for coated metals.


  • 取向硅钢表面绝缘涂层分成有机涂层无机涂层无机涂层三大类。

    The surface insulation coating of non oriented silicon steel is comprised of the organic coating , mineral coating and mineral filled organic coating.


  • 实际使用过程中,随着地域气候不同有机涂层老化行为表现不同

    The aging behaviors of organic coatings will change with different place and climate in actual use.


  • 通过因果分析方法,作出影响设备有机涂层质量排列统计图,从而分析主要影响因素

    The main factors that affect the quality of organize coating for heat exchanger were analyzed through statistic data by causal analysis.


  • 涂层材料一般分为无机涂层(金属涂层)有机涂层,无机涂层一般又分为保护涂层功能涂层大类。

    Coating materials can be divided two parts: inorganic coatings (metal coatings) and organic coatings. Inorganic coatings include protecting coatings and functional coatings.


  • 实验结果表明:采用涂法预处理c 50获得耐蚀性、涂装性加工性的合金化热镀锌有机涂层钢板。

    The results of study show that: if the rolling chemical pretreatment solution C50 is used, the products with both high corrosion resistance and good bonding can be obtained.


  • 有机涂层中的热防护涂层一种具有特殊用途的材料航空航天、电子电气纺织建筑领域有着广泛的应用

    Organic thermal-protective coating is special coating material applied in many areas including aerospace, electron and electricity, textile, construction and so on.


  • 有机涂层表面真空蒸发蒸镀过程中,有机涂层有机挥发物质水分的挥发放影响真空蒸发镀铝过程和蒸镀铝质量

    On the process of vacuum-deposited Al on organic coat, the film quality is affected dy gases from the organic volatile matter and water vapour in the coat.


  • 意味着纳米可能有着蛋白质其他有机分子涂层阻止他们像锯齿状石灰岩晶体一样正常生长而是像是圆形斑点

    That means that nanobacteria probably become coated with proteins or other organic molecules, which stop them from growing like a regular, jagged limestone crystal and instead look like round blobs.


  • 有机铝箔表面天蓝色无机亲水涂层表面为灰白色亚白色

    Organic hydrophilic foil surface is sky blue, inorganic hydrophilic foil is grey white or sub-white.


  • 由于船舶使用有机涂料防污涂层表面非常光滑

    Becauseof using the organic silicone antifouling coatings, the coating surface is very smooth.


  • 介绍有机硅倍半氧合成方法及其涂层材料中的应用

    In the article, the research works on the synthesis of polysilsesquioxane and its application in coatings were(reviewed).


  • 综述了有机硅烷偶种类机理聚合物-金属界面模型、薄膜制备薄膜涂层制品的性能

    The types of silane coupling agents, the mechanism of film formation, model of polymer-metal interface, the preparation of silane films and the properties of films and coatings were summarized.


  • 有机防污涂料涂层表面非常光滑海洋生物即使附着上只要船舶达到一定航速,表面就可以自行清洁

    Self-polishing. Silicone antifouling paint coating surface is very smoothand not sticky of Marine biology, Even attach as long asthe ship reached a certain speed, the surface can clean itself.


  • 发明涉及一种无机有机防腐生物相容性复合涂层可吸收镁合金支架及其制备方法

    The invention relates to an absorbable magnesium alloy bracket of an inorganic and organic antiseptic biocompatible composite coating and a preparation method thereof.


  • 发明剂表面包覆有机蜡质涂层防止胶凝剂中的离子很快溶入泥浆中,从而延缓了泥浆凝固时间。

    The gelatilizer of the present invention has coated organic waxy coating to prevent the calcium ion in the gelatilizer from fast dissolving to slurry and thus to delay the solidification of slurry.


  • 发明涉及用于玻璃玻璃陶瓷灶具面板划痕有机涂层

    The present invention relates to a scratch-resistant organic silicon coating for glass or panel of glass ceramic kitchen range.


  • 可以处理有机涂层释放衬里应用热敏生产

    It can also handle silicone coating for release liner and applications for thermal paper manufacturing.


  • 若钢铁有鳞片有机富锌涂层,粗糙表面会导致富锌涂层阴极保护期缩短

    The results showed that incorporated with silane in ZRP can improve the cathodic protection period of ZRP coating.


  • 涂层环氧有机硅粘结剂、铝粉玻璃各种提高稳定性腐蚀性的添加剂组成

    The coating consists of epoxy-silicon bond, aluminium powder, glass filler and various additives to improve heat stability and corrosion resistance.


  • 研究有机膨润土防沉剂对导电涂料沉降黏度触变性涂层导电性显微形态影响

    The influence of organobentonite on sedimentation ratio, viscosity, thixotropy, film conductivity and micromorphology of the copper based conductive paint is investigated.


  • 甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA生产有机玻璃的原料广泛用于表面涂层合成树脂油漆涂料胶粘剂工业医用高分子材料工业。

    Methyl methacrylate(MMA)is used as raw material for producing polymethacrylate, and it is also widely used in surface coating, synthetic resins, paint and coatings, adhesives and medical products.


  • 涂层具有优异的机械性能黄变有机溶剂

    Its coatings have excellent mechanical properties, best resistance to yellowing, and good fastness to solvents and water.


  • 以正硅酸乙脂、KH- 560、KH - 570先驱体,采用溶胶-凝胶结合旋转涂敷法在环氧树脂基体制备有机耐磨涂层

    Organic-inorganic hybrid composites were prepared by the sol-gel method for the wear-resistant coating on epoxide resin and TEOS, KH-560, KH-570 were used as starting materials.


  • 金属有机化学气相沉积(MOCVD)一种先进涂层制备方法,采用此方法制备的涂层具有质量完整性厚度易于控制优点

    (MOCVD) is an advanced preparative technique. Coatings prepared by the method have many strongpoints such as high quality, good completeness and good controllability.


  • 利用粉煤灰有机溶剂溶解EVA混合聚乙烯纤维基体涂层,制备新型涂层导水纤维

    The new water-conducting fiber made use of the fly ash and EVA solved by organic solvent, both of which were mixed together to coat on the PE fibers.


  • 利用粉煤灰有机溶剂溶解EVA混合聚乙烯纤维基体涂层,制备新型涂层导水纤维

    The new water-conducting fiber made use of the fly ash and EVA solved by organic solvent, both of which were mixed together to coat on the PE fibers.


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