• 20世纪70年代,四多达5000名刺绣师傅。

    By the 1970s, Sichuan had as many as 5,000 embroiderers.


  • 报道,四的一场大型森林火灾中,31名勇敢的年轻人牺牲。

    It's reported that 31 of the brave young men were killed in a big forest fire in Sichuan.


  • 南京一个军事大学学习2003年就开始拍摄该片想法但是很快就出现了问题

    Lu, who studied at an army university in Nanjing, had nursed the idea for the film since 2003, but quickly ran into problems.


  • 在枣阳西边一家比较餐馆供应上海湖南各种美食如果天气好,还提供户外座位服务

    The larger restaurants on the street’s west side serve a mix of Shanghai, Hunan, and Sichuan cuisine and, in nice weather, offer outdoor seating.


  • 只是觉得拍这部电影的,”说,“我以为我可以向国人传达一个新的想法并且能够说服一些战争固执偏见的

    I just thought it was the right thing to do, ” says Lu. “I thought I could deliver a new message and perhaps persuade some people who had mistaken ideas about the war.


  • 在枣阳西边一家比较餐馆供应上海湖南各种美食如果天气好,还提供户外座位服务

    The larger restaurants on the street's west side serve a mix of Shanghai, Hunan, and Sichuan cuisine and, in nice weather, offer outdoor seating.


  • 旧金山圣约翰教堂:教堂奠基人首先声称音乐家上帝化身随后又把降级圣人。

    A Church of st John Coltrane exists in San Francisco: the founders first claimed that the musician was an incarnation of god, but later demoted him to sainthood.


  • 旧金山圣约翰教堂:教堂奠基人首先声称音乐家上帝化身随后又把降级圣人。

    A Church of st John Col trane exists in San Francisco: the founders first claimed that the musician was an incarnation of god, but later demoted him to sainthood.


  • 日本向来出产优质中场传统然而真司最近几个月以来表现让他看上去目前为止日本出产的最好产品。

    Japan have a tradition of producing fine midfielders, and the evidence of the past few months suggests that Kagawa may prove to be their best yet.


  • 新闻绵阳由于水塔倒塌造成死亡

    Another person died when a water tower collapsed in Mianyang, Sichuan, the news agency said.


  • 日本援救队伍消防员警察技术人员、医生以及其他人员组成;61名成员里一半周五先行抵达会成都

    The Japanese team is made up of firefighters, police, technicians and medical and other personnel; about half of its 61 members arrived in the Sichuan provincial capital of Chengdu early Friday.


  • 河北省石家庄市安徽省芜湖市同样已经申请获得开展巨型公交项目的资金泸州市对此表现出兴趣

    Shijiazhuang, in Hebei Province, and Wuhu, in Anhui Province, have also applied to obtain financing for straddling bus systems, Mr. Song said, while Luzhou in Sichuan Province has shown interest.


  • 款车基于忍者摩托车雄厚基础外观设计上威慑力而且光滑流线型

    Based around the Kawasaki Ninja the bike has some solid foundations, but was designed to look intimidating yet sleek.


  • 姜伟新四百多万住房倒塌毁坏

    He says more than four million homes in Sichuan collapsed or were damaged.


  • 此后11个专区报告病例

    Cases have since been reported in 11 prefectures in Sichuan Province.


  • 太多事情使旧金山变得与众不同红色巨兽般的金门大桥城市海纳百胸怀

    There are so many things that make San Francisco special, from the red behemoth of the Golden Gate Bridge to the city's tolerant attitude toward almost everything.


  • 西南三种典型气候特点:相对凉爽夏季温暖冬季的早春和秋季。

    The southwest mountain area of the Sichuan Basin has three dimensions to its climate featuring a mild winter and a relatively cool summer, with rain in both early spring and the fall.


  • 中心称,女友父亲因与其密切接触隔离。据四省公共卫生部称,同时被隔离的还一名包某过接触的出租车司机。

    According to the Sichuan Center for Disease Control, Bao's girlfriend and his father who were in close contact with Bao, have been put into quarantine.


  • 以在1171家注册美国公司但是他们规模以及他们是否是中外合资公司统计

    In Sichuan province, for example, there are 1, 171 registered U.S. companies, although there is no accounting for their size or whether they are joint ventures with Chinese firms.


  • 到底多少孩子新建小学丧生512日地震省内又多少孩子死于倒塌校舍官方给出明确的数字

    There is no official figure on how many children died at Xinjian Primary school, nor on how many died at scores of other schools that collapsed in the powerful May 12 earthquake in Sichuan Province.


  • 2008年的地震相比,那次地震超过九千名儿童死亡

    Compare this with the 2008 Szechuan earthquake, which killed more than 9, 000 children.


  • 位于荣县大佛36.67米,是仅次于乐山大佛第二大石佛。

    meters (124 feet) high. It is a well-know stone Buddha in Sichuan Province only second to the Leshan Giant Buddha.


  • 大熊猫世界上处境危险物种之一,据专家估计1000只大熊猫生活盆地周围那些云雾笼罩山里世界各地人工饲养状态下的大熊猫则140只左右。

    Experts estimate that 1, 000 giant pandas, one of the world's most endangered species, live in the foggy mountains around the Sichuan Basin, while about 140 live in captivity around the world.


  • 大熊猫世界上处境危险物种之一据专家估计1000只大熊猫生活盆地周围那些云雾笼罩的山里世界各地人工饲养状态下的大熊猫则140只左右。

    Experts estimate that 1,000 giant pandas, one of the world's most endangered species, live in the foggy mountains around the Sichuan Basin, while about 140 live in captivity around the world.


  • 大熊猫世界上处境危险物种之一据专家估计1000只大熊猫生活盆地周围那些云雾笼罩的山里世界各地人工饲养状态下的大熊猫则140只左右。

    Experts estimate that 1,000 giant pandas, one of the world's most endangered species, live in the foggy mountains around the Sichuan Basin, while about 140 live in captivity around the world.


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