• 因为信托药物开发基金的支持小组确定临床前候选人他们希望之内进入人体试验

    With support from a Wellcome Trust Seeding Drug Discovery award, the team has identified a preclinical candidate that they hope to take into human trials within a year.


  • 能够指出已经带来进步意义的变化

    Willan was able to point to the progressive changes he had already introduced.


  • 几年,大西洋礁,条75鱼越船上,意外地致使一个妇女死亡

    A few years ago, a 75-pound stingray leaped out of the Atlantic Ocean at Vaca Key and slammed into a woman, killing her in the process.


  • 巴士观光客通常会顺便游览城堡布伦海姆,但他们通常不会发现斯特拉特福剧院时甚至会感到惊讶

    The sightseers who come by bus—and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side—don't usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford.


  • ·斯塔开始感到平静,一种相当惬意的,梦境般的感觉

    Ben Weatherstaff began to feel soothed into a sort of dream which was quite agreeable.


  • 格斯:“足够的电压满足我的需要所以决定这个尺寸。”

    Twiggs says: "I had enough voltage for what I needed so I decided that would be the size."


  • 利茨来自学校明显证据表明男孩们正在落后”,大学里他们也同样女生赶超。

    Mr Willetts said there was clear evidence from schools that boys are 'lagging behind', and are being overtaken by female students at university.


  • 为了进一步揭穿这个伪科学哈达指出通过头发移植光秃的部位可以长出新的头发,这说明光秃区域依然是充足的血液循环维持头发生长的。

    As further proof to debunk this myth, Khadavi points out that hair transplanted to balding areas produces new hair growth, demonstrating that there is adequate blood flow to the area to support hair.


  • 由于认为地质学达尔文好处亨斯洛把推荐给剑桥大学地质学教授亚当·塞奇克。

    Seeing that he would benefit from knowing a little something about geology, Henslow introduced Darwin to Adam Sedgwick, Professor of geology at Cambridge.


  • 某些证据表明在医院寻求治疗继续接受治疗

    In Uige, there is some evidence of a reluctance to seek treatment or remain under care in hospitals.


  • 帕特·罗伯逊牧师为“狡猾利(个抢劫银行的惯犯)”,一个毁掉美国家庭激进计划

    The Reverend Pat Robertson referred to me as Slick Willie and said I had a radical plan to destroy the American family.


  • 加萨950小镇自从60年代一个铁路修理场被关闭以来,这个小镇已经流失了一半居民

    Ritchie Roach is the mayor of Gassaway, a town of about 950 people that has lost half its residents since a railway repair yard closed in the 60s.


  • 皇家霍洛学院研究小组整个夏天伦敦科学博物馆示范他们的调查,500个参观者尝试了他们的测试

    Royal Holloway's research group ran demonstrations of their research studies in the London Science Museum over the summer where 500 visitors tried their tests.


  • 他们:福强公司总经理琼斯先生百事公司的总裁萨姆先生,以及派洛特公司格里芬女士

    A: They are: Mr. Jones, general manager of Fuqiang Co.; Mr. Sam, President of Bestway Co.; and Ms. Griffin from Pilot Corp.


  • 他们贝克青岛虎牌三得利麒麟。

    Look, they have Budweiser, Beck's, Tsingdao, Tiger, Suntory and even Kirin.


  • 名叫佛瑞德·的淘金者,回家朋友们写信说,他用了的时间补给斯卡格运到山脚下在信中写到,他的身体受到了伤害因为搬运这些补给实在太难了。

    A man named Fred Dewey wrote to friends back home that it took him two weeks just to move his supplies from Skagway to the mountain. His wrote that his body hurt because of the extremely hard work.


  • 古代罗马城市79年火山大爆发被埋没今天庞贝古城另一个结构已经崩溃令人们这个城市的命运担忧。

    Another structure has collapsed today in Pompeii, raising new fears about the fate the ancient Roman town buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79.


  • 比如万事达公司通过网络发行的每一收取一定比率费用,这个比率称为交易费率,上百里程往往收取更高的费用。

    MasterCard and Visa charge hundreds of different rates - called interchange fees - for every type of card that runs through their networks; mileage CARDS tend to charge higher fees, for example.


  • 纽约大学朗格医学中心迈克尔-兹曼医生带领研究小组发现11%父亲抑郁症的儿童,出现行为偏差情感问题

    The team, led by Dr Michael Weitzman at NYU's Langone Medical Center, found that 11 per cent of children with depressed fathers had behavioural and emotional problems.


  • 饱和脂肪含量零食曲奇饼干蛋糕;还油炸类零食,比如油炸鸡翅炸薯条

    Examples of high saturated fat snacks include cookies, wafer biscuits, cakes, egg tart etc.; oily deep-fried snacks include deep-fried chicken wing and French fries.


  • 卫生保健工作人员中的病例表明必要大量增加第一线工作人员防护设备供应特别在发病最严重的热和人口密集的罗安达

    Cases in health care workers point to the need to greatly increase supplies of protective equipment for front-line workers, particularly in hard-hit Uige and densely populated Luanda.


  • 英航好斗老板利•沃尔什充足理由未来充满信心

    There are plenty of reasons why Willie Walsh, BA’s combative boss, can look to the future with some confidence.


  • 两个孩子的茜-瑟斯彭倾向穿平底芭蕾舞进行最后圣诞节购物活动。

    Mum-of-two Reese Witherspoon prefers flat ballet pumps to grab her last-minute Christmas bits.


  • 本周早些时候,加天体生物学中心研究员钱德拉·(ChandraWickramasinghe暗示非典病毒甚至可能来自太空但是这种观点并不科学家们所认同。

    Earlier this week, Chandra Wickramasinghe, of Cardiff's Centre for Astrobiology, suggested the Sars virus may even have fallen to Earth from space, but this is not a view widely shared by scientists.


  • 但是传言称瑞森(Verizon于1月份发布一款新的苹果装置如果此言非虚,摩托罗拉的市场份额可能缩水

    But Verizon is rumoured to be launching a new version of Apple’s gadget in January; if so, Motorola’s market share is likely to shrink.


  • 2005年6月21日—世界银行行长保罗·沃尔福第一次访问非洲大陆之后确信非洲一种真正的“为”态度

    June 21, 2005 - World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz says he's confident there is a real "can do" attitude in Africa following his first visit to the continent.


  • 至于下一步怎么走很多种选择,未来5保持现状不是一项明智之举无论是对你自己还是公司

    You have a number of choices for your next move and going with the 'status quo' for the next five years wouldn't be a good one - for you or for the company.


  • 至于下一步怎么走很多种选择,未来5保持现状不是一项明智之举无论是对你自己还是公司

    You have a number of choices for your next move and going with the 'status quo' for the next five years wouldn't be a good one - for you or for the company.


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