• 他们可能获得其他成员关注同时也会因为能得到这些品牌赞助而感到荣耀

    It's possible for them to get attention from other members while reflecting a little glory onto the brands that sponsor them.


  • 科学家们认识通过原子裂变可能获得能量

    Scientists realized that it was possible to obtain energy by splitting the atom.


  • 目前过程反相技术使人们有可能获得可行注塑模具

    Currently, processes associated with RP techniques make it possible to obtain viable plastic injection moulds in one day.


  • 社交场合表现得宜可能获得一个趣的夥伴的青睐。

    You will do well in social settings, and new and interesting individuals may spark a romantic curiosity.


  • 必定如果学习足够努力,你十分可能获得一个极高的托福分数。

    If you study hard enough, chances are good that you will a get a top TOEFL score.


  • 突变可能获得优良突变体,育种提供丰富的中间材料

    It is possible to obtain superior mutants from the material with the mutant enzyme bands, thus providing ample intermediate material for breeding.


  • 如果类型病毒性肝炎过去还是有可能获得其他类型

    If a person has had one type of viral hepatitis in the past, it is still possible to get the other types.


  • 虽然有可能获得资金污染的信用报告一些事实应该知道

    Though it is possible to obtain finance with a tainted credit report, there are some facts that you should know


  • 移动网络应用可能获得更多用户包括那些使用普通功能手机上网的人们。

    Mobile Web apps have the potential to reach more users, including those whose only access to the Web is via a basic "feature phone" with an integrated browser, for example.


  • 然后,看到结果预想开始考虑是否有可能获得舞台上

    Then I saw results faster than I had expected and started considering the possibility of one day getting on stage.


  • 我们觉得信号0时还是可能获得一些数据的,但是语音就是一回事了。

    We feel it's possible we could have pulled down some data even with the signal at 0, but voice is another thing.


  • 由此评定最优表现的学校将会得到更多预算并且校长可能获得额外奖金。

    The highest-graded schools will get an increased budget and perhaps a bonus for the principal (head teacher).


  • 发达国家贫困儿童同样有可能获得教育不管是正式的,学校敲门

    Both wealthy and poor children are equally likely to acquire an education in money, whether it is formal, or in the school of hard knocks.


  • 特别我国能源供应最紧张的沿海经济发达省区此项技术可能获得好的经济效益

    Particularly , in those areas with prosperous economics but suffering from energy supply, the technique may have more opportunity to gain more economic effects.


  • 至少PHD有可能获得学术生涯享受学术自由(只要你得到一个永久教职)。

    At least with a Phd, you MIGHT get an academic career and thus enjoy academic freedom (once you get tenure).


  • 在下一个十年,人们有可能获得更加药物这些药物也许行为干预结合起来使用

    As more effective medications become available during the next decade, these very likely will be used in combination with behavioral interventions.


  • 共同意识额外几个步骤一些未必想到有可能获得合理的,很快就明显成效

    With common sense and a couple of extra steps that some may not necessarily think of, it is possible to get reasonable and yet quickly noticeable results.


  • 现在可能想知道是否可能获得这种能力答案有可能但是需要很多的训练内心工作

    Now you might be wondering whether it is possible at all to acquire this ability. Yes, it is possible, but this requires training and inner work.


  • 我们可能获得充足的阳光呼吸更新鲜空气更好房子里生活今天得多

    We may be getting far more sunlight, breathing fresher air, living in better buildings and leading far better lives than we are today.


  • 实验表明采用非线性放大复合环形镜构成复合腔光纤激光器可能获得重复频率脉冲

    It is suggested that using a NACLM as a passive mode locking element, generation of ultrashort pulses of very high repetition rate is promising with a fiber laser.


  • 这种状况使东亚国家国际竞争处于不利地位失去了巨大的本来是有可能获得自由贸易实惠

    This kind of condition caused the East Asian country to be at the disadvantageous position in the international competition, so loses great free trade benefice.


  • 一些女性主义者来说,双性同体这个概念使她们可能获得广泛全面经验无论是男性的”还是“女性的”。

    For some feminists, the concept of androgyny has offered the possibility of access to a full range of experience, encompassing both "masculinity" and "femininity".


  • 很多源自个人经历领导力故事甚至可能获得自身生命力,然后像病毒一样企业社交网络上广泛传播

    Many leadership stories from your personal experience even have the potential to go viral, taking on a life of their own, spreading far and wide in your organization or social networks.


  • 黑池主教练可能获得年度最佳教练奖,将球队主场比赛结束之后驱车前往位于伯明翰的工作室

    The Blackpool boss, who is in the frame for Coach of the Year, will drive to the Birmingham studios after his side's home clash with Spurs.


  • 新兴干细胞技术潜能的细胞替代失去功能的细胞,有可能获得更理想结果因为病人一下子接受到的全部完整遗传系统

    The emerging technology of stem cells replacing failing cells with potent new cells may produce better results because the patient is receiving the whole genetic system at once.


  • 人们相信帮助需要的人们可能获得成就感

    It is believed that those who offer a hand to those who are in need are more likely to have a sense of achievement.


  • 很明显不能作者握手但是可能和作者建立联系,是你普通售会中无法获得的。

    Obviously you can't shake hands with the author but there are chances for a connection that you don't get from a regular book signing.


  • 表明修复性治疗可能帮助晚期损伤患者获得更好生活质量

    This would indicate that reparative therapy has the potential to help patients with advanced brain trauma to gain an improved quality of life.


  • 无论哪种方式,“组织好处有可能通过与药品制造商谈判获得优惠的价格

    Either way, one benefit of a "national" organization would be to negotiate better prices, if possible, with drug manufacturers.


  • 无论哪种方式,“组织好处有可能通过与药品制造商谈判获得优惠的价格

    Either way, one benefit of a "national" organization would be to negotiate better prices, if possible, with drug manufacturers.


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