• 厦门特区自由港,可以实行自由港的某些政策国际上是先例的

    The Xiamen Special Economic Zone will not be called a free port, although some free-port policies could be implemented there. There are precedents for this.


  • 这套策略先例英国内政部任职期间推动英国选择退出欧盟司法内政事务(EU Justice andHome Affairs) 130项措施

    There is a precedent for this: during her time in the Home Office, Mrs May pushed for the UK to opt out of 130 EU Justice and Home Affairs measures.


  • 此类追溯效力立法先例

    There are few precedents for this sort of retrospective legislation.


  • 充分理由肯定先例

    You have sufficient reason for affirming the antecedent.


  • 对于那些自己新兴市场先驱者一个不幸先例

    For those who see themselves as pioneers in these new markets, there is an unhappy precedent.


  • 这种做法先例可循:2008年北京奥运会时一些赛事重新安排过时间,更好地迎合遥远时区观众

    There's even a precedent: during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, some events were scheduled to better accommodate viewers in distant time zones.


  • 已经够糟糕,更何况,300多年先例肯定报纸报道议员们话语行为权利也是件麻烦事啊。

    That was bad enough, what with the nuisance of 300-odd years of precedent affirming the right of the press to report whatever MPs say or do.


  • 一来有先例可循二来加拿大是个还不错的运营良好的国家,许多事务省级就可解决。

    Precedent allows it, and Canada is a decent, well-run place, where much is decided at the provincial level.


  • 很多这样的先例

    There is ample precedent.


  • 判决快速反应可能给那些雇员中国官司缠身跨国公司创下先例

    Rio Tinto's quick response to the court's findings may set a precedent for multinational companies' response when employees get enmeshed in China's murky legal environment.


  • Asnis指出动物抑郁行为研究我们一些鼓舞人心的先例例如血清素色氨酸作用方面的研究。

    But Asnis notes that there have been reassuring precedents in studying depressive behavior in animals, such as work with serotonin and tryptophan.


  • 事实上已经先例摆在我们的面前了,1909年,位名叫Fritz Haber的德国化学家发现了生产方法氮(空气中分离得到)结合在一起。

    Indeed, there is a telling historical precedent. In 1909 Fritz Haber, a German chemist, discovered a new way to combine nitrogen from the air with hydrogen to produce ammonia.


  • 结婚率下降结婚率其历史先例19世纪末爱尔兰和20世纪30年代美国欧洲部分国家

    There is an historical precedent for falling and low marriage rates. It happened in Ireland in the late 19th century and in America and much of Europe in the 1930s.


  • 先例传统意味着我们一个正式制度下一代传承我们整个法律文化

    The system of teaching about the past means that we have a formal system for transmitting our whole legal culture from one generation to the next.


  • 这个消息给人的感觉航天局成功先例所以不在下。

    The message, it seems, is that NASA has done it before, and can do it again.


  • 他们表示已经很多农民适应更高温度先例

    They say there are plenty of examples of how farmers have already adapted to higher temperatures.


  • 由于被谋杀危险先例,阿克对《建军法案》的拥护态度,莫更为坚定。

    With the indelible example of danger set by Moe's murder, Aak became an even more vocal champion of the Military Creation Act than Moe was.


  • 曾经因居民自己不正确地打开主管发生爆炸造成伤亡先例

    Explosions have caused injury and death when homeowners have improperly turned their gas back on by themselves.


  • 他们不必仓促拼凑政策因为他们历史上先例可以借鉴

    They did not need to improvise as much as they did, since they had historical examples to guide them.


  • 我们决定推进第二选择是因为这么已经这样先例所以我们更容易路径

    We have decided to move forward with the second option because there is precedent for doing it that way already, so it's going to be the easier path for us.


  • 一个令人振奋先例就是保护臭氧层的《蒙特利尔公约》,证明世界各国终于认清灾难时候能够快速动员起来。

    The encouraging precedent is the Montreal Protocol for ozone protection, which showed how quickly nations can act when they finally recognize a disaster.


  • 对于论战双方缺乏先例这使得双方都很难找到经验性的证据。

    But working for and against both sides is the lack of precedent, making empirical arguments difficult.


  • 很多人说这么为了30男人不值得,不过,切尔西先例

    There's been a lot of talk about paying so much money for a man around the 30 years mark. Chelsea, of course, has a precedent here.


  • 那些留在座位上系好安全带的乘客可能撞上服务推车、座椅扶手天花板撞断自己的髋骨手臂鼻子甚至脑震荡的危险。 此类状况已有先例

    Those not securely strapped into their seats can, and have, flown into galley carts, arm rests or the ceiling, breaking hips, arms and noses and risking concussion.


  • 那些留在座位上系好安全带的乘客可能撞上服务推车、座椅扶手天花板撞断自己的髋骨手臂鼻子甚至脑震荡的危险。 此类状况已有先例

    Those not securely strapped into their seats can, and have, flown into galley carts, arm rests or the ceiling, breaking hips, arms and noses and risking concussion.


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