• 一天,我母亲正在做饭,而我和弟弟正在玩。

    On day my mother was cooking while I was playing with my younger brother.


  • 如果坠入爱河我会男人做饭,会为的一些琐事烦恼,会忘记一样,甚至更多工作

    When I'm in love I like to cook for and fuss over my man and forget that I have as much if not more work to do than he does.


  • 作为一个着幼小弟妹孩子必须努力劳动。日常的工作取水做饭尿片

    As a child with younger siblings I had to work hard: my daily routine included fetching water, cooking and changing nappies.


  • 这里服务员准备餐点(要收费),可以自己动手做饭

    Staff members will cook your meals for a fee, or you can whip up your own.


  • 煤油炉上方的墙上也钉类似的单子,做饭一样可以记。

    Similar lists were on the wall over the oil-stove, and they were similarly conned while he was engaged in cooking or in washing the dishes.


  • Kettle(水壶)这个词在以前用来指称做饭上千年的历史了。

    The word kettle has referred to some kind of cooking pot for thousands of years.


  • 个旅行箱,个手提包,个和卧室相同的厨房我能做饭所以我挺开心。

    I have one suitcase and 2 carry-ons, with a ensuite kitchen so I can cook, so I'm happy.


  • 劳动分工中的变化意味着女人做饭男人多——而且零食更多因为她们更多的机会接近食物。

    Changes in the division of labor meant that women were preparing food more than menand snacking more, because they had access to more food.


  • 这位电视脱口秀主持人说:“我们一致认为妇女应当就业平等权利但是唱一下反调试问:以往让妇女待在家里做饭打扫养育子女的岁月是不是更为美好呢?”

    4We all agree women should have equal rights to work. But I'll be devil's advocate and ask, wasn't it better in the old days when women stayed home to cook, clean house and have babies?


  • 这么做原因条:1时间做饭时,可以轻松的、享受甚至是奢侈活动

    The reason for this is twofold: 1) cooking can be a relaxing, enjoyable, and even luxurious activity when you have the time for it;


  • 血橙和您客人们以前常吃的其它橙子很大的不同,它因富含瓦伦西亚覆盆子糖浆味道甘甜,甚至果皮也带微微的甜味,这那些喜欢做饭时添加一些特殊风味的客人来说是件好事。

    They have a rich flavor reminiscent of Valencia raspberry syrup. Even the skin can be slightly sweet-good to know for customers who use zest in their cooking.


  • 一首当地人民成功故事成功企业必须人民开展家里做饭然后销售

    There are a number of success stories about people who have launched successful businesses by cooking at home and then marketing to local people first.


  • 等等做饭什么关系?

    Wait, what does this have to do with cooking?


  • 追问话想表达什么意思的时候,他对班里他希望一位做饭打扫妻子

    When pressed on what he meant by this phrase, he told the class that he desired a wife who would do his cooking and cleaning.


  • 由于数百同时做饭大量烟雾,”迪亚曼蒂

    "There is plenty of smoke with hundreds of people cooking at the same time," Diamanti says.


  • 一次拒绝逛街天内都拒绝说话,也给我做饭,我只好外面餐馆买饭菜回来她和我吃。

    Once I refused her to go shopping and she refused to talk with me for two days and did not cook for me, I had to buy the food from restaurant for her and me.


  • 自从了赫尔曼之后,真是一点隐私了——不管睡觉做饭还是厕所,干什么它都跟着。

    There is literally no privacy left since I got Herman - whether I am sleeping, cooking dinner or even going to the bathroom, Herman is always around.


  • 做饭吃饭我们能够更多的选取同时能够节约我们因为这种食物通常其他人更便宜和更容易种植

    We can have more options to cook and eatand it also can save our money because this kind of food is usually cheaper and easier to plant than others.


  • 但是我来说花时间费劲在家做饭值得因为这样便宜、健康乐趣

    But for me cooking at home is worth the time and trouble because it is cheaper, healthier, and more enjoyable.


  • 未来的等离子做饭设备不会和微波炉区别

    The plasma cooking facilities of the future are not very far from the microwaves we have.


  • 这对愿具名夫妇已经聘请了名律师起诉他们已经不错收入工作儿子做饭洗衣熨衣“实在太累了”。

    The elderly parents, who have not been named, have hired a lawyer after claiming that they are 'too tired' to carry on cooking, cleaning and ironing for their son - who has a well paid job of his own.


  • 家里做饭的,外面的,个好看的,远方思念的!

    In the family has to prepare food, outside raises a heart to be friendly, sits attractively to the table, the distant place has a missing!


  • 家里做饭的,外面的,个好看的,远方思念的!

    In the family has to prepare food, outside raises a heart to be friendly, sits attractively to the table, the distant place has a missing!


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