• 洛克希德·马丁演示车队自动化系统意味着驾驶一辆卡车

    Lockheed Martin demonstrates its convoy automation system, which means there's no human driving that second truck.


  • 无人驾驶飞行器究竟能够应该多大的程度上取代有人驾驶的飞行器,争论会持续几十年

    The extent to which unmanned aircraft could or should supplant piloted ones will be debated for decades.


  • 设计高度复杂性尤其是有人驾驶数百万组件构成航天器要求高度小型化可靠性

    The enormous complexity of design, particularly of manned spacecraft with their millions of components, requires a high degree of miniaturization and reliability.


  • 1969年,阿波罗计划:阿波罗12号太空飞船太平洋安全落水,完成了第二有人驾驶登月任务

    1969 - Apollo program: the Apollo 12 spacecraft splashes down safely in the Pacific Ocean, ending the second manned mission to the Moon.


  • 大多数情况下,无人驾驶汽车的确有人驾驶的汽车安全,我们担心的正是那些异常情况。

    It's true enough that in most cases driverless cars are likely to be safer than humans, but it's the outliers that we're concerned with.


  • 维珍银河公司的太空旅游船本周完成了初度有人驾驶的滑翔翱翔,进入一个朝向最终商业启用的主要测试里程碑

    Virgin Galactic's space tourism vessel made its first manned glide flight this weekend, in a major testing milestone towards the business' eventual opening.


  • Skylifter工程师正在研究个直径23的代号为Nikki无人驾驶版本,他们计划未来建造一个全尺寸的150米直径的有人驾驶原型--- Lucy。

    Skylifter’s engineers are now working on a 23-metre unmanned version dubbed Nikki. They plan to construct a full-sized 150-metre piloted prototype, Lucy, over the next three years.


  • 来自西雅图激光动机公司LaserMotive)最终夺得900000美元的奖金,激光动机公司制造公斤重机器人悬挂有人驾驶直升机上的绳子上面爬行了公里;需要特别指出的是Pelican的激光能量传输系统也是激光动机公司设计的。

    LaserMotive, the Seattle company that designed the Pelican’s laser system, won $900, 000 by powering a 5kg robot up almost a kilometre of cable dangling from a manned helicopter.


  • 因此有人货币政策实施比作驾驶辆挡风玻璃变黑、后视镜破裂、方向盘失灵的汽车

    Hence the analogy that likens the conduct of monetary policy to driving a car with a blackened windscreen, a cracked rear-view mirror and a faulty steering wheel.


  • 因此有人货币政策实施比作驾驶辆挡风玻璃变黑、后视镜破裂、方向盘失灵的汽车

    Hence the analogy that likens the conduct of monetary policy to driving a car with a blackened windscreen, a cracked rear-view mirror and a faulty steering wheel.


  • 即使是F - 35支持者承认可能会是西方国家生产最后有人驾驶战斗机

    Even the F-35's champions concede that it will probably be the last manned strike fighter aircraft the West will build.


  • 现如今美国“无人航空系统”的时间有人战斗机飞航时间长,更多飞行员接受如何操纵无人机的训练而不是驾驶有人战斗机的训练。

    There are now more hours flown by America's UAS than by its manned strike aircraft and more pilots are being trained to fly them than their manned equivalents.


  • 人工侧线系统许多应用前景,显而易见可能就是应用有人驾驶无人驾驶潜艇上。

    Artificial lateral lines would have many applications. The most obvious would be in submarines, both manned and unmanned.


  • 做出有罪判决之后有人驾驶辆客货两用车高速冲入地方检察官办公室玻璃门然后倒退轰鸣着离开

    Nine days after the guilty verdict, someone drove a pick-up truck through the glass doors of the da's office at high speed, then backed up and roared off.


  • 考古学小型潜艇(有人或无人驾驶)的人们合作勘探深海

    Archaeologists do sometimes team up with people who have access to miniature submarines (some manned, some unmanned) to explore deeper waters.


  • 此外无人机发动机驱动沉重有人驾驶飞机的发动机体积小,因而发热更低。

    Moreover, drone engines are smaller-and therefore cooler-than those powering heavier, manned aircraft.


  • 例如3月9日,在卡纳塔克邦贝尔高姆市有人承认行贿200卢比4美元)通过驾驶考试而感到羞耻

    On March 9th, for example, someone in Belgaum, Karnataka, admitted shame after giving 200 rupees ($4) to pass a driving test.


  • 如果你看见有人没有方向盘驾车经过,无需惊慌——只要他们驾驶脑科学家最新开发的完全凭“想”驾驶汽车。

    If someone goes past with no hands on the wheel then don't be alarmed - so long as they're driving one of these.


  • 周四下午,据说有人驾驶小型飞机撞美国国税局位于德州奥斯汀座大楼好象该人此前留下网上消息部分自杀遗言,也有部分为声明

    By Thursday afternoon, it seemed likely that the man who flew a small plane into a building housing the IRS in Austin, Texas, had left behind an online message, part suicide note and part manifesto.


  • 这样大众这项科技看成是研发全自动汽车的奠基石,到那时,有人自己亲自驾驶汽车

    In this way, Volkswagen only sees it as a stepping stone towards what seems like an eventual future where nobody will be doing any driving.


  • 到了第三黎明得出了结论面包机能成功驾驶的身体,不会有人我了。

    On the dawn of the third day, I concluded that the toaster had failed in its piloting of my body, and that help was not on its way.


  • 这些遥控飞行器一般是步兵弹射器弹弓或者用手投掷发射数量要比大型无人机多得多。大型无人机数量又与有人驾驶飞机的数量相当。

    These robots, typically launched by foot soldiers with a catapult, slingshot or hand toss, far outnumber their larger kin, which are the size of piloted aeroplanes.


  • 公司来说,让具智能的机器人驾驶汽车意味着某一天上下班通勤时间也可以变成工作时间了。

    For the small business, using AI for robotic driving means commute time can someday be turned into work time.


  • 暴风雨中航行的时候飞机颠簸不已,你会担心驾驶是否有人

    When you have flown through a heavy storm, the plane tossing one way and another, have you ever wondered whether there was really anyone in the cockpit?


  • 试想一下引擎过热汽车(我们驾驶)、的太久的饭菜(我们所吃的)有人发烧呕吐(我们怎样反应),再想像一下整个地球规模过热的情况。

    Think of an overheated car (and what we drive), an overcooked dinner (and what we eat), and someone sick with a fever (and how we act). Now imagine that on a planetary scale.


  • 公司正在研发一种载重上限达150航速45(83公里/小时)、最大飞行距离2000公里(1240英里有人驾驶飞行器。

    The company is developing a piloted dirigible capable of carrying loads of up to 150 tonnes over distances as great as 2, 000km (1, 240 miles) at a speed of 45 knots (83kph).


  • 就是为什么现在酷爱驾驶粉红色凯迪拉克轿车的原因—我非常享受一路上有人注视的感觉。

    This is way I love my driving my Pink Cadillac now - I love the way people stare at me all day long.


  • 就是为什么现在酷爱驾驶粉红色凯迪拉克轿车的原因—我非常享受一路上有人注视的感觉。

    This is way I love my driving my Pink Cadillac now - I love the way people stare at me all day long.


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