• 华将举行党团初选,之前,埃姆斯民意调查竞选活动中重要事件

    The straw poll is the most prominent event in the campaign before the Iowa caucuses in February;


  • 华将举行党团初选,之前,埃姆斯民意调查竞选活动中重要事件现在起,巴赫还有整整时间募集足够的资金,保住自己胜利果实

    The straw poll is the most prominent event in the campaign before the Iowa caucuses in February; Mrs Bachmann now has five full months to raise money off the back of her success.


  • 发对补贴但是赞成补贴酒精(很受农民喜欢,荷华将举行很关键第一次初选)。

    He opposes subsidies, but not for ethanol (beloved by farmers in Iowa, the site of the crucial first caucus next January).


  • 一个下雪夜晚房子以前餐厅里,四周是她,她的事物

    On a snowy February night, she died in her former dining room, surrounded by the people and things she loved.


  • 天堂学校度过启发。那是一个小孩子们慈善学校,在印度南部在那里第一体会到什么是无条件的

    I was also inspired by spending a month at Nirvana school, a children's charity school in South India where I experienced unconditional love for the first time.


  • 需要2就会一个特定地方熟悉起来从来没有变过——就是男朋友(因为)家人(因为血缘)一起。

    It only takes me about 2 months at a certain location, to have it feel "familiar", but my home never changes - it's with BF (my heart) or with my family (my blood).


  • 已经从他们的身边过去了,随后便是①的气候似乎自然一方面也作出努力,以便能够适合泰波塞斯奶牛场谈情说心境

    July passed over their beads, and the Thermidorean weather which came in its wake seemed an effort on the part of Nature to match the state of hearts at Talbothays Dairy.


  • 1995年121日,车臣首府格罗兹尼撤离俄罗斯男子伸出手,最后一次轻拍

    A Russian man, an evacuee from the Chechen Capital Grozny, reaches out for a final pat of his dog, Jan. 21, 1995.


  • 非常、非常、非常艾玛身毕业生打扮,2007年7纽约,艾玛穿着经典细条纹衬衫黑色短裤,搭配银色凉鞋,展示其休闲从容的一面。

    We love, love, love the preppy chic look that Emma wore in NYC, July 2007. Mixing a classic pin-striped top with black shorts and silver sandals, she was the epitome of laidback chic.


  • 斯蒂米洛娃女士的同事们上周来到公寓见到了张照片个孩子的小小的尸体排成排,最小的九,最大的也不过五

    When Ms Estemirova's colleagues walked into her flat last week they saw this photograph: five small bodies lying in a row, from five years down to nine months.


  • 上周2004年因拍摄追击十五》擦出火花的小夫妻不同场合正式宣布分手

    Last week, the couple - who started dating in 2004 after starring as lovers in the film Hidden Heroes -? Had officially announced their separation at different events.


  • 经过编辑修正潦草字错误之后,这些法国出版商贝尔纳格哈赛集合出版名为忧郁》。

    The letters, with the scribbles and errors cleaned up, were published by the French publishing house Bernard Grasset under the title My Blue Love and released in late March.


  • 制药板块跌幅有限诺华制药公司表示完成对集团收购,终结少数股东长达11的纷争。

    Drugmakers limited declines after Novartis AG said it will take full control of Alcon Inc., ending an 11-month dispute with minority shareholders.


  • 妮内特·瓦卢瓦艺名,她的真名是莉·斯坦奴,1898年66日出生于尔兰维克罗郡的户英裔尔兰军人家庭

    Ninette DE Valois was the stage name of Edris Stannus, born into an Anglo-Irish military family in County Wicklow, Ireland, June 6, 1898.


  • 2009年11日,成为杜邦一任女性首席执行官

    In January 1, 2009, Kullman became DuPont's first female CEO.


  • 15-16号,太阳天王星间有电弧, 金星和火星处于白羊座,无论单身有伴侣,使5变得充满乐趣

    Whether attached or single, all month Venus and Mars in Aries will be working hard to make this month a standout for love and fun.


  • 去年,唱片公司向之前销量不佳的洛佩兹发出邀请。沉寂年之后洛佩兹将于今年发行最新专辑?》。

    Lopez, who was dropped by her record label in 2010 after disappointing sales, releases her first new studio album in four years in May, called "Love?"。


  • 经过这样场磨难,一直陈勇军求婚心存犹豫王莉终于意识到这个男人对自己,2007年3,两结婚了。

    Having undergone such a tough event, Wang li, who once hesitated about Chen's request of marriage, finally realized Chen's love. They got married in March, 2007.


  • 10版《PLoS One》刊载了一些新的研究关于深入大脑内部更多了解如何是如何减少疼痛。

    A more recent study in the October issue of PLoS One peered insidethe brain to better understand how love soothes pain.


  • 1816年瑞士访问的时候,年轻的、竞争的、多情的并且总是充满文学气的小组同意来一个写故事的比赛

    Visiting Switzerland in June 1816, a small group-young and rivalrous, amorous and ever so literary-agreed to a ghost-story-writing contest.


  • 2007年910日,佛罗里达州博伟迪斯尼卡特中心举行的受奖仪式上,烟雾包围中的NASA宇航员BarbaraMorgan笑得很灿烂。

    NASA space shuttle astronaut Barbara Morgan laughs while being enveloped with smoke during a plaque ceremony at Walt Disney World's Epcot Center in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, September 10, 2007.


  • 幅图2001年8飞机位于美国夏威夷岛的西南方的3000高空时拍摄的,由遥控操作的太阳神好以40公里时速飞行。

    Pictured here at 3, 000 meters in in skies northwest of Kauai, Hawaii, USA in August 2001, the remotely piloted Helios is traveling at about 40 kilometers per hour.


  • 出售股权雀巢还有机会于2010年1至2011年7之间出售52%的股份。

    Nestle, which is selling the stake, also has an option to sell its remaining 52% of Alcon between January 2010 and July 2011.


  • 世界眼日一年一度宣传性日子,目的是唤起全球重视盲症视力损害以及视力受到损害者的康复问题眼日10第二星期四

    World Sight Day is an annual day of awareness to focus global attention on blindness, visual impairment and rehabilitation of the visually impaired held on the second Thursday in October.


  • 一些之士便7走上雅加达街头,他们自己成为“Cicak ”,印尼语壁虎 ”(注1)之义,也是印尼KPK”的首字母缩略。

    Some such spirited forces took to the streets of Jakarta in July, calling themselvesCicak”, the Indonesian for gecko, but also an acronym for “Love Indonesia, Love the KPK”.


  • 尔娜·贝克回忆录纽约地区摩门单身者的万圣节舞蹈Dutton出版社出版

    Elna Baker's memoir, The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance, will be published in October by Dutton.


  • 尔娜·贝克回忆录纽约地区摩门单身者的万圣节舞蹈Dutton出版社出版

    Elna Baker's memoir, The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance, will be published in October by Dutton.


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