• 更重要的是中国正在研制最高时速400公里新型高速列车

    What's more, China is working on the new high speed trains with the highest speed of 400km/h.


  • 计的最高时速是250公里。这些列车已被广泛应用于大城市,如北京、上海、苏州、深圳和广州。

    The designed top speed is 250km/h. These trains have been widely used for main city, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou and Shenzhen, Guangzhou.


  • 款两座雪佛兰官方最高时速为205

    In the case of this snarling Chevy coupe, that would be an official top speed of 205 MPH.


  • 26日,铁正式运营最高时速250公里

    A high-speed rail line linking Fuzhou and Xiamen in Fujian went into operation Monday, with a maximum speed of 250 km per hour.


  • 装备0.8发动机江南中音最高时速120公里

    Equipped with a 0.8-liter engine, the Jiangnan Alto's basic model has a top speed of 120 kilometers per hour.


  • 高速公路限速标志标明最高时速不得超过一百二十公里

    The maximum speed per hour indicated on the speed limitation mark of an expressway shall not exceed 120 kilometers.


  • 最高时速75km充满时行程为100km以下

    It will have a top speed of 75kph and a range, with a full battery, of just under 100km.


  • 他们最高时速能够达到小时110公里

    They also say it will be able to do speeds of up to 110 kilometers per hour.


  • 该车最高时速每小时80英里提供增强移动保护能力

    With a top speed of 80 MPH, they will offer increased mobility and protection.


  • 最高时速可以达到十五千米每小时并且产生污染

    Top speed is fifteen kilometers an hour, and the Soleckshaw does not pollute.


  • 这种全地形工作原理气垫相似最高时速可达每小时62英里

    The all-terrain vehicle which works like a hovercraft has a top speed of 62mph.


  • 首先畅通无阻,交通密度足够使得车辆最高时速行驶

    First is free flow in which the density of traffic is low enough to allow vehicles to travel at the maximum speed allowed.


  • 盘踞墨西哥大城市周边的环城公路已经最高时速限制提高至80公里/时。

    The ring roads that roar around Mexico’s big cities have speed limits of up to 80kph.


  • 个月,出于降低成本安全预防措施的考虑,铁道部降低了高铁最高时速

    Two months later, the ministry reduced maximum speeds along the network to reduce costs and as a safety precaution.


  • 这辆最高时速达到140英里围绕37.7英里跑道平均时速达94.66英里。

    The bike hit a top speed of 140 mph and lapped the 37.7-mile course at an average speed of 94.66 mph.


  • 除了行驶速度最高时速200米)陷入中的危险勇气机遇号有其他缺陷

    Besides being slow (top speed 0.2kph) and at risk of sand traps, wheeled rovers like Spirit and Opportunity have other limitations.


  • 9月惠廷汉姆打破了自己纪录,着这辆瓦尔风暴最高时速达到了82.819

    In September, Whittingham broke his own mark, pedaling the Varna Tempest to a top speed of 82.819 mph.


  • 汽车的最高时速可达每小时95公里并且355电池组需要花费25个小时来充电

    Its top speed is 95 MPH, and charging the 355 volt pack takes between 2 and 5 hours.


  • 第五十八残疾人机动轮椅车、电动自行车非机动车道行驶时,最高时速不得超过十五公里

    Article 58 When a motor wheel chair vehicle of a disabled person or an electric bicycle is running within the non-motor vehicle lane, the maximum speed per hour shall not exceed 15 kilometers.


  • 捷豹表示,C - X75可以3.4秒内0加速62最高时速可达205迈。

    Jaguar claims the C-X75 can accelerate from zero to 62 MPH in 3.4 seconds, while top speed is reportedly 205 MPH.


  • 包括佛罗里达德克萨斯在内的其他提议做起修建最高时速240km/h的专用高铁线路。

    Other states, including Florida and Texas, are proposing to build dedicated high-speed rails from scratch that would allow trains to reach top speeds of about 240 kilometers per hour.


  • 这种迷你侦察机最高时速可达每小时11英里研发耗时5,前后投入更是达到了400万美元。

    The mini spy plane can fly up to 11 miles an hour and took five years to develop at a cost of $4million.


  • 最高时速430公里(267英里上海磁悬浮不仅条展示线,也是该市交通系统重要的组成部分。

    WITH A MAXIMUM speed of 430kph (267mph), the Shanghai magnetic-levitation (or maglev) train is as much fairground rideas vital cog in the city’s transport system.


  • 可以3.2秒内加速100kph(仅次于装备然动引擎保时捷G3),最高时速320kph。

    Yet it will be able to accelerate to 100kph in under 3.2 seconds (a second faster than a Porsche GT3 with a combustion engine) and will have a top speed of more than 320kph.


  • 保尔斯先生想出租不是售卖汽车,他已经能够行驶240英里距离能够迅速加速最高时速50英里

    Mr Spowers intends to lease rather than sell the car, which has a range of 240 miles and will accelerate briskly to its top speed of 50mph.


  • 燃料电池计程车最高时速达81英里14完成0 – 60迈提速过程,氢燃料足250英里

    The fuel cell taxi can hit a top speed of 81mph, go from 0-60mph in 14 seconds and has a range of more than 250 miles on a full tank of hydrogen.


  • 根据保时捷保守统计GT2RS060德加速时间仅为3.4最高时速能达到205迈。

    According to Porsche's statistics, which are routinely on the conservative side, the GT2 rs can sprint from zero to 60 MPH in 3.4 seconds and reach a top speed of 205 MPH.


  • 最高时速达到0.8马赫——即音速0.8约合小时600英里比起下一代民用客机的速度稍逊一筹。

    Its top speed would be 0.8 mach-that is, 0.8 times the speed of sound or around 600 miles per hour, slightly slower than the coming generation of airliners.


  • 最高时速达到0.8马赫——即音速0.8约合小时600英里比起下一代民用客机的速度稍逊一筹。

    Its top speed would be 0.8 mach-that is, 0.8 times the speed of sound or around 600 miles per hour, slightly slower than the coming generation of airliners.


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