• 子公司B下游企业中间商品资本作为输入生产最终商品

    Subsidiary corporation B is a downstream firm that produces final goods using intermediate goods and capital as input.


  • 对于支出来说,最终商品平均征税要多次征收消费税更好,这是因为对于消费决定影响更小

    Among expenditure taxes, a flat tax-rate on final goods is less distortive than a panoply of excise taxes since it affects spending decisions less.


  • 原本艺术创作上的尝试最终变成可以出售商品

    What began as an attempt at artistic creation has turned into a marketable commodity.


  • 指出迪奥威顿富有的客户生产特约订购商品越来越多表明这些客户希望能参与决定最终产品样式

    He points out that Dior and Vuitton are making more bespoke goods for their wealthiest clients, who want a say in what the final product looks like.


  • 索引之后可以从此数组提取商品金额、税额以及最终合计金额。

    Now that you know the indexes, you can extract the values for the merchandise subtotal, taxes, and final total from the array.


  • 妇女们对价格越来越敏感而且对于自己最终购置商品品牌更加老练

    Women are becoming less price sensitive and more sophisticated about the brands and products that they finally buy.


  • 诸多的商品是套期保值中的货币精灵已无从逃脱供求规律最终战胜一切的不二法则。

    As much as commodities have become a hedge against monetary genies escaping from the bottle, the law of supply and demand eventually trumps all.


  • 然而高利率最终导致全球经济增长缓慢影响其他商品需求

    Higher interest rates, however, should eventually slow global growth, and so crimp demand for other commodities.


  • 因此商品资产价格快速增长的时刻,正是由于缺乏足够的做投机客才使得价格持续上升使得这些价格最终崩溃

    Therefore, it was the absence of sufficient short speculators when commodity and asset prices were rising sharply that helped widen the run up and eventual collapse in these prices.


  • 企业税负重导致法国商品十分昂贵最终国际市场失去了竞争力

    Those taxes are passed through businesses, making French goods very expensive and ultimately uncompetitive on the world market.


  • 最终每个都会通过天桥附近其它连接起来支持公共交通网络允许人和商品流通

    Eventually each tower will connect to other nearby towers via sky Bridges, supporting public transit networks and allowing the flow of people of goods.


  • 限定了我们顾客价值视角去理解如何探究,如何生产、如何发货还有如何最终提高以及评估商品

    This entails understanding what we mean by value from the customer’s viewpoint: how we explore it, create it, deliver it and finally enhance and evaluate it.


  • 限定了我们顾客价值视角去理解如何探究,如何生产、如何发货还有如何最终提高以及评估商品

    This entails understanding what we mean by value from the customer's viewpoint: how we explore it, create it, deliver it and finally enhance and evaluate it.


  • 最终后果相对于所有商品服务货币变得越来越便宜--意味着更高价格

    The lasting result is simply weaker and weaker currencies against all goods and servicesmeaning higher and higher prices.


  • 网站介绍这种商品1993年日本发明的,后来在泰国流行,在风靡东南亚其他国家后,最终中东

    The website says the goods were first invented in Japan in 1993 and then became popular in Thailand, followed by the rest of Southeast Asia before eventually making their way to the Middle East.


  • 正如金曼指出免费体验自己的开始。“我们最终选择支持本地商品因为大型超市购物中心更难获得通过。”

    As Kingman points out from her own car-free experience, "we ended up supporting a lot of local businesses, because big box stores and malls were much harder to get to."


  • 遭受了经济衰退打击的美国消费者来说这些大宗商品价格出现上扬最终可能食品价格。

    Higher prices for these commodities could end up driving up food prices for recession-weary consumers.


  • 灯泡发明早一点,灯泡的逐渐使用始于19世纪早期最终19世纪最后二十成为了商品

    That only just predated the invention of the light bulb whose first stirrings began in the early 1800s and finally became a commercial product in the last 20 years of that century.


  • 美国最终或许只能这些商品支付更高价格导致其通胀加剧,甚至造成贸易逆差不降反升

    The us might then end up simply paying higher prices for those items, pushing up inflation and even the trade deficit.


  • 邓肯由于流动性收紧资产价格进一步承压股票大宗商品的价格会进一步下跌最终低债券价格。

    Asset prices will come under further pressure, with equity and commodities poised for more declines, eventually taking bond prices down too, as liquidity conditions tighten, he said.


  • 尽管人力成本对于很多商品最终价格来讲只是很小的一部分,薪资上升会大大影响供应链迫使公司商品提价。

    Even though labor accounts for a small percentage of the final cost of many products, salary increases are expected to affect much of the supply chain and force companies to raise prices.


  • 上月中国表示希望最终看到美元主要全球储备货币地位,篮子重要货币大宗商品取代

    Last month, China said it hoped eventually to see the US dollar replaced as the main global reserve currency by a basket of significant currencies and commodities.


  • 亚洲发展银行表示60%亚洲出口商品实际上最终被运到发达国家

    The Asian Development Bank calculates that 60% of the region’s exports eventually end up in the rich world.


  • 滨海大道最终比现在加长一,大道边建成现代购物中心电影院商品

    Eventually the seaside promenade will grow to twice its length and will host futuristic malls, cinemas and arcades.


  • 这群年轻人秉持个信念:角色导向型企业才是最终能在市场上大获全胜的企业。他们的贡献不光是为消费者提供商品重要的是为商业运作方式改变献出了一份力。

    He and his crew believe that character-driven enterprises are the ones that truly succeed: they do more than offer a product, they help transform the way business itself works.


  • 这群年轻人秉持个信念:角色导向型企业才是最终能在市场上大获全胜的企业。他们的贡献不光是为消费者提供商品重要的是为商业运作方式改变献出了一份力。

    He and his crew believe that character-driven enterprises are the ones that truly succeed: they do more than offer a product, they help transform the way business itself works.


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