• 酒店需要建立一个追踪最新评论流程

    Hotels need to establish a process for tracking new reviews.


  • 评论追踪为您自动检测文章最新评论

    Track comment function automatically updates articles with latest comments.


  • 只需最新评论浏览器那里,你可以答复

    You just click on the latest comment it will take you to your browser where you can reply.


  • 提交了自己最新小说评论

    He submitted his latest novel for review.


  • 这场激烈辩论最新贡献本周发布份报告名为知识产权高豪评论》。

    The latest contribution to this feverish debate is a report released this week, called the "Gowers Review of Intellectual Property".


  • 而言之,根据巴贝同事地球物理学评论快报最新解释卫星照片分析结果错误的。

    In short, as Barber and his colleagues explain in a recent paper in Geophysical Review Letters, the analysis of what the satellites were seeing was wrong.


  • 利用邮箱RSS邮件提醒,以便清楚何时最新评论评分变化

    Sign up for emails, alerts and RSS feeds to know when new reviews and scores have changed.


  • 人们每天网上搜寻最新游戏发布信息评论

    Everyday people are searching online for information and reviews about the latest game releases.


  • 哈佛商业评论最新一份文章提出这样做法严重小视了那些合群佬员工的价值

    An article in the latest issue of the Harvard Business Review suggests that such an approach seriously underestimates the value of being liked.


  • 最新统计环球网上对于凯悦酒店这个行动评论已经超过584个。

    At last count, more than 584 comments had been posted on the Globe's website about Hyatt's actions.


  • 尽管BlogSphere已经有一时间没有更新了,并且缺少诸如评论广告阻塞之类最新特性但是它的确可以实现推荐资料的阻塞。

    While BlogSphere hasn't been updated in a while and lacks some of the latest features like comment spam blocking, it does do referral blocking.


  • 新闻栏目中可以阅读我们最新消息有关Android文章并且可在此提出评论

    In News section you can read our latest News and articles about Android and make comments on them.


  • 比如说主页的“最新消息”(What' sNew)显示用户尚未看见网站更新内容但是上传视频文件在这里就没有显示出来加的照片评论也是一样。

    For example, a 'What's new' list on the home page should display recent site changes yet unseen by the user, but a video that I posted didn't show up here, nor did new comments about photos.


  • ,我看到现在网上到处都是学者们对苹果最新iPad平板电脑负面评论

    Wow, I’m seeing a lot of negative commentary on the new Apple iPad tablet from pundits all around the Web.


  • 最新IEEE工程管理评论》上刊登了《指挥缺席的乐队》,文章曾经发表LeaderTo Leader》杂志上。

    The most recent edition of the IEEE Engineering Management Review included an article titled "the Conductor-less Orchestra", which was previously published here in the Leader to Leader Journal.


  • 周二,她的发言人最新指控发表评论

    A spokeswoman for the 87-year-old said Tuesday that Ms. Bettencourt didn't wish to comment on the latest allegations.


  • 根据最新研究显示,超过四分之一商务旅行者通过旅游评论网站比如Tripadvisor,来选择酒店

    More than a quarter of all business travellers use sites such as Tripadvisor when making their choice of hotel, according to new research.


  • 研究发表最新的《物理评论快报》上,它支持John Abrahamson多年提出的一个理论。 John Abrahamson是新西兰坎特伯大学的一位化学工程师。

    This research, published recentlyin Physical Review Letters,supports a theory put forward several years ago by John Abrahamson, a chemicalengineer from the University of Canterbury, in New Zealand.


  • FacebookLive全球用户来说一个进行互动发表即时评论观看最新收看播报和提问好机会

    With Facebook Live is the opportunity for users around the world to react and post comments instantaneously, see an up-to-date viewer ticker, and the ability to ask questions.


  • RT(Rotten Tomatoes 直译为烂番茄,是一个网站,以提供电影电子游戏相关评论、资讯和新闻为主-译者注)电影《新月》狂热的巡回记者会期间,在洛杉矶四季酒店采访到了这些演员,并获得了影迷热切期待的续集的最新消息。

    RT caught up with the cast in LA's Four Seasons hotel during their manic New Moon press tour to get the latest on the eagerly anticipated film.


  • 一个进行中的课题我们将会发布我们最新发现评论这个博客上

    The project will be a ongoing thing and we will post our findings and comments here on this blog.


  • 最新消息感谢评论加入英语翻译的朋友

    Update: Thanks to everyone who has added their own translations in the comments.


  • 西蒙.舒斯特女发言人特雷西没有最新细节透露不管是乔布斯还是埃塞克森没有对此发表评论

    Spokeswoman Tracey Guest of Simon &Schuster said no further details were available and that neither Jobs nor Isaacson would be commenting.


  • 据报道艾玛·汤普森正因最新影片陷于纽约版权纠纷案中,该影片讲述了19世纪诗人评论约翰·罗斯金为原型的三角恋故事。

    Emma Thompson's latest film project - a love triangle featuring the 19th century poet and critic John Ruskin - is reported to have been placed in jeopardy by a New York copyright case.


  • 标志跨越百年的最新中,《美国经济评论邀请了六著名经济学家数千文章中遴选最好20篇。

    To mark its centenary issue, the journal asked six eminent economists to trawl through the thousands of papers that followed and pick the top 20.


  • 典型古代河流只是宽阔的、像平板一样的水流。 《地质学》《地球科学评论》上的一项最新研究我们应该感谢最初的那些陆生植物,它们使河流变得弯曲了

    They say that well before dinosaurs or, really, much of anything roamed the Earth, rivers were just vast expanses of water heeding only gravity and heading straight to sea.


  • thestage (thestage . co . uk)拥有全部最新戏剧新闻评论以及全面报道评论之间的争论。

    The stage (thestage.co.uk) has all the latest theatre news and reviews - and the most comprehensive coverage of bickering among critics.


  • 虽然经过几十年研究医师们找不到对付痴呆的好办法。专家评论这个最新研究可能找到重要的方法。

    Despite decades of research, doctors still have few effective weapons against dementia and experts commenting on the latest study said it could have major implications.


  • 虽然经过几十年研究医师们找不到对付痴呆的好办法。专家评论这个最新研究可能找到重要的方法。

    Despite decades of research, doctors still have few effective weapons against dementia and experts commenting on the latest study said it could have major implications.


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