• 如果选择第二个,那么你参与西方最新流行一项运动:跑步垃圾。

    If you choose the second, you're part of the latest popular sport in the West: plogging.


  • 这个店在最新流行衬衫短裤

    This shop sells the latest fashion of shirts and shorts.


  • 碳水化合物最新流行菜单中游轮

    Carbohydrate Counter Menus are the latest rage among the Cruise Lines.


  • 只要不是最新流行歌曲差不多都会唱。但是国外流行歌曲,很多曲子哼哼

    I'm not too good at singing the newest stuff, and when it comes to foreign songs I can only hum.


  • 除了最新流行填充玩具传统护身符再次露面马蹄铁红色小旗大蒜出现在了各家各户,甚至豪华公寓也有它们的身影。

    Besides new fads such as the stuffed toys, traditional amulets have also reappeared: horseshoes, red flags, garlic are often seen on homes and even luxury apartments.


  • 如果他们能看透广告如何狡猾地诱使他们买东西的话,他们也许就不要求你买(好吧,应该是苦苦央求你买)最新流行玩具

    If they know about how advertising influences them in tricky ways, they'll be less likely to demand (OK, beg and plead for) the latest fad toys.


  • 我们当然买得起最新流行纯平液晶或者等离子、LED液晶)之类的电视机事实上我们抽屉就放着史上最好购物礼品卡等着用(应该了)。

    We can afford a new flat screen LCD (or Plasma, or LED-LCD…) TV and in fact have the best buy giftcards in a drawer waiting for our current model to break (it's close to doing so).


  • 网站主页用户内容构成:包括最近流行博客文章论坛最新发布内容用户评价

    The site's homepage is populated with content from users: the most popular recent blog post, forum post and user profile.


  • 例如可以使用We b主页显示流行最新文章链接下载照片

    For example, you could use a Web box to display the most popular or newest articles, links, downloads, or photos on the home page.


  • 其中流行最新异步web框架Tornado,它使用Python语言编写Facebook内部使用。

    One of the more popular and recent asynchronous web frameworks is Tornado which is written in the Python language and is used internally at Facebook.


  • 撰写本文最新Android设备(包括非常流行Motoroladroid)已配置了Android 2.1。

    At the time of writing this article, most new Android devices, including the very popular Motorola droid, are shipping with Android 2.1.


  • 这些东西看起来非常有希望企业来说当前存在的问题找到解决方案要比追随最新流行更为重要

    These things seem very promising, but it is usually more important to enterprises to see solutions for their current problems than to follow the latest buzz.


  • 这本书反映颇具争议流行科学最新关于宇宙起源问题思考

    This book is provocative pop science, an exploration of the latest thinking about the origins of our universe.


  • 根据2009年《艾滋病流行最新情况》中的数据艾滋病毒发感染人数过去年中减少17%。

    According to new data in the 2009 AIDS epidemic update, new HIV infections have been reduced by 17% over the past eight years.


  • 网站内容应该不断变化最新的、流行的、最具价值的形式不断地推介用户

    Content should change constantly, with the newest, most popular, and most valuable information continually pushed to the forefront for users.


  • 一家名为赛门铁克英特网安全公司最新报告指出网络骗子所售卖流行银行资料

    BANK details are the most popular single item for sale by online fraudsters, according to a new report by Symantec, an internet-security firm.


  • 通过贵国卫生部可靠信息来源了解可以采取哪些防护措施并且随着流行的演变,应及时了解最新信息。

    Go to reliable sources of information, including your Ministry of Health, to learn what you can do to protect yourself and stay updated as the pandemic evolves.


  • 我们积极行动,探测标记提供恶意软件网站时刻保持最新趋势的关注并留意流行搜索词条

    We actively work to detect and flag sites that serve malware, keeping on top of the latest trends and watching for popular search terms.


  • 周六,最新研究发表在德州达拉斯举行一次卫生保健流行学会会议上。

    The latest study was presented Saturday at a meeting of the Society for Health Care Epidemiology in Dallas, Texas.


  • 最新流行趋势是:着重腹部以下,腰部宽带合身的高腰的衬衫确定会用过第一次怀孕时流行的可伸缩的平板帐篷衬衣

    The latest trends featuring under-belly wideband waists and fitted empire-waist shirts sure beat the stretch-panel pants and tent shirts I found during my first pregnancy.


  • 向突发事件委员会通报了全球流行最新情况其中重点通报非洲南半球的情况。

    A global update was provided to the Committee on the pandemic situation, including a particular focus on developments in Africa and the Southern Hemisphere.


  • 然而作为继续记载H1N 1流感大流行全球蔓延工作内容定期提供最新情况说明新出现疫情国家的状况。

    However, as part of continued efforts to document the global spread of the H1N1 pandemic, regular updates will be provided describing the situation in the newly affected countries.


  • 项发布流行病学公共卫生杂志最新研究表明平日多逛街可以让你更长寿

    A new study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health says that daily shopping trips were associated with increased survival for the elderly.


  • rss提要生成器希望浏览新闻站点(例如CNN)标题或者了解体育世界最新更新人们中间流行

    RSS feed generators are popular among people who wish to glance at the headlines of news sites (for example, CNN) or to know about the latest updates in the sports world.


  • 咖啡可以减少最新流行疾病发病率,甚至有可能比我们所认识的更为重要可能健康食品,尤其是老年人来说。

    And perhaps more importantly, it \ 's the latest of hundreds of studies suggesting that coffee may be something of a health food — especially in higher amounts.


  • 日益更新的衣柜最新发型或者是当前流行文化可以你跨越年龄歧视的障碍,但是也可能会让看起来很傻

    An updated wardrobe, newer hairstyle, or current cultural references could hedge against ageism, or they could make you look silly.


  • 日益更新的衣柜最新发型或者是当前流行文化可以你跨越年龄歧视的障碍,但是也可能会让看起来很傻

    An updated wardrobe, newer hairstyle, or current cultural references could hedge against ageism, or they could make you look silly.


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